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2010-01-08 0001470683 AEHL:JiangxiHengdaliCeramicMaterialsCoLtdMember 2010-01-08 2010-01-08 0001470683 AEHL:VastEliteLimitedMember 2017-09-22 0001470683 AEHL:ChengduFutureTalentedManagementAndConsultingCoLtdMember 2019-11-20 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeEnterpriseHKHoldingsLimitedMember 2019-12-03 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeHoldingsChengduCo.LtdMember 2020-05-05 0001470683 AEHL:HainanAntelopeHoldingsCo.LtdMember 2021-08-10 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeFutureYangpuInvestmentCo.LtdMember 2021-08-11 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeInvestmentHainanCo.LtdMember 2021-08-23 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeRuichengInvestmentHainanCo.LtdMember 2021-09-09 0001470683 AEHL:HainanKylinCloudServicesTechnologyCo.LtdMember 2021-09-18 0001470683 AEHL:HangzhouKylinCloudServicesTechnologyCo.LtdMember 2022-10-28 0001470683 AEHL:AnhuiKylinCloudServicesTechnologyCo.LtdMember 2022-11-02 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeEnterpriseHoldingUSAIncMember 2023-01-04 0001470683 AEHL:WenzhouKylinCloudServicesTechnologyCoLtdMember 2023-02-15 0001470683 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2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:CostOfRevenuesMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SaleOfTileProductsMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OperatingCostsAndExpensesMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SaleOfTileProductsMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OperatingCostsAndExpensesMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SaleOfTileProductsMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OperatingCostsAndExpensesMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ConsultingIncomeAndSoftwareMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OperatingCostsAndExpensesMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ConsultingIncomeAndSoftwareMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OperatingCostsAndExpensesMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ConsultingIncomeAndSoftwareMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OperatingCostsAndExpensesMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:LiveStreamingecommerceMember 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2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:OtherSegmentMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherExpensesMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherExpensesMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherExpensesMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherExpensesMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SaleOfTileProductsMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherIncomesMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SaleOfTileProductsMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherIncomesMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SaleOfTileProductsMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherIncomesMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ConsultingIncomeAndSoftwareMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherIncomesMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ConsultingIncomeAndSoftwareMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherIncomesMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ConsultingIncomeAndSoftwareMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherIncomesMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:LiveStreamingecommerceMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherIncomesMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:LiveStreamingecommerceMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherIncomesMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:LiveStreamingecommerceMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherIncomesMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:OtherSegmentMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherIncomesMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:OtherSegmentMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherIncomesMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:OtherSegmentMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherIncomesMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherIncomesMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherIncomesMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:OtherIncomesMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SaleOfTileProductsMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:IncomeLossFromOperationsMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SaleOfTileProductsMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:IncomeLossFromOperationsMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SaleOfTileProductsMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:IncomeLossFromOperationsMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ConsultingIncomeAndSoftwareMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:IncomeLossFromOperationsMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ConsultingIncomeAndSoftwareMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:IncomeLossFromOperationsMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ConsultingIncomeAndSoftwareMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:IncomeLossFromOperationsMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:LiveStreamingecommerceMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:IncomeLossFromOperationsMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:LiveStreamingecommerceMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:IncomeLossFromOperationsMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:LiveStreamingecommerceMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:IncomeLossFromOperationsMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:OtherSegmentMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:IncomeLossFromOperationsMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:OtherSegmentMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:IncomeLossFromOperationsMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:OtherSegmentMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:IncomeLossFromOperationsMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:IncomeLossFromOperationsMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:IncomeLossFromOperationsMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:IncomeLossFromOperationsMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SaleOfTileProductsMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:SegmentAssetsMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SaleOfTileProductsMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:SegmentAssetsMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:BusinessManagementAndConsultingServicesSegmentMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:SegmentAssetsMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:BusinessManagementAndConsultingServicesSegmentMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:SegmentAssetsMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:LiveStreamingecommerceMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:SegmentAssetsMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:LiveStreamingecommerceMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:SegmentAssetsMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:OtherSegmentMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:SegmentAssetsMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:OtherSegmentMember ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:SegmentAssetsMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:SegmentAssetsMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:OperatingSegmentsMember AEHL:SegmentAssetsMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:DirectorsMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:DirectorsMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:DirectorsMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:KeyManagementPersonnelMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:KeyManagementPersonnelMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:KeyManagementPersonnelMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ResearchAndDevelopmentPersonnelMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ResearchAndDevelopmentPersonnelMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ResearchAndDevelopmentPersonnelMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:OtherPersonnelMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:OtherPersonnelMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:OtherPersonnelMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:CostOfInventoriesMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:CostOfInventoriesMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:CostOfInventoriesMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:HKMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:HKMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:CNMember 2008-01-01 0001470683 AEHL:HKMember 2008-01-01 0001470683 AEHL:CNMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:CNMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:CNMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:PurchaseOfOrdinarySharesMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:PurchaseOfOrdinarySharesMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:PurchaseOfOrdinarySharesMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AnhuiZhongjunEnterpriseManagementMember 2023-03-31 2023-06-27 0001470683 AEHL:AnhuiZhongjunEnterpriseManagementMember 2023-02-27 0001470683 AEHL:NewStonehengeLimitedMember 2023-04-28 0001470683 AEHL:NewStonehengeLimitedMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:GrossCarryingAmountMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedDepreciationMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AccumulatedImpairmentsMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:PlantAndMachineryMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:MotorVehiclesMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:OfficeEquipmentMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:BuildingsMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:AccumulatedDepreciationAndAmortisationMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:AccumulatedDepreciationAndAmortisationMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:AccumulatedDepreciationAndAmortisationMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:AccumulatedDepreciationAndAmortisationMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:AccumulatedDepreciationAndAmortisationMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:AccumulatedImpairmentMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:AccumulatedImpairmentMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:AccumulatedImpairmentMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:AccumulatedImpairmentMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:AccumulatedImpairmentMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SoftwareLicenseMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SoftwareLicenseMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:DiscontinuedOperationsMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 currency:CNY 2023-12-31 0001470683 currency:CNY 2022-12-31 0001470683 currency:HKD 2023-12-31 0001470683 currency:HKD 2022-12-31 0001470683 currency:USD 2023-12-31 0001470683 currency:USD 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:RenminbiMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:RenminbiMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:UsDollarsMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:UsDollarsMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:BottomOfRangeMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:TopOfRangeMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:RightofuseAssetsMember 2022-01-01 0001470683 ifrs-full:RightofuseAssetsMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:RightofuseAssetsMember 2023-01-01 0001470683 ifrs-full:RightofuseAssetsMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:DiscontinuedOperationsMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:DiscontinuedOperationsMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:DiscontinuedOperationsMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:LaterThanOneYearMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:LaterThanOneYearsAndNotLaterThanFiveYearsMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:RightofuseAssetsMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:RightofuseAssetsMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:RightofuseAssetsMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:RightofuseAssetsMember ifrs-full:DiscontinuedOperationsMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:RightofuseAssetsMember ifrs-full:DiscontinuedOperationsMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:RightofuseAssetsMember ifrs-full:DiscontinuedOperationsMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:NotePurchaseAgreementMember 2022-12-12 0001470683 AEHL:NotePurchaseAgreementMember 2022-12-11 2022-12-12 0001470683 AEHL:NotePurchaseAgreementMember 2022-12-12 2022-12-12 0001470683 AEHL:NotePurchaseAgreementOneMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:NotePurchaseAgreementOneMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:NotePurchaseAgreementOneMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:NotePurchaseAgreementMember 2023-07-26 0001470683 AEHL:NotePurchaseAgreementMember 2023-07-26 2023-07-26 0001470683 AEHL:NotePurchaseAgreementTwoMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:NotePurchaseAgreementTwoMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:MemorandumAndArticlesOfAssociationMember 2023-02-20 2023-02-21 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:MemorandumAndArticlesOfAssociationMember 2023-02-21 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:ClassAOrdinarySharesMember 2023-02-21 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:ClassBOrdinarySharesMember 2023-02-21 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2023-02-21 0001470683 AEHL:MrWeilaiZhangMember AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2023-02-21 0001470683 2021-02-12 2021-02-12 0001470683 2021-02-12 0001470683 2021-06-10 2021-06-10 0001470683 AEHL:SecuritiesPurchaseAgreementMember 2021-06-10 0001470683 AEHL:SecuritiesPurchaseAgreementMember 2021-06-10 2021-06-10 0001470683 AEHL:SecuritiesPurchaseAgreementMember AEHL:InvestorWarrantsMember 2021-06-10 2021-06-10 0001470683 AEHL:InvestorWarrantsMember 2021-06-10 2021-06-10 0001470683 AEHL:InvestorWarrantsMember 2021-06-10 0001470683 AEHL:PlacementAgentWarrantsMember 2021-06-10 2021-06-10 0001470683 AEHL:PlacementAgentWarrantsMember 2021-06-10 0001470683 2021-06-14 2021-06-14 0001470683 ifrs-full:BottomOfRangeMember 2021-06-14 2021-06-14 0001470683 ifrs-full:TopOfRangeMember 2021-06-14 2021-06-14 0001470683 2021-06-14 0001470683 2022-09-30 2022-09-30 0001470683 AEHL:SecuritiesPurchaseAgreementMember 2022-09-30 0001470683 AEHL:SecuritiesPurchaseAgreementMember 2022-09-30 2022-09-30 0001470683 AEHL:InvestorWarrantsMember 2022-09-30 2022-09-30 0001470683 AEHL:InvestorWarrantsMember 2022-09-30 0001470683 AEHL:PlacementAgentWarrantsMember 2022-09-30 2022-09-30 0001470683 AEHL:PlacementAgentWarrantsMember 2022-09-30 0001470683 2022-10-04 2022-10-04 0001470683 ifrs-full:BottomOfRangeMember 2022-10-04 2022-10-04 0001470683 ifrs-full:TopOfRangeMember 2022-10-04 2022-10-04 0001470683 2022-10-04 0001470683 2023-01-10 0001470683 2023-01-10 2023-01-10 0001470683 2023-01-13 0001470683 2023-01-13 2023-01-13 0001470683 2023-03-30 0001470683 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 0001470683 AEHL:WeilaiWillZhangMember 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 0001470683 2023-08-02 0001470683 2023-08-02 2023-08-02 0001470683 srt:ChiefFinancialOfficerMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 srt:ChiefFinancialOfficerMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 srt:ChiefExecutiveOfficerMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 srt:ChiefExecutiveOfficerMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 srt:ChiefFinancialOfficerMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 srt:ChiefFinancialOfficerMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 srt:ChiefExecutiveOfficerMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 srt:ChiefExecutiveOfficerMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:EmployeeMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:EmployeeMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 srt:ChiefFinancialOfficerMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 srt:ChiefFinancialOfficerMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 srt:ChiefExecutiveOfficerMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 srt:ChiefExecutiveOfficerMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 srt:DirectorMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 srt:DirectorMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:EmployeesMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:EmployeesMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:EmployeeMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:EmployeeMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ClassAOrdinarySharesMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ClassAOrdinarySharesMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ClassBOrdinarySharesMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ClassBOrdinarySharesMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 0001470683 ifrs-full:BottomOfRangeMember 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 0001470683 ifrs-full:TopOfRangeMember 2021-02-17 2021-02-17 0001470683 2021-02-17 0001470683 AEHL:PostReverseStockSplitMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:PostReverseStockSplitMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:PostReverseStockSplitMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:PostReverseStockSplitMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:PostReverseStockSplitMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:PostReverseStockSplitMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:TopOfRangeMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:TwoFinancialAdvisorsMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:MrWongKungTokMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:MrWongKungTokMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SoundTreasureLimitedMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SoundTreasureLimitedMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SoundTreasureLimitedMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:EquityCompensationPlan2017Member 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ConsultantsMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ConsultingExpenseMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ConsultingExpenseMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ConsultingExpenseMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:LipingHuangMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:LipingHuangMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:LeiDengMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:LeiDengMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:XiaorongYangMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:XiaorongYangMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:WongKungTokMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:WongKungTokMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SoundTreasureLimitedMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:SoundTreasureLimitedMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AlexNgManShekMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AlexNgManShekMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:MrWeilaiZhangMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AnhuiZhongiunMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AnhuiZhongiunEnterpriseManagementMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AnhuiZhongiunEnterpriseManagementMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AnhuiZhongiunMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AnhuiZhongiunMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AnhuiZhongiunMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:LianjieHainanTechnologyCo.Ltd.LianjieMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:NotLaterThanOneYearMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:NotLaterThanOneYearMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:NotLaterThanOneYearMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:LaterThanOneYearAndNotLaterThanFiveYearsMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:LaterThanOneYearAndNotLaterThanFiveYearsMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:LaterThanOneYearAndNotLaterThanFiveYearsMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ChengduFutureTalentedManagementAndConsultingCoLtdMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:ChengduFutureTalentedManagementAndConsultingCoLtdMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeHoldingsChengduCo.LtdMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeHoldingsChengduCo.LtdMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:HainanAntelopeHoldingMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:HainanAntelopeHoldingMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:HainanAntelopeHoldingMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeFutureYangpuMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeFutureYangpuMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeFutureYangpuMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeInvestmentHainanMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeInvestmentHainanMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeInvestmentHainanMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeRuichengInvestmentMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeRuichengInvestmentMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AntelopeRuichengInvestmentMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:HainanKylinCloudServiceTechnologyMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:HainanKylinCloudServiceTechnologyMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:HainanKylinCloudServiceTechnologyMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AnhuiKylinCloudServiceTechnologyMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AnhuiKylinCloudServiceTechnologyMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:AnhuiKylinCloudServiceTechnologyMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:WenzhouKylinCloudServiceTechnologyMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:WenzhouKylinCloudServiceTechnologyMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:WenzhouKylinCloudServiceTechnologyMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:HubeiKylinCloudServiceTechnologyMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:HubeiKylinCloudServiceTechnologyMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:HubeiKylinCloudServiceTechnologyMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:JiangxiKylinCloudServiceTechnologyMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:JiangxiKylinCloudServiceTechnologyMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:JiangxiKylinCloudServiceTechnologyMember 2021-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:DebtSecuritiesMember 2022-12-30 0001470683 2023-02-21 2023-02-21 0001470683 ifrs-full:DebtSecuritiesMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:NetAssetValueMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:DisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSaleMember 2023-04-28 0001470683 ifrs-full:AssetsAndLiabilitiesClassifiedAsHeldForSaleMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:FinancialPerformanceMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:FinancialPerformanceMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:FinancialPerformanceMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:UndiscountedCashFlowMember 2023-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:LaterThanOneYearsAndNotLaterThanFiveYearsMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:UndiscountedCashFlowMember 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:CurrencyRiskMember 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:CurrencyRiskMember 2022-01-01 2022-12-31 0001470683 ifrs-full:CurrencyRiskMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:RestrictedClassAOrdinarySharesMember 2024-01-09 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2024-01-09 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2024-01-09 2024-01-09 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2024-01-25 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:RestrictedClassAOrdinarySharesMember 2024-02-02 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:ClassBOrdinarySharesMember 2024-01-29 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:ExchangeAgreementMember 2024-02-12 2024-02-12 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:ExchangeAgreementMember 2024-02-15 2024-02-15 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:StockTransferAgreementMember 2024-02-27 2024-02-27 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:SecuritiesPurchaseAgreementMember 2024-02-23 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:SecuritiesPurchaseAgreementMember 2024-02-23 2024-02-23 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:ConsultingServiceAgreementMember 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:SecuritiesPurchaseAgreementMember 2024-03-15 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:SecuritiesPurchaseAgreementMember 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:ConsultingServiceAgreementMember 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 0001470683 AEHL:AmendmentEmploymentAgreementMember AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2024-04-01 0001470683 AEHL:AmendmentEmploymentAgreementMember AEHL:ClassBOrdinarySharesMember AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2024-04-01 0001470683 AEHL:AmendmentEmploymentAgreementMember AEHL:ClassAOrdinarySharesMember AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2024-04-01 0001470683 AEHL:AmendmentEmploymentAgreementMember AEHL:ClassBOrdinarySharesMember AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2024-01-01 0001470683 AEHL:AmendmentEmploymentAgreementMember AEHL:ClassBOrdinarySharesMember AEHL:MrZhangMember AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2024-01-01 0001470683 AEHL:WarrantExchangeAgreementMember AEHL:ClassAOrdinarySharesMember AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2024-04-02 0001470683 AEHL:WarrantExchangeAgreementMember ifrs-full:WarrantsMember AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2024-04-02 0001470683 AEHL:WarrantExchangeAgreementMember AEHL:RestrictedClassAOrdinarySharesMember AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2024-04-02 0001470683 AEHL:WarrantExchangeAgreementMember AEHL:ClassAOrdinarySharesMember AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2024-04-15 0001470683 AEHL:WarrantExchangeAgreementMember ifrs-full:WarrantsMember AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2024-04-15 0001470683 AEHL:WarrantExchangeAgreementMember AEHL:RestrictedClassAOrdinarySharesMember AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember 2024-04-15 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:SubscriptionAgreementsMember AEHL:ClassAOrdinarySharesMember 2024-02-23 2024-02-23 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:SubscriptionAgreementsMember AEHL:ClassAOrdinarySharesMember ifrs-full:WarrantsMember 2024-02-23 2024-02-23 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:SubscriptionAgreementsMember AEHL:ClassAOrdinarySharesMember 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:SubscriptionAgreementsMember AEHL:ClassAOrdinarySharesMember 2024-03-25 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:SecuritiesPurchaseAgreementMember AEHL:ClassAOrdinarySharesMember 2024-02-23 2024-02-23 0001470683 AEHL:NonadjustingEventMember AEHL:SecuritiesPurchaseAgreementMember AEHL:ClassAOrdinarySharesMember 2024-02-23 iso4217:USD xbrli:shares iso4217:USD xbrli:shares xbrli:pure iso4217:CNY iso4217:HKD iso4217:HKD xbrli:shares AEHL:Integer iso4217:CNY xbrli:shares AEHL:Investors


As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 24, 2024


Registration No. 333-






Washington, DC 20549


Form F-1





(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


British Virgin Islands   4899   Not Applicable

(State or other jurisdiction of

incorporation or organization)


(Primary Standard Industrial

Classification Code Number)


(I.R.S. Employer

Identification Number)


Room 1802, Block D, Zhonghai International Center,

Hi-Tech Zone, Chengdu,

Sichuan Province, PRC

Telephone: +86 (28) 8532 4355

(Address, including zip code, and telephone number, including area code, of Registrant’s principal executive offices)


Weilai Zhang

Suite 7540, The Empire State Building,

350 Fifth Avenue

New York, New York 10118

Telephone: +1 (838) 500 8888

(Name, Address and Telephone Number, Including Area Code, of Agent for Service)


Copies to:


Joan Wu, Esq.

Hunter Taubman Fisher & Li LLC

950 Third Avenue, 19th Floor

New York, NY 10022

Tel: (212) 530-2208


Approximate date of commencement of proposed sale to the public: As soon as practicable after the effective date hereof.


If any of the securities being registered on this form are to be offered on a delayed or continuous basis pursuant to Rule 415 under the Securities Act, check the following box. ☒


If this form is filed to register additional securities for an offering pursuant to Rule 462(b) under the Securities Act, check the following box and list the Securities Act registration statement number of the earlier effective registration statement for the same offering. ☐


If this form is a post-effective amendment filed pursuant to Rule 462(c) under the Securities Act, check the following box and list the Securities Act registration statement number of the earlier effective registration statement for the same offering. ☐


If this form is a post-effective amendment filed pursuant to Rule 462(d) under the Securities Act, check the following box and list the Securities Act registration statement number of the earlier effective registration statement for the same offering. ☐


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is an emerging growth company as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act of 1933.


Emerging growth company


If an emerging growth company that prepares its financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards † provided pursuant to Section 7(a)(2)(B) of the Securities Act. ☐


† The term “new or revised financial accounting standard” refers to any update issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board to its Accounting Standards Codification after April 5, 2012.


The registrant hereby amends this registration statement on such date or dates as may be necessary to delay its effective date until the registrant shall file a further amendment which specifically states that this registration statement shall thereafter become effective in accordance with Section 8(a) of the Securities Act or until the registration statement shall become effective on such date as the Commission, acting pursuant to said Section 8(a), may determine.






The information in this prospectus is not complete and may be changed. The Selling Shareholder may not sell these securities until the registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission is effective. This prospectus is not an offer to sell these securities and is not soliciting an offer to buy these securities in any state where the offer or sale is not permitted.




Up to 30,000,000 Class A Ordinary Shares and

Up to 1,300,000 Class A Ordinary Shares underlying the Warrants

Offered by the Selling Shareholders


Antelope Enterprise Holdings Limited


This prospectus relates to the offer and resale, from time to time, by the five selling shareholders identified in this prospectus (the “Selling Shareholders”, each individually, the “Selling Shareholder”), of up to 31,300,000 Class A ordinary shares, no par value each (the “Class A Ordinary Shares”), of Antelope Enterprise Holdings Limited (the “Company”), consisting of (i) up to 30,000,000 Class A Ordinary Shares issuable pursuant to the Subscription Agreements (as defined below) from time to time after the date of this prospectus and; (ii) 1,300,000 Class A Ordinary Shares issuable upon exercise of certain outstanding warrants issued on February 23, 2024 (the “Warrants”, the holders of such Warrants, the “Warrant Holders”). The Selling Shareholders are identified in the table commencing on page 108 of this prospectus.


On March 25, 2024, the Company entered into three standby equity subscription agreements (the “Subscription Agreements”) with Dafu International Group Ltd., Baisheng International Group Ltd. and Dongsheng International Group Ltd. (each, an “Investor”, collectively, the “Investors”), respectively. Each Subscription Agreements provided for the sale of up to 10,000,000 of the Class A Ordinary Shares. Under the Subscription Agreements, the Company has the right, but not the obligation, to issue to the Investors, and each Investor has the obligation to subscribe for, up to 10,000,000 Class A Ordinary Shares. Each Class A Ordinary Share issuable from time to time under the Subscription Agreements will be issued at a per share purchase price equal to the lesser of (i) the average closing price of the Class A Ordinary Shares during the three consecutive trading days commencing on the applicable advance notice date, as set forth in the Subscription Agreements, or (ii) $1.12.


On February 23, 2024, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with the Warrant Holders (the “Securities Purchase Agreement”), pursuant to which, the Company issued to the Warrant Holders the Warrants to purchase up to an aggregate of 1,300,000 Class A Ordinary Shares, at an initial exercise price equal to $1.10 per share. The Warrants were issued on February 23, 2024. They are exercisable at any time on or after the date of issuance and will expire on the fifth anniversary of the issuance date.


We are not selling any Class A Ordinary Shares under this prospectus and will not receive any proceeds from the sale of Class A Ordinary Shares by the Selling Shareholders. However, we will receive proceeds from cash exercise of the Warrants by the Warrant Holders, which, if exercised for cash with respect to all of the 1,300,000 Class A Ordinary Shares, would result in gross proceeds of $1.43 million to us, assuming exercise price is $1.10 per share. We will also receive gross proceeds of approximately $33.6 million from sales of our Class A Ordinary Shares to the Investors under the Subscription Agreements, assuming the per share price is $1.12, from time to time after the date of this prospectus. We plan to use the proceeds for the repayment of three promissory notes of the Company with an aggregate outstanding balance of approximately $6.75 million, recruitment of personnel in the U.S., the expansion of our business into the U.S., and working capital and general corporate purposes. See “Use of Proceeds”.


Information regarding the Selling Shareholders, the number of Class A Ordinary Shares that may be sold by them, and the times and manner in which they may offer and sell the Class A Ordinary Shares under this prospectus is provided under the sections titled “Selling Shareholders” and “Plan of Distribution,” respectively, in this prospectus. We do not know when or in what amount the Selling Shareholders may offer the Class A Ordinary Shares for sale. The Selling Shareholders may sell any, all, or none of the Class A Ordinary Shares offered by this prospectus.




No Class A Ordinary Shares are being registered hereunder for sale by us. The Selling Shareholder may sell the Class A Ordinary Shares included in this prospectus in a number of different ways and at varying prices. We provide more information about how the Selling Shareholders may sell the shares in the section entitled “Plan of Distribution.” Each Selling Shareholder is an “underwriter” within the meaning of Section 2(a)(11) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Act.


Our Class A Ordinary Shares are listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market, or Nasdaq, under the symbol “AEHL”. On May 23, 2024, the last reported sale price of our Class A Ordinary Shares on Nasdaq was $1.4001 per share.


We are subject to certain legal and operational risks associated with being based in China. PRC laws and regulations governing our current business operations are sometimes vague and uncertain, and as a result these risks may result in material changes in the operations of the subsidiaries, significant depreciation of the value of our Class A Ordinary Shares, or a complete hindrance of our ability to offer or continue to offer our securities to investors. Recently, the PRC government adopted a series of regulatory actions and issued statements to regulate business operations in China, including cracking down on illegal activities in the securities market, enhancing supervision over China-based companies listed overseas using variable interest entity structure, adopting new measures to extend the scope of cybersecurity reviews, and expanding the efforts in anti-monopoly enforcement. As of the date of this prospectus, our Company, the subsidiaries have not been involved in any investigations on cybersecurity review initiated by any PRC regulatory authority, nor has any of them received any inquiry, notice or sanction. As of the date of this prospectus, there are currently no relevant laws or regulations in the PRC that prohibit companies whose entity interests are within the PRC from listing on overseas stock exchanges. However, since these statements and regulatory actions are newly published, official guidance and related implementation rules have not been issued. It is highly uncertain what the potential impact such modified or new laws and regulations will have on our daily business operation, the ability to accept foreign investments and our ability to continue our listing on an U.S. exchange. See “Risk Factors — Risk Factors Relating to Our Operations in China — Introduction of new laws or changes to existing laws by the PRC government may adversely affect our business.” and other risk factors disclosed in “Risk Factors — Risk Factors Relating to Our Operations in China” in this prospectus.


Our Class A Ordinary Shares may be delisted and prohibited from being traded under the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act if the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (the “PCAOB”) is unable to inspect our auditor. On May 20, 2020, the Senate passed the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act prohibiting an issuer’s securities from being traded on a national exchange if the PCAOB is unable to inspect the issuer’s auditors for three consecutive years. Pursuant to the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act, (the “HFCAA”), if the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, or the PCAOB, is unable to inspect an issuer’s auditors for three consecutive years, the issuer’s securities are prohibited to trade on a U.S. stock exchange. The PCAOB issued a Determination Report on December 16, 2021 which found that the PCAOB is unable to inspect or investigate completely registered public accounting firms headquartered in: (1) mainland China of the People’s Republic of China because of a position taken by one or more authorities in mainland China; and (2) Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region and dependency of the PRC, because of a position taken by one or more authorities in Hong Kong. Furthermore, the PCAOB’s report identified the specific registered public accounting firms which are subject to these determinations. On June 22, 2021, United States Senate has passed the Accelerating Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act (the “Accelerating HFCAA”), which, if enacted, would decrease the number of “non-inspection years” from three years to two years, and thus, would reduce the time before our securities may be prohibited from trading or delisted if the PCAOB determines that it cannot inspect or investigate completely our auditor. Our former auditor, Centurion ZD CPA & Co (the “CZD CPA”), the independent registered public accounting firm of the Company, is headquartered in Hong Kong. CZD CPA is currently subject to Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”) inspections under a regular basis. Our current auditor, ARK PRO CPA & CO (the “ARK PRO”), is headquartered in Hong Kong, and is currently subject to the PCAOB inspections under a regular basis. As of the date of the prospectus, ARK PRO, our current auditor, and CZD CPA, our former auditor, are not subject to the determinations as to inability to inspect or investigate completely as announced by the PCAOB on December 16, 2021.   On August 26, 2022, the PCAOB announced that it had signed a Statement of Protocol (the “Statement of Protocol”) with the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Ministry of Finance of China. The terms of the Statement of Protocol would grant the PCAOB complete access to audit work papers and other information so that it may inspect and investigate PCAOB-registered accounting firms headquartered in China and Hong Kong. According to the PCAOB, its December 2021 determinations under the HFCAA remain in effect. The PCAOB is required to reassess these determinations by the end of 2022. Under the PCAOB’s rules, a reassessment of a determination under the HFCA Act may result in the PCAOB reaffirming, modifying or vacating the determination. However, recent developments with respect to audits of China-based companies create uncertainty about the ability of ARK PRO or CZD CPA to fully cooperate with the PCAOB’s request for audit work papers without the approval of the Chinese authorities. In the event it is later determined that the PCAOB is unable to inspect or investigate completely the Company’s auditor because of a position taken by an authority in a foreign jurisdiction, then such lack of inspection could cause trading in the Company’s securities to be prohibited under the HFCAA ultimately result in a determination by a securities exchange to delist the Company’s securities. See “Risk Factors — Relating to Our Operations in China — Our shares may be delisted under the HFCA Act as the PCAOB is unable to inspect our auditor with presence in Hong Kong, and the delisting of our shares, or the threat of their being delisted, may materially and adversely affect the value of your investment.” in this prospectus.




During our fiscal year 2022, we were conclusively listed by the SEC as a Commission-Identified Issuer under the HFCA Act following the filing of our annual report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. Our auditor for the years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, a registered public accounting firm that the PCAOB was not able to inspect or investigate completely in 2021 according to the PCAOB’s December 16, 2021 determinations, issued the audit report for us for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. On December 15, 2022, the PCAOB issued a HFCA Act determination report that vacated its December 16, 2021 determinations and removed mainland China and Hong Kong from the list of jurisdictions where it had been unable to completely inspect or investigate the registered public accounting firms. For this reason, we do not expect to be identified as a Commission-Identified Issuer under the HFCA Act as of the date of this prospectus.


The jurisdictions in which our consolidated foreign operating entities are incorporated include mainland China, Hong Kong, and British Virgin Islands. We hold 100% equity interests in its consolidated operating entities, except for Hainan Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd., in which the Company indirectly holds 51% equity interest. We reviewed (i) the shareholder register provided by Transhare Corporation, our transfer agent, and (ii) Schedules 13D and 13G filed by the shareholders, the absence of any Schedule 13D or 13G filing made by any foreign governmental entity with respect to the Company’s securities, and the absence of foreign government representation on its board of directors, we have no awareness or belief that we are owned or controlled by a government entity in mainland China.


We received written confirmations from the directors of the Company and its consolidated foreign operating entities and each of them represented that he/she is not an official of the Chinese Communist Party. The currently effective memorandum and articles of association of our Company and equivalent organizing documents of our consolidated foreign operating entities do not contain any charter of the Chinese Communist Party.


Therefore, to the best of our knowledge, no governmental entity in mainland China, Hong Kong, or the British Virgin Islands owns shares of our significant consolidated foreign operating entities.


We are a “foreign private issuer”, as defined under federal securities laws, as amended, and, as such, are subject to reduced public company reporting requirements.


We are a “controlled company” as defined under the Nasdaq Listing Rules, because our chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Weilai Zhang, beneficially owns an aggregate of 0.729% of our issued and outstanding Class A Ordinary Shares, and an aggregate of 100% of our issued and outstanding Class B Ordinary. Mr. Zhang has 85.77% of total outstanding voting power of the Company, based on 6,865,124 outstanding Class A Ordinary Shares and 2,005,497 Class B Ordinary Shares of the Company outstanding as of May 10, 2024.


For more information, including a more detailed description of risks related to being a “controlled company,” see “Prospectus Summary — Implications of Being a Controlled Company” and “Risk Factors—Risks Related to Our Business and Industry — “We are a “controlled company” within the meaning of the Nasdaq Listing Rules and, as a result, may rely on exemptions from certain corporate governance requirements that provide protection to shareholders of other companies.”


Investing in our Class A Ordinary Shares involves a high degree of risk, including the risk of losing your entire investment. See “Risk Factors” beginning on page 12 of this prospectus to read about factors you should consider before buying our Class A Ordinary Shares.


Neither the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission nor any state securities commission nor any other regulatory body has approved or disapproved of these securities or determined if this prospectus is truthful or complete. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.


The date of this prospectus is May 24, 2024






About this prospectus i
Prospectus Summary 1
Risk Factors 12
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements 31
Use of Proceeds 31
Dividend Policy 32
Capitalization 33
Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations 34
Business 58
Management 72
Beneficial Ownership of Principal Shareholders and Management 80
Related Party Transactions 81
Description of Share Capital 83
Selling Shareholder 108
Plan of Distribution 109
Expenses 110
Legal Matters 110
Experts 110
Enforceability of Civil Liabilities 111
Where You Can Find Additional Information 112
Index of Financial Statements F-1






This prospectus is part of a registration statement on Form F-1 that we filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). As permitted by the rules and regulations of the SEC, the registration statement filed by us includes additional information not contained in this prospectus. You may read the registration statement and the other reports we file with the SEC at the SEC’s website described below under the heading “Where You Can Find More Information.”


In this prospectus, , “we,” “us,” “our,” “the Company,” and “Antelope Enterprises” refers to Antelope Enterprise Holdings Limited (formerly China Ceramics Co., Ltd.), a British Virgin Islands company, and its subsidiaries, including Success Winner Limited (“Success Winner”), a British Virgin Islands company and wholly owned subsidiary of Antelope Enterprises, Antelope Enterprise Holdings USA Inc. (“Antelope USA”), a Delaware corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of Antelope Enterprises, Million Stars US Inc. (“Million Stars”), a California corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of Antelope USA, Vast Elite Limited (“Vast Elite”), a Hong Kong company and wholly owned subsidiary of Success Winner and the entity that wholly owns Chengdu Future Talented Management and Consulting Co., Ltd, (“Chengdu Future”) a PRC operating company, Antelope Enterprise (HK) Holdings Limited (“Antelope HK”), a Hong Kong company and wholly owned subsidiary of Success Winner and the entity that wholly owns Antelope Holdings (Chengdu) Co., Ltd (“Antelope Chengdu”), a PRC operating company, and the entity that wholly owns Antelope Future (Yangpu) Investment Co., Ltd (“Antelope Yangpu”), a PRC operating company that in turn wholly owns Antelope Ruicheng Investment (Hainan) Co., Ltd (“Antelope Ruicheng”) that in turn owns 51% of Hainan Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd (“Hainan Kylin”), and the entity that wholly owns Hainan Antelope Holdings Co., Ltd (“Hainan Antelope”), a PRC operating company that in turn wholly owns Antelope Investment (Hainan) Co., Ltd (“Antelope Investment”), Hainan Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd (“Hainan Kylin”) that in turrn owns 100% of Hangzhou Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd (“Hangzhou Kylin”), Anhui Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd (“Anhui Kylin”), WenzhouKylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd. (“Wenzhou Kylin”), Hubei Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd. (“Hubei Kylin”), and Jiangxi Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd. (“Jiangxi Kylin”).


You should rely only on the information that is contained in this prospectus or that is incorporated by reference into this prospectus. We have not authorized anyone to provide you with information that is in addition to or different from what is contained in, or incorporated by reference into, this prospectus. If anyone provides you with different or inconsistent information, you should not rely on it.


We are not offering to sell or solicit any securities other than the Class A Ordinary Shares offered by this prospectus. In addition, we are not offering to sell or solicit any securities to or from any person in any jurisdiction where it is unlawful to make this offer to or solicit an offer from a person in that jurisdiction. The information contained in this prospectus is accurate as of the date on the front of this prospectus only, regardless of the time of delivery of this prospectus or of any sale of our Class A Ordinary Shares. Our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects may have changed since that date.


This prospectus contains summaries of certain provisions contained in some of the documents described herein, but reference is made to the actual documents for complete information. All of the summaries are qualified in their entirety by the actual documents. Copies of some of the documents referred to herein have been filed, will be filed or will be incorporated herein by reference as exhibits to the registration statement, and you may obtain copies of those documents as described below under the section entitled “Where You Can Find More Information.”


Our financial statements are prepared and presented in accordance with IFRS. Our historical results do not necessarily indicate our expected results for any future periods.


We or the Selling Shareholders have not taken any action to permit a public offering of the securities outside the United States or to permit the possession or distribution of this prospectus outside the United States. Persons outside the United States who come into possession of this prospectus must inform themselves about and observe any restrictions relating to the offering of the securities and the distribution of this prospectus outside of the United States.






This summary highlights information contained elsewhere in this prospectus. This summary does not contain all of the information you should consider before investing in our securities. Before you decide to invest in our securities, you should read the entire prospectus carefully, including the sections titled “Risk Factors.” “Business” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and our financial statements and related notes included elsewhere in this prospectus.


Our Company


We are a British Virgin Islands limited liability company with no material operations. Our operations were conducted in China by our subsidiaries. We provide livestream e-commerce services, business management and information systems consulting services business.


Livestreaming Ecommerce Business


Our livestreaming ecommerce business is operated in China through our 51% subsidiary, Hainan Kylin and its subsidiaries, Hangzhou Kylin, Anhui Kylin, Wenzhou Kylin, Hubei Kylin and Jiangxi Kylin. We aim to provide one-stop solutions for our customers to adopt the emerging sales channel of livestreaming ecommerce. We believe that livestreaming ecommerce is an important growth engine for consumer good brands as it leverages the content of livestreaming to boost customers engagement and sales as it combines instant purchasing of a featured product and audience participation through a chat function or reaction buttons. Our customers usually include consumer goods brands, merchants, and small-scale ecommerce platforms. Our product management office assesses and selects the products from our customers. Then, we connect with different suppliers, usually staffing agencies that have a growing and diverse pool of hosts and influencers. The hosts and influencers register and claim the jobs for livestreaming for our customers’ products via Hainan Kylin’s SaaS platform. We track the sales of products of each host on this SaaS platform and report the sales results to our customers. We charge our commissions based on the final sales results.


In addition, services and promotion fees paid to social media and e-commerce platforms are a material part of the costs of livestreaming ecommerce business in China. By leveraging our network and resources in the e-commerce industry, we provide cost-efficient promotion and placement services to our customers by offering a discounted price of DUO+, which is an advertising option available to users of Douyin, China’s most downloaded video-sharing platform (the mainland Chinese counterpart of TikTok). DOU+ is a content promotion and targeting tool developed by Douyin and available for purchase by users to boost the reach and engagement for any videos or livestreaming on its platform. We also customize the timing and target audience of the promotion placed through DOU+ for our customers to realize the optimal engagement and retention based on our industry experience. We bring even more traffic to customers which purchased DOU+ through us by engaging our own community of viewers to further boost the exposure.


Hainan Kylin’s SaaS platform also includes a job-listing page designed especially for our enterprise customers to retain and engage freelancers and independent contractors in a cost effective manner. We expect to further develop this function of the SaaS platform to provide value-added services to our livestreaming ecommerce customers.


Hainan Kylin has a limited operating history as it started its business in September 2021. For the fiscal year 2023, Hainan Kylin accounted for 98.1% of our total revenue. For the fiscal year 2022, Hainan Kylin comprised virtually all of our ongoing business operations and accounted for 84.5% of our total revenue.




Business Management and Consulting Business


We also provide business management and consulting services which consists of computer consulting services and software development through our subsidiaries in China, including Chengdu Future and Antelope Chengdu. We diagnose difficulties in infrastructure and enterprise systems and addresses business challenges that enterprises confront by developing strategies to surmount such hurdles to ensure the healthy growth and development of our customers. Our consulting teams have advanced technological knowledge and capabilities to implement workflow solutions via proprietary software products and services to help our customers with customized solutions to solve complex problems. For the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021, 1.4%, 3.9% and 6.0% of our total revenue, respectively was generated from our business management and consulting business.


Planned Energy Supply Business


The Company is aiming to launch energy supply business through AEHL US, formerly known as Million Star US Inc. AEHL US has taken preliminary steps in developing this business including engaging a broker to source natural gas from natural gas provider in Texas and the procurement of electricity generators. AEHL US plans to supply power to a data center in Midland, Texas. The Company anticipates that its energy supply business will start operation in the third quarter of 2024.


AEHL US also plans to generate revenue by securing hosting sites for cryptocurrency mining operators as it leverages anticipated cost-effective electricity costs.


Ceramic Tile Business


We have historically operated a ceramic tile business which are used for exterior siding and for interior flooring and design in residential and commercial buildings. We were manufacturer of ceramic tiles used for exterior siding and for interior flooring and design in residential and commercial buildings in China. Since the ceramic tiles manufacturing business has experienced significant hurdles due to the significant slowdown of the real estate sector and the impacts of COVID-19 in China, we decided to divest the ceramic tiles manufacturing business, which had been conducted through our two subsidiaries, Hengda and Hengdali. On December 30, 2022, our operating entities for the ceramic tile business entered into an agreement with an unaffiliated buyer to sell 100% equity interests of our ceramic tile business. On February 21, 2023, our shareholders approved the sale. On April 28, 2023, this transaction was closed.


For the year ended December 31, 2022, we utilized production facilities capable of producing 1.40 million square meters ceramic tiles, as compared with the year ended December 31, 2021, when we utilized production facilities capable of producing 2.38 million square meters. During the year ended December 31, 2022, we had 10 production lines available for production and utilized two production lines during the peak season. As of December 31, 2022, we had seven production lines available for production (all were from Hengda), one of which was in use as of December 31, 2022.


Our Corporate Structure


We are an offshore holding company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands. As a holding company with no material operations, our operations were conducted by our subsidiaries in China.


The following diagram illustrates our corporate structure as of the date of this prospectus:



We are subject to certain legal and operational risks associated with our operation in China. PRC laws and regulations governing our current business operations are sometimes vague and uncertain, and therefore, these risks may result in a material change in our subsidiaries’ operations, significant depreciation of the value of our Class A ordinary shares, or a complete hindrance of our ability to offer our securities to investors in the future. Recently, the PRC government initiated a series of regulatory actions and statements to regulate business operations in China with little advance notice, including cracking down on illegal activities in the securities market, enhancing supervision over China-based companies listed overseas using variable interest entity structure, adopting new measures to extend the scope of cybersecurity reviews, and expanding the efforts in anti-monopoly enforcement.




Pursuant to the PRC Cybersecurity Law, which was promulgated by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on November 7, 2016 and took effect on June 1, 2017, personal information and important data collected and generated by a critical information infrastructure operator in the course of its operations in China must be stored in China, and if a critical information infrastructure operator purchases internet products and services that affects or may affect national security, it should be subject to cybersecurity review by the Cyberspace Administration of China (“CAC”). Due to the lack of further interpretations, the exact scope of “critical information infrastructure operator” remains unclear. On December 28, 2021, the CAC and other relevant PRC governmental authorities jointly promulgated the Cybersecurity Review Measures (the “CAC Revised Measures”) to replace the original Cybersecurity Review Measures. The CAC Revised Measures took effect on February 15, 2022. Pursuant to the CAC Revised Measures, if critical information infrastructure operators purchase network products and services, or network platform operators conduct data processing activities that affect or may affect national security, they will be subject to cybersecurity review. On November 14, 2021, CAC published the Administration Measures for Cyber Data Security (Draft for Public Comments), or the “Cyber Data Security Measure (Draft)”, which requires cyberspace operators with personal information of more than one million users who want to list abroad to file a cybersecurity review with the Office of Cybersecurity Review. The cybersecurity review will evaluate, among others, the risk of critical information infrastructure, core data, important data, or a large amount of personal information being influenced, controlled or maliciously used by foreign governments and risk of network data security after going public overseas. As advised by our PRC counsel, Sichuan Jindouyun Law Firm, we are not subject to cybersecurity review with the CAC in accordance with the CAC Revised Measures, because (i) we are not in possession of or otherwise holding personal information of over one million users and it is also very unlikely that it will reach such threshold in the near future; (ii) as of the date of this prospectus, our data processing activities (including the collection, storage, usage, transmission and publicity of data) do not damage national security; and (iii) as of the date of this prospectus, we have not received any notice or determination from applicable PRC governmental authorities identifying it as a critical information infrastructure operator. However, since these statements and regulatory actions are new, it is highly uncertain how soon legislative or administrative regulation making bodies will respond and what existing or new laws or regulations or detailed implementations and interpretations will be modified or promulgated, if any, and the potential impact such modified or new laws and regulations will have on our daily business operation, the ability to accept foreign investments and list on an U.S. exchange. 


On February 17, 2023, the CSRC published the Interim Administrative Measures on Overseas Securities Offering and Listing by Domestic Enterprises (CSRC Announcement [2023] No. 43) (the “Overseas Listing Measures”), which took effect on March 31, 2023. Under the Overseas Listing Measures, a filing-based regulatory system applies to “indirect overseas offerings and listings” of companies in mainland China, which refers to securities offerings and listings in an overseas market made under the name of an offshore entity but based on the underlying equity, assets, earnings or other similar rights of a company in mainland China that operates its main business in mainland China. The Overseas Listing Measures states that, any post-listing follow-on offering by an issuer in an overseas market, including issuance of shares, convertible notes and other similar securities, shall be subject to filing requirement within three business days after the completion of the offering. In connection with the Overseas Listing Measures, on February 17, 2023 the CSRC also published the Notice on the Administrative Arrangements for the Filing of Overseas Securities Offering and Listing by Domestic Enterprises (the “Notice on Overseas Listing Measures”). According to the Notice on Overseas Listing Measures, issuers that have already been listed in an overseas market by March 31, 2023, the date the Overseas Listing Measures became effective, are not required to make any immediate filing and are only required to comply with the filing requirements under the Overseas Listing Measures when it subsequently seeks to conduct a follow-on offering. Therefore, as advised by our PRC counsel, Sichuan Jindouyun Law Firm, we are required to go through filing procedures with the CSRC after the completion of this offering and for our future offerings and listing of our securities in an overseas market under the Overseas Listing Measures. 




Furthermore, the audit report included in this registration statement for the year ended December 31, 2023, was issued by our auditors, ARK PRO CPA & CO (“ARK”), an audit firm headquartered in Hong Kong. ARK is not among those audit firms listed by the PCAOB Hong Kong Determination, a determination announced by the PCAOB on December 16, 2021, that the it was unable to inspect or investigate completely registered public accounting firms headquartered in Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region and dependency of the PRC, because of a position taken by one or more authorities in Hong Kong. Our former auditor Centurion ZD CPA & Co. for the years ended 2022 and 2021, is a registered public accounting firm that the PCAOB was not able to inspect or investigate completely in 2021 according to the PCAOB’s December 16, 2021 determinations. The PCAOB made this determination pursuant to PCAOB Rule 6100, which provides a framework for how the PCAOB fulfills its responsibilities under the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act (“HFCA Act”). On August 26, 2022, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”), the Ministry of Finance of the PRC (the “MOF”), and the PCAOB signed a Statement of Protocol (the “Protocol”), governing inspections and investigations of audit firms based in mainland China and Hong Kong, taking the first step toward opening access for the PCAOB to inspect and investigate registered public accounting firms headquartered in mainland China and Hong Kong. Pursuant to the fact sheet with respect to the Protocol disclosed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), the PCAOB shall have independent discretion to select any issuer audits for inspection or investigation and has the unfettered ability to transfer information to the SEC. On December 15, 2022, the PCAOB Board determined that the PCAOB was able to secure complete access to inspect and investigate registered public accounting firms headquartered in mainland China and Hong Kong and voted to vacate its previous determinations to the contrary. However, should PRC authorities obstruct or otherwise fail to facilitate the PCAOB’s access in the future, the PCAOB Board will consider the need to issue a new determination. On December 29, 2022, a legislation entitled “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023” (the “Consolidated Appropriations Act”), was signed into law by President Biden, which amended the HFCA Act by reducing the number of consecutive non-inspection years required for triggering the prohibitions under the HFCA Act from three years to two. In the event it is later determined that the PCAOB is unable to inspect or investigate completely our auditor, then such lack of inspection could cause trading in our securities to be prohibited under the HFCA Act, as amended, and ultimately result in a determination by the Nasdaq Capital Market to delist our securities.


Summary of Risk Factors


Investing in our securities involves significant risks. You should carefully consider all of the information in this prospectus before making an investment in our securities. The main risks set forth below and others you should consider are discussed more fully in the section entitled “Risk Factors”, which you should read in its entirety.


Risks Related to the Offering


It is not possible to predict the actual number of shares we will sell under the Subscription Agreements to the Investors, or the actual gross proceeds resulting from those sales.
The sale and issuance of our Class A Ordinary Shares to the Selling Shareholders will cause dilution to our existing shareholders, and the sale of the Class A Ordinary Shares acquired by the Selling Shareholders, or the perception that such sales may occur, could cause the price of our Class A Ordinary Shares to fall.
Investors who buy Class A Ordinary Shares at different times will likely pay different prices.
Our management team will have broad discretion over the use of the net proceeds from our sale of Class A Ordinary Shares to the Selling Shareholders, if any, and you may not agree with how we use the proceeds and the proceeds may not be invested successfully.


Risk Factors Relating to Our Business


We have a limited operating history in a highly competitive technology segment.
If certain consumer behavior trends do not continue develop as anticipated, our operating results will be adversely affected.
We have entered a potentially competitive market segment.
We are subject to rapid technology change and certain of our livestreaming ecommerce business could have significant barriers to entry.
Our business depends on our ability to maintain and grow our network of high-quality suppliers of hosts and influencers. If we are unable to do so, our future growth would be limited and our business, financial condition and results of operations would be harmed.
We rely on existing technology systems, networks and platforms that are outside of our control.
We are dependent on our management team and any loss of our key management personnel without timely and suitable replacements may reduce our revenues and profits.




If China’s inflation increases or the prices of energy or raw materials increase, we may not be able to pass the resulting increased costs to our customers and this may adversely affect our profitability or cause us to suffer operating losses.
We are dependent on our management team and any loss of our key management personnel without timely and suitable replacements may reduce our revenues and profits.
Failure to compete successfully with our competitors and new entrants to the ceramics industry in the PRC may result in Antelope Enterprises losing market share.
Our production facilities may be affected by power shortages which could result in a loss of business.
Our research and development efforts may not result in marketable products.
We may not be able to ensure the successful implementation of our future plans and strategies, resulting in reduced financial performance.
We may inadvertently infringe third-party intellectual property rights, which could negatively impact our business and financial results.
We face increasing labor costs and other costs of production in the PRC, which could limit our profitability.


Risk Factors Relating to the Planned Energy Supply Business


We might not be able to launch the energy supply business as planned or at all, or generate revenue as planned.
Our financial performance in this planned business will be affected by commodity price fluctuations in the wholesale and retail power and natural gas markets and other market factors that are beyond our control.
Extensive competition in power generation industry could adversely affect our performance.
We will rely on power transmission and fuel distribution facilities owned and operated by other companies.
We may be unable to obtain an adequate supply of fuel in the future.
Our electricity generators will be subject to impairments.
State legislative and regulatory action could adversely affect our competitive position and business.
Existing and future anticipated environmental regulations could cause us to incur significant costs and adversely affect our operations generally or in a particular quarter when such costs are incurred.


Risk Factors Relating to Our Operations in China


Violation of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or China anti-corruption law could subject us to penalties and other adverse consequences.
Our independent registered public accounting firm’s audit documentation related to their audit reports included in this prospectus may be located in the People’s Republic of China. The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board currently cannot inspect audit documentation located in China and, as such, you may be deprived of the benefits of such inspection.
Our shares may be delisted under the HFCA Act as the PCAOB is unable to inspect our auditor with presence in Hong Kong, and the delisting of our shares, or the threat of their being delisted, may materially and adversely affect the value of your investment.
We are dependent on political, economic, regulatory and social conditions in the PRC.
In light of recent events indicating greater oversight by the Cyberspace Administration of China, or CAC, over data security, particularly for companies seeking to list or listed on a foreign exchange, we are subject to a variety of laws and other obligations regarding cybersecurity and data protection, and any failure to comply with applicable laws and obligations could have a material and adverse effect on our business, our listing on Nasdaq, financial condition, results of operations, and the offering.
We are subject to risks related to the laws and regulations of the PRC and the interpretation and implementation thereof.
Our business activities are subject to certain PRC laws and regulations.
PRC foreign exchange control may limit our ability to utilize our profits effectively and affect our ability to receive dividends and other payments from our PRC subsidiaries.
Introduction of new laws or changes to existing laws by the PRC government may adversely affect our business.
Environmental, health and safety laws have in the past and may in the future impose material liabilities on us and require us to incur material capital and operational costs.
Our business will suffer if we lose our land use rights.
Our business will suffer if we fail to comply with environmental protection regulations
It may be difficult for overseas shareholders and/or regulators to conduct investigation or collect evidence within China.
Fluctuations in exchange rates could adversely affect our business and the value of our shares.
Under the EIT Law, Antelope Enterprises, Success Winner and/or Vast Elite and Antelope HK may be classified as a “resident enterprise” of the PRC. Such classification could result in PRC tax consequences to Antelope Enterprises, our non-PRC resident shareholders, Success Winner and/or Vast Elite and Antelope HK.




Risks Factors Relating to Our Class A Ordinary Shares


The price of our shares could be volatile and could decline at a time when you want to sell your holdings.
We are a “controlled company” within the meaning of the NASDAQ Stock Market Rules and, as a result, may rely on exemptions from certain corporate governance requirements that provide protection to shareholders of other companies.
If we cease to qualify as a foreign private issuer, we would be required to comply fully with the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act applicable to U.S. domestic issuers, and we would incur significant additional legal, accounting and other expenses that we would not incur as a foreign private issuer.
There is a risk that Antelope Enterprises will be classified as a passive foreign investment company, or “PFIC,” which could result in adverse U.S. federal income tax consequences to U.S. holders of its securities.
As the rights of shareholders under British Virgin Islands law differ from those under U.S. law, you may have fewer protections as a shareholder.
British Virgin Islands companies may not be able to initiate shareholder derivative actions, thereby depriving shareholders of the ability to protect their interests.
The laws of the British Virgin Islands may provide comparatively limited protection for minority shareholders, so minority shareholders will have limited recourse if the shareholders are dissatisfied with the conduct of our affairs.
The market price for our shares has been and may continue to be volatile.
Volatility in the price of our shares may result in shareholder litigation that could in turn result in substantial costs and a diversion of our management’s attention and resources.
Although we paid semi-annual dividends in July 2013, January 2014, July 2014 and January 2015, we did not pay a dividend after January 2015 and do not currently plan to pay a dividend in the near future. Therefore, shareholders will benefit from an investment in our shares only if those shares appreciate in value.
We may not be able to pay any dividends on our shares in the future due to British Virgin Islands law.
We may need additional capital, and the sale of additional shares or equity or debt securities could result in additional dilution to our shareholders.


Cash Transfers Within Our Organization


Our management monitors the cash position of each entity within our organization regularly and prepare budgets on a monthly basis to ensure each entity has the necessary funds to fulfill its obligation for the foreseeable future and to ensure adequate liquidity. As a holding company, we may rely on dividends and other distributions on equity paid by our subsidiary in Hong Kong, and the subsidiaries in China, for our cash and financing requirements. The payment of dividends to Antelope Enterprises by our Chinese subsidiaries is affected by means of dividends by those entities to their Hong Kong direct parent and a redividend by that Hong Kong entity to Antelope Enterprises. Such dividends are effected by resolution of the board of directors of each such entity (after provision for applicable tax obligations). China is a foreign exchange administration country. Capital injections, cross-border trade and services transactions settled in foreign exchange, overseas financing and profit repatriations are subject to the foreign exchange administration regulations. A Chinese subsidiary owned by foreign company must apply for registration of foreign exchange with the SAFE after the issuance of a business license and obtain a foreign exchange registration certificate. When the Chinese subsidiaries apply for repatriating dividends to foreign shareholders, it must submit the application form to SAFE with the proof that such dividends have been subjected to all applicable tax withholding. A Chinese subsidiary can only distribute dividends out of its accumulated profits, which means that any accumulated losses must be more than offset by its profits in other years, including the current year.




During each of the fiscal years ended December 31, 2021, 2022 and 2023, the only transfer of assets among Antelope Enterprises and its subsidiaries have consisted of cash. During that same period, there have been no distributions, dividends or loans extended by any of our direct or indirectly held subsidiaries to Antelope Enterprises. During that same period Antelope Enterprises has not declared any dividends or made any distributions to its shareholders.


The cash transfers within the organization during the years ended December 31, 2021, 2022 and 2023 were as follows:


For the year 2021


(Wire transfer from)



(Wire transfer to)




   Equivalent to amount (USD)   Purpose  Asset Type
Antelope Enterprise Holdings Limited  Success Winner Limited   48,304,308    7,580,000   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
   Vast Elite Limited   12,244,951    1,921,500   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
Success Winner Limited  Antelope Enterprise (HK) Holdings Limited   6,691,230    1,050,000   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
   Stand Best Creation Limited   12,936,378    2,030,000   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
Antelope Enterprise (HK) Holdings Limited  Antelope Holdings (Chengdu) Co., Ltd   4,779,450    750,000   Capital injection to direct subsidiary  Cash
Vast Elite Limited  Chengdu Future Talented Management and Consulting Co., Ltd   3,186,300    500,000   Capital contribution to direct subsidiary  Cash
Jiangxi Hengdali Ceramics Materials Co., Ltd  Jinjiang Hengda Ceramics Co, Ltd   7,000,000    1,098,453   Loan repayment to direct holding company  Cash


For the year 2022
Company (Wire transfer from)  Company(Wire transfer to)  Amount (RMB)   Equivalent to amount (USD)   Purpose  Asset Type
Antelope Enterprise (HK) Holdings Limited  Antelope Holdings (Chengdu) Co., Ltd   12,759,820    1,850,000   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
Antelope Enterprise (HK) Holdings Limited  Antelope Ruicheng Investment (Hainan) Co., Ltd   1,456,045    406,153   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary   
Antelope Enterprise (HK) Holdings Limited  Stand Best Creation Limited   13,436    1,948   Loan payback  Cash
Success Winner Limited  Antelope Enterprise (HK) Holdings Limited   14,587,578    2,115,000   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
Success Winner Limited  Antelope Enterprise  Holdings Limited   2,414,020    350,000   Loan payback  Cash
Success Winner Limited  Vast Elite Limited   555,840    80,589   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
Antelope Enterprise  Holdings Limited  Success Winner Limited   10,690,660    1,550,000   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
Antelope Ruicheng Investment (Hainan) Co., Ltd  Hainan Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd   2,550,000    369,715   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
Hainan Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd  Anhui Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd   100,000    14,499   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
Hainan Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd  Hangzhou Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd   500,000    72,493   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
Antelope Future (Yangpu) Investment Co., Ltd  Antelope Ruicheng Investment (Hainan) Co., Ltd   2,755,000    399,437   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
Vast Elite Limited  Stand Best Creation Limited   7,150    1,037   Loan payback  Cash




For the year 2023


(Wire transfer from)



(Wire transfer to)

    Amount (RMB)       Equivalent to amount (USD)     Purpose   Asset type


Company (Wire transfer from)  Company(Wire transfer to)  Amount (RMB)   Equivalent to amount (USD)   Purpose  Asset Type
Antelope Enterprise (HK) Holdings Limited  Antelope Holdings (Chengdu) Co., Ltd   6,372,810    900,000   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
Success Winner Limited  Antelope Enterprise (HK) Holdings Limited   7,199,300    1,016,721   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
Success Winner Limited  Antelope Enterprise  Holdings Limited   1,316,339    185,900   Loan payback  Cash
Success Winner Limited  Stand Best Creation Limited   137,432    20,000       
Success Winner Limited  Vast Elite Limited   2,924    413   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
Antelope Enterprise  USA Inc  Antelope Enterprise  Holdings Limited   3,540,450    500,000   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
Antelope Enterprise (Chengdu) Co., Ltd  Chengdu Future Talented Company   110,000    15,535   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
Hainan Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd  Anhui Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd   2,000,000    282,450   Working capital investment to direct subsidiary  Cash
Hainan Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd  Hangzhou Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd   3,500,000    494,287   Working capital investment to direct subsidiary  Cash
Hainan Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd  Wenzhou Kylin Cloud Services Technology Co., Ltd   100    14   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash
Antelope Future (Yangpu) Investment Co., Ltd  Antelope Ruicheng Investment (Hainan) Co., Ltd   1,000    141   Working capital loan to direct subsidiary  Cash


Permission or Approval Required from the PRC Authorities for This Offering and Our PRC Subsidiaries’ Operation


To operate the general business activities currently conducted in China, each of our subsidiaries in China is required to obtain a business license from the State Administration for Market Regulation (“SAMR”). All of our PRC subsidiaries have obtained their valid business licenses from the SAMR, and no application for any such license has been denied.




We are aware, however, recently, the PRC government initiated a series of regulatory actions and statements to regulate business operations in China with little advance notice, including cracking down on illegal activities in the securities market, enhancing supervision over China-based companies listed overseas using variable interest entity structure, adopting new measures to extend the scope of cybersecurity reviews, and expanding the efforts in anti-monopoly enforcement.


On July 6, 2021, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council jointly issued the “Opinions on Severely Cracking Down on Illegal Securities Activities According to Law,” or the Opinions. The Opinions emphasized the need to strengthen the administration over illegal securities activities, and the need to strengthen the supervision over overseas listings by Chinese companies. Effective measures, such as promoting the construction of relevant regulatory systems will be taken to deal with the risks and incidents of China-concept overseas listed companies, and cybersecurity and data privacy protection requirements and similar matters. The Opinions and any related implementing rules to be enacted may subject us to compliance requirement in the future. Given the current regulatory environment in the PRC, we are still subject to the uncertainty of different interpretation and enforcement of the rules and regulations in the PRC adverse to us, which may take place quickly with little advance notice.


On December 28, 2021, the CAC published the CAC Revised Measures, which further restates and expands the applicable scope of the cybersecurity review. The CAC Revised Measures took effect on February 15, 2022. Pursuant to the CAC Revised Measures, if a network platform operator holding personal information of over one million users seeks for “foreign” listing, it must apply for the cybersecurity review. In addition, operators of critical information infrastructure purchasing network products and services are also obligated to apply for the cybersecurity review for such purchasing activities. Although the CAC Revised Measures provides no further explanation on the extent of “network platform operator” and “foreign” listing, we do not believe we are obligated to apply for a cybersecurity review pursuant to the CAC Revised Measures, considering that (i) we are not in possession of or otherwise holding personal information of over one million users and it is also very unlikely that we will reach such threshold in the near future; (ii) as of the date of this this prospectus, we have not received any notice or determination from applicable PRC governmental authorities identifying it as a critical information infrastructure operator.


That being said, the CAC Revised Measures empowers the cybersecurity review office to initiate cybersecurity review when they believe any particular data processing activities “affect or may affect national security”. In addition, on November 14, 2021, the CAC promulgated the Regulations on the Administration of Cyber Data Security (Draft for Comments) (the “Draft CAC Regulations”), and according to the Draft CAC Regulations, any data processors shall, in accordance with relevant state provisions, apply for a cybersecurity review when carrying out, among other things, “other data processing activities that affect or may affect national security”. However, neither the CAC Revised Measures nor the Draft CAC Regulations provides for any further explanation or interpretation over what constitutes activities that “affect or may affect national security”. Therefore, if any competent government authorities deem that our PRC subsidiaries’ data processing activities may affect national security, we may be subject cybersecurity review, and in that scenario, failure to pass such cybersecurity review and/or to comply with the data privacy and data security requirements raised during such cybersecurity review could subject our PRC subsidiaries to penalties, damage its reputation and brand, and harm its business and results of operations.


On February 17, 2023, the CSRC published the Interim Administrative Measures on Overseas Securities Offering and Listing by Domestic Enterprises (CSRC Announcement [2023] No. 43) (the “Overseas Listing Measures”), which took effect on March 31, 2023. Under the Overseas Listing Measures, a filing-based regulatory system applies to “indirect overseas offerings and listings” of companies in mainland China, which refers to securities offerings and listings in an overseas market made under the name of an offshore entity but based on the underlying equity, assets, earnings or other similar rights of a company in mainland China that operates its main business in mainland China. The Overseas Listing Measures states that, any post-listing follow-on offering by an issuer in an overseas market, including issuance of shares, convertible notes and other similar securities, shall be subject to filing requirement within three business days after the completion of the offering. In connection with the Overseas Listing Measures, on February 17, 2023 the CSRC also published the Notice on the Administrative Arrangements for the Filing of Overseas Securities Offering and Listing by Domestic Enterprises (the “Notice on Overseas Listing Measures”). According to the Notice on Overseas Listing Measures, issuers that have already been listed in an overseas market by March 31, 2023, the date the Overseas Listing Measures became effective, are not required to make any immediate filing and are only required to comply with the filing requirements under the Overseas Listing Measures when it subsequently seeks to conduct a follow-on offering.




In summary, other than the CSRC filing procedure we are required to make after the completion of this offering, we and our PRC subsidiaries are not required to obtain permission or approval from the PRC authorities including CSRC or CAC for our PRC subsidiaries, nor have we or our PRC subsidiaries, received any denial for our PRC subsidiaries’ operation or this offering. We are subject to the risks of uncertainty of any future actions of the PRC government in this regard including the risk that we inadvertently conclude that the permission or approvals discussed here are not required, that applicable laws, regulations or interpretations change such that we or any of our PRC subsidiaries are required to obtain approvals in the future, or that the PRC government could disallow our holding company structure, which would likely result in a material change in our operations, including our ability to continue our existing holding company structure, carry on our current business, accept foreign investments, and continue to offer securities to our investors. These adverse actions could cause the value of our Class A ordinary shares to significantly decline or become worthless. We may also be subject to penalties and sanctions imposed by the PRC regulatory agencies, including the CSRC, if we fail to comply with such rules and regulations, which would likely adversely affect the ability of our securities to be listed on the U.S. exchange, which would likely cause the value of our Class A ordinary shares to significantly decline or become worthless.


Implications of Being a Controlled Company


Our chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Weilai Zhang, will own a majority of our outstanding voting power following this offering and we are a “controlled company” as defined under the Nasdaq Listing Rules. For so long as we are a “controlled company”, we are permitted to elect to rely, and may rely, on certain exemptions from corporate governance rules, including:


●an exemption from the rule that a majority of our board of directors must be independent directors;


●an exemption from the rule that the compensation of our chief executive officer must be determined or recommended solely by independent directors; and


●an exemption from the rule that our director nominees must be selected or recommended


Although we do not intend to rely on the “controlled company” exemption under the Nasdaq Listing Rules, we could elect to rely on this exemption in the future. As a result, you will not have the same protection afforded to shareholders of companies that are subject to these corporate governance requirements. Our status as a “controlled company” could cause our ordinary shares to look less attractive to certain investors or otherwise harm the trading price of our ordinary shares. Please see “Risk Factors – Risks Related to Our Business and Industry – We are a “controlled company” within the meaning of the Nasdaq Listing Rules and, as a result, may rely on exemptions from certain corporate governance requirements that provide protection to shareholders of other companies.”


Corporate Information


Our principal executive office is located at Suite 7540, The Empire State Building, 350 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York, 10118. Our telephone number at this address is +1 (838) 500 8888.   Our registered office is Craigmuir Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, VG1110, British Virgin Islands, and our registered agent is Harneys Corporate Services Limited. Our agent for service of process in the United States is Puglisi & Associates, located at 850 Library Avenue, Suite 204, Newark, Delaware 19711. We maintain a website at http://www.aehltd.com that contains information about our company. Information on this website is not part of this prospectus.






Issuer   Antelope Enterprise Holdings Limited
Securities offered by the Selling Shareholders   Up to 31,300,000 Class A Ordinary Shares consisting of (i) up to 30,000,000 Class A Ordinary Shares issuable under the Subscription Agreements and (ii) up to 1,300,000 Class A Ordinary Shares underlying Warrants
Class A Ordinary Shares issued and outstanding prior to the offering   6,934,037 Class A Ordinary Shares.
Class A Ordinary Shares to be outstanding after this offering (1)   36,902,476 Class A Ordinary Shares, assuming the sale of a total 31,300,000 Class A Ordinary Shares to the Selling Shareholders pursuant to the Subscription Agreements and Securities Purchase Agreement
Use of proceeds   We will not receive any proceeds from the sale of the Class A Ordinary Shares included in this prospectus by the Selling Shareholders. We may receive up to an aggregate of approximately $35.03 million consisting of (i) $1.43 million from the cash exercise of the Warrants, assuming the exercise price is $1.10 per share and (ii) $33.6 million from the sales of the Class A Ordinary Shares that we elect to make to the Investors pursuant to the Subscription Agreements, if any, from time to time in our sole discretion, assuming the per share purchase price is $1.12. The actual amount of proceeds that we may receive cannot be determined at this time and will depend on the number of Warrants that the Warrant Holders elect to exercise in cash and the number of shares we sell under the Subscription Agreements and market prices at the times of such sales. Any proceeds that we receive from the cash exercise of the Warrants and the sales of our Class A Ordinary Shares under the Subscription Agreements are expected to be used for the repayment of three promissory notes of the Company with an aggregate outstanding balance of approximately $6.75 million, the expansion of the Company’s business in the U.S., for the recruitment of personnel in the U.S. and for general corporate purpose. See “Use of Proceeds.”
Risk factors   Investing in our securities involves a high degree of risk. You should read the “Risk Factors” section starting on page 12 of this prospectus, for a discussion of factors to consider carefully before deciding to invest in the Class A Ordinary Shares.
Nasdaq symbol:   Our Class A Ordinary Shares are listed on Nasdaq under the symbol “AEHL”.



The number of the Class A Ordinary Shares to be outstanding immediately after this offering as shown above assumes that all of the Class A Ordinary Shares offered hereby are sold and is based on 6,934,037 Class A Ordinary Shares outstanding as of May 23, 2024. This number excludes:


 30,463 Class A ordinary shares issuable upon exercise of the warrants issued on June 14, 2021;
 19,608 Class A ordinary shares issuable upon exercise of the warrants issued on February 17, 2021; and
 1,300,000 Class A ordinary shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrants.






An investment in our securities involves significant risk. Before making an investment in our securities, you should carefully consider the risk factors set forth in our most recent annual report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 on file with the SEC, which is incorporated by reference into this prospectus, as well as the following risk factors, which augment the risk factors set forth in our most recent annual report. Before making an investment decision, you should carefully consider these risks as well as other information we include or incorporate by reference in this prospectus. The risks and uncertainties not presently known to us or that we currently deem immaterial may also materially harm our business, operating results and financial condition and could result in a complete loss of your investment.


Risks Related to the Offering


It is not possible to predict the actual number of shares we will sell under the Subscription Agreements to the Investors, or the actual gross proceeds resulting from those sales.


On March 25, 2024, we entered into the Subscription Agreements with each of the Investors, pursuant to which each has committed, separately and not jointly, to purchase in aggregate of up to 10,000,000 Class A Ordinary Shares, subject to certain limitations and conditions set forth in the Subscription Agreements. To date of this prospectus, we have not sold Class A Ordinary Shares. The Class A Ordinary Shares that may be issued under the Subscription Agreements may be sold by us to the Selling Shareholders at our discretion from time to time over an approximately 36-month period commencing on the date of the Subscription Agreements.


We generally have the right to control the timing and amount of any sales of our Class A Ordinary Shares to under the Subscription Agreements. Sales of our Class A Ordinary Shares, if any under the Subscription Agreements will depend upon market conditions and other factors. We may ultimately decide to sell to Investors all, some or none of the Class A Ordinary Shares that may be available for us to sell pursuant to the Subscription Agreement.


Because the purchase price per share to be paid for the Class A Ordinary Shares that we may elect to sell under the Subscription Agreements, if any, will fluctuate based on the market price of Class A Ordinary Shares during the applicable purchase valuation period for each purchase made pursuant to the Subscription Agreements, if any, it is not possible for us to predict, as of the date of this prospectus and prior to any such sales, the number of Class A Ordinary Shares that we will sell to the Investors under Subscription Agreements, the purchase price per share, or the aggregate gross proceeds that we will receive from those purchases by the Investors under the Subscription Agreement, if any.


As each Class A Ordinary Share to be issued to the investors from time to time under the Subscription Agreements will be issued at a per share purchase price equal to the lesser of (i) the average closing price of the Class A Ordinary Shares during the three consecutive trading days commencing on the applicable advance notice date, or (ii) $1.12; even if we elect to sell all of the Class A Ordinary Shares being registered for resale under this prospectus pursuant to the Subscription Agreements, depending on the market prices of our Class A Ordinary Shares at the time of such sales, the actual gross proceeds from the sale of all such shares under the Subscription Agreements may be substantially less than the $33.6 million, which could materially adversely affect our liquidity.


Further, the resale by Selling Shareholders of a significant number of shares registered for resale in this offering at any given time, or the perception that these sales may occur, could cause the market price of our Class A Ordinary Shares to decline and to be highly volatile.


The sale and issuance of our Class A Ordinary Shares to the Selling Shareholders will cause dilution to our existing shareholders, and the sale of the Class A Ordinary Shares acquired by the Selling Shareholders, or the perception that such sales may occur, could cause the price of our Class A Ordinary Shares to fall.


The purchase price for the shares that we may sell to the Investors under the Subscription Agreements will fluctuate based on the price of our Class A Ordinary Shares. Depending on a number of factors, including market liquidity, sales of such shares may cause the trading price of our Class A Ordinary Shares to fall. If and when we do sell shares to the Selling Shareholders, The Selling Shareholders may resell all, some, or none of those shares at its discretion, subject to the terms of the Subscription Agreement. Therefore, sales to the Selling Shareholders by us could result in substantial dilution to the interests of other holders of our Class A Ordinary Shares. Additionally, the sale of a substantial number of Ordinary Shares to the Selling Shareholders, or the anticipation of such sales, could make it more difficult for us to sell equity or equity-related securities in the future at a desirable time and price. The resale of shares Ordinary Shares by the Selling Shareholders in the public market or otherwise, including sales pursuant to this prospectus, or the perception that such sales could occur, could also harm the prevailing market price of our Class A Ordinary Shares.




Following these issuances described above, the market price of our Class A Ordinary Shares could decline if the holders of restricted shares sell them or are perceived by the market as intending to sell them. As such, sales of a substantial number of Class A Ordinary Shares in the public market could occur at any time. These sales, or the perception in the market that the holders of a large number of shares intend to sell shares, could reduce the market price of Class A Ordinary Shares.


Investors who buy Class A Ordinary Shares at different times will likely pay different prices.


Pursuant to the Subscription Agreements, we control the timing and amount of any sales of Class A Ordinary Shares to the Investors. If and when we elect to sell Class A Ordinary Shares to the Investors pursuant to the Subscription Agreements, the Investors may resell all, some or none of such shares at its discretion and at different prices, subject to the terms of the Subscription Agreements. As a result, investors who purchase shares from the Investors in this offering at different times will likely pay different prices for those shares, and so may experience different levels of dilution and in some cases substantial dilution and different outcomes in their investment results. Investors may experience a decline in the value of the shares they purchase from the Investors in this offering as a result of future sales made by us to the Investors at prices lower than the prices such investors paid for their shares in this offering. In addition, if we sell a substantial number of shares to the Investors under the Subscription Agreements, or if investors expect that we will do so, the actual sales of shares or the mere existence of our arrangement with Investors may make it more difficult for us to sell equity or equity-related securities in the future at a desirable time and price.


Our management team will have broad discretion over the use of the net proceeds from our sale of Class A Ordinary Shares to the Selling Shareholders, if any, and you may not agree with how we use the proceeds and the proceeds may not be invested successfully.


Our management team will have broad discretion as to the use of the net proceeds from our sale of Class A Ordinary Shares to the Selling Shareholders, if any, and we could use such proceeds for purposes other than those contemplated at the time of commencement of this offering.


Accordingly, you will be relying on the judgment of our management team with regard to the use of those net proceeds, and you will not have the opportunity, as part of your investment decision, to assess whether the proceeds are being used appropriately. It is possible that, pending their use, we may invest those net proceeds in a way that does not yield a favorable, or any, return for us. The failure of our management team to use such funds effectively could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, operating results and cash flows.


Risk Factors Relating to Our Business


We have a limited operating history in a highly competitive technology segment.


We started operating our livestreaming ecommerce business through our indirect subsidiary, Hainan Kylin, in September 2021. Therefore, we have a limited operating history in the livestreaming ecommerce sector, which is competitive and subject to transformation. We may have limited information into trends that could affect the demand for our services. Our financial results and growth to date may not be indicative of our future performance. We may not be able to effectively manage our growth and experience operational, financial and human resource constraints. Our current procedures and controls may not be adequate to support our future operations, and if we are not able to manage our growth effectively, our business may be materially and adversely affected.




If certain consumer behavior trends do not continue develop as anticipated, our operating results will be adversely affected.


Our future financial performance is dependent on certain consumer and social trends and we may have overestimated factors attributable to its growth as well as our successful positioning in such markets. We are subject to both business and consumer activities in the livestreaming ecommerce industry as well as trends in specific demographics which are often difficult to ascertain and which can change quickly.


We have entered a potentially competitive market segment.


The livestreaming ecommerce industry in which we are participating may attract highly seasoned and better capitalized competitors, which could inhibit our success. The relatively low entry threshold and the rapid growth of livestreaming ecommerce in China could make this market become crowded which would decrease our existing and potential market share. We will need to promote and develop brand awareness as a competitive advantage and there can be no assurance that such branding will be successful or sustainable. We expect to continue to expend financial resources on the expansion of our livestreaming ecommerce business, and there can be assurance that we will be able to compete with larger, better capitalized firms. This may also affect our ability to scale our operations and successful execute our strategic growth plan.


We are subject to rapid technology change and certain of our livestreaming ecommerce business could have significant barriers to entry.


Some of our businesses will depend on the growth and evolution of the livestreaming ecommerce and technologies associated with the Internet, and we cannot be certain how Internet access or trends for our services will evolve over time. Also, the barriers to entry to our livestreaming ecommerce sector could erode due to strong competitors, low entry costs, competitive pricing, geographical advantages, and other parties’ affiliations and partnerships.


Our business depends on our ability to maintain and grow our network of high-quality suppliers of hosts and influencers. If we are unable to do so, our future growth would be limited and our business, financial condition and results of operations would be harmed.


Our success is dependent upon our continued ability to maintain and grow our credentialed network of high-quality suppliers of hosts and influencers. We have entered into contracts with different suppliers, usually staffing agencies, which have a growing and diverse pool of hosts and influencers. In addition, the perceived value of our solutions and our reputation may be negatively impacted if the services provided by the hosts or influencers from our suppliers are not satisfactory to customers and their members. The failure to maintain or grow our selective network of suppliers or the failure of those suppliers to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations, may result in a loss of or inability to grow or maintain our customer base, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.


We rely on existing technology systems, networks and platforms that are outside of our control.


Our livestreaming ecommerce business relies on existing technology systems, networks and platforms that we do not control, and changes to any of these technology formats could cause us our change our business model and operations. We may not be successful in developing relationships with industry participants that advance our business efforts or to engage customers to buy or use our services. A large or sudden increase in the cost of the technologies that we utilize may cause us to risk operational viability. Further, changes in technology can occur quickly and unpredictably, and our ability to adapt to such changes could be constrained by our limited experience in our new livestreaming social ecommerce business segment.




We are dependent on our management team and any loss of our key management personnel without timely and suitable replacements may reduce our revenues and profits.


Our business is also dependent on our executive officers who are responsible for implementing our business plans and driving growth. Please refer to “Directors, Senior Management and Employees” herein for more information about our directors and officers. The demand for such experienced personnel is intense and the search for personnel with the relevant skills set can be time consuming. The loss of our key management personnel without timely and suitable replacements may reduce our revenues and profits.


If China’s inflation increases or the prices of energy or raw materials increase, we may not be able to pass the resulting increased costs to our customers and this may adversely affect our profitability or cause us to suffer operating losses.


Economic growth in China has, in the past, been accompanied by periods of high inflation. In the past, the Chinese government has implemented various policies from time to time to control inflation. For example, the Chinese government has periodically introduced measures in certain sectors to avoid overheating of the economy, including tighter bank lending policies, increases in bank interest rates, and measures to curb inflation, which has resulted in a decrease in the rate of inflation. An increase in inflation could cause our costs for energy, labor costs, raw materials and other operating costs to increase, which would adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.


We are dependent on our management team and any loss of our key management personnel without timely and suitable replacements may reduce our revenues and profits.


Our business is also dependent on our executive officers who are responsible for implementing our business plans and driving growth. Please refer to “Directors, Senior Management and Employees” herein for more information about our directors and officers. The demand for such experienced personnel is intense and the search for personnel with the relevant skills set can be time consuming. The loss of our key management personnel without timely and suitable replacements may reduce our revenues and profits.


Failure to compete successfully with our competitors and new entrants to the ceramics industry in the PRC may result in Antelope Enterprises losing market share.


We operate in a competitive and fragmented industry of ceramic tile manufacturing. There is no assurance that we will not face competition from our existing competitors and new entrants. We compete with a variety of companies, some of which have advantages that include: longer operating history, larger clientele base, superior products, better access to capital, personnel and technology, or are better entrenched. Our competitors may be able to respond more quickly to new and emerging technologies and changes in customer requirements or succeed in developing products that are more effective or less costly than our products. Any increase in competition could have a negative impact on our pricing (thus eroding our profit margins) and reduce our market share. If we are unable to compete effectively with our existing and future competitors and do not adapt quickly to changing market conditions, we may lose market share.




Our production facilities may be affected by power shortages which could result in a loss of business.


Our production facilities consume substantial amounts of electrical power, which is the principal source of energy for our manufacturing operations. Although we have a back-up generator at both our production facilities, we may experience occasional temporary power shortages disrupting production due to power rationing activities conducted by the authorities, thunderstorms or other natural events beyond our control. Accordingly, these production disruptions could result in a loss of business.


Our research and development efforts may not result in marketable products.


Our research and development team develops products which we have identified as having good potential in the market. There is no assurance that we will not experience delays in future product developments. There is also no assurance that the products which we are currently developing or may develop in the future will be successful or that we will be able to market these new products to our customers successfully. If our new products are unable to gain the acceptance of our customers or potential customers, we will not be able to generate future sales from our investment in research and development.


We may not be able to ensure the successful implementation of our future plans and strategies, resulting in reduced financial performance.


We intend to expand our market presence and explore opportunities in strategic investments or alliances and acquisitions. These initiatives involve various risks including, but not limited to, the investment costs in setting up new offices and sales offices and working capital requirements. There is no assurance that any future plan can be successfully implemented as the successful execution could depend on several factors, some of which are not within our control. Failure to successfully implement our future plans or to effectively manage costs may lead to a material adverse change in our operating environment or affect our ability to respond to market or industry changes, resulting in reduced financial performance. Decelerating economic growth in China has caused challenging market conditions in the real estate and construction sectors resulting in a contraction in investment and new housing projects by property developers. The challenging market conditions has resulted in an expected contraction in demand for our products. Due to the reduced demand for our products, we have, from time to time, recorded an impairment of assets.


We may inadvertently infringe third-party intellectual property rights, which could negatively impact our business and financial results.


We are not aware of, nor have we received any claims from third parties for, any violations or infringements of intellectual property rights of third parties by us as of the date of this prospectus. Nevertheless, there can be no assurance that as we develop new product designs and production methods, we would not inadvertently infringe the intellectual property rights of others or others would not assert infringement claims against us or claim that we have infringed their intellectual property rights. Claims against us, even if untrue or baseless, could result in significant costs, legal or otherwise, cause product shipment delays, require us to develop non-infringing products, enter into licensing agreements or may be a distraction to our management. Licensing agreements, if required, may not be available on terms acceptable to us or at all. In the event of a successful claim of intellectual property rights infringement against us and our failure or inability to develop non-infringing products or to license the infringed intellectual property rights in a timely or cost-effective basis, our business and/or financial results will be negatively impacted.




We face increasing labor costs and other costs of production in the PRC, which could limit our profitability.


Labor costs in China have been increasing in recent years and our labor costs in the PRC could continue to increase in the future. If labor costs in the PRC continue to increase, our production costs will likely increase which may in turn affect the selling prices of our products. We may not be able to pass on these increased costs to consumers by increasing the selling prices of our products in light of competitive pressure in the markets where we operate. In such circumstances, our profit margin may decrease.


Risk Factors Relating to the Planned Energy Supply Business


We might not be able to launch the energy supply business as planned or at all, or generate revenue as planned.


Our plan is subject to many factors that are beyond of our control such as fluctuation of the natural gas price, business negotiation with the natural gas provider(s), fluctuation of the crypto price, competition of various electricity suppliers in the region where we plan to operate etc. As a new player in the energy industry, we might not be able to secure natural gas at the price point as we desire and manage the business as planned.


Our financial performance in this planned business will be affected by commodity price fluctuations in the wholesale and retail power and natural gas markets and other market factors that are beyond our control.


We will use natural gas as the source to generate electricity. Market prices for power, generation capacity, ancillary services, and natural gas are unpredictable. Depending upon price risk management activity undertaken by us, a decline in market prices for power, generation capacity, and ancillary services may adversely affect our financial performance. Long- and short-term power and natural gas prices may also fluctuate substantially due to other factors outside of our control, including:


● increases and decreases in generation capacity in our markets;


● changes in power transmission capacity constraints or inefficiencies;


● volatile weather conditions, particularly unusually hot or mild summers or unusually cold or warm winters in our market areas;


● an economic downturn which could negatively affect demand for power;


● changes in the supply of commodities utilized as fuel sources for power generation, including but not limited to coal, natural gas and fuel oil;


● technological shifts resulting in changes in the demand for power or in patterns of power usage, including the potential development of demand-side management tools, expansion and technological advancements in power storage capability and the development of new fuels or new technologies for the production or storage of power;


● federal and state power, market and environmental regulation and legislation, including mandating a renewable portfolio standards or creating financial incentives, each resulting in new renewable energy generation capacity creating oversupply; and


● changes in capacity prices and capacity markets.


These factors may cause our operating results of the energy supply business to fluctuate in the future.


Extensive competition in power generation industry could adversely affect our performance.


The power generation industry is characterized by intense competition, and we will encounter competition from utilities, industrial companies, marketing and trading companies and other independent power producers. This competition has put pressure on power utilities to lower their costs, including the cost of purchased power, and increasing competition in the supply of power in the future could increase this pressure. In addition, construction during the last decade has created excess power supply and higher reserve margins in the power trading markets, putting downward pressure on prices.


Other companies we are going to compete with may have greater liquidity, greater access to credit and other financial resources, lower cost structures, greater ability to incur losses, longer-standing relationships with customers, greater potential for profitability from ancillary services or greater flexibility in the timing of their sale of generation capacity and ancillary services than we do.


Additionally, there is extensive competition in the retail power markets. Competitors may offer lower prices or other incentives which may attract customers away from our retail subsidiaries. We may also face competition from a number of other energy service providers, other energy industry participants, or nationally branded providers of consumer products and services who may develop businesses that will compete with our retail subsidiaries.


We will rely on power transmission and fuel distribution facilities owned and operated by other companies.


We will depend on facilities and assets that we do not own or control for the transmission to our customers of the power produced by our generators and the distribution of natural gas to our generators. If these transmission and distribution systems are disrupted or capacity on those systems is inadequate, our ability to sell and deliver power products or obtain fuel may be hindered. Independent system operators that oversee transmission systems in regional power markets have imposed price limitations and other mechanisms to address volatility in their power markets. Existing congestion, as well as expansion of transmission systems, could affect our performance, which in turn could adversely affect our business.




We may be unable to obtain an adequate supply of fuel in the future.


We aim to obtain substantially all of our physical natural gas supply from third parties pursuant to arrangements that may vary in term, pricing structure, firmness and delivery flexibility.


We are exposed to increases in the price of natural gas, and it is possible that sufficient supplies to operate our portfolio profitably may not continue to be available to us. In addition, we will face risks with regard to the delivery to and the use of natural gas by our electricity generators including the following:


● third-party suppliers may default on natural gas supply obligations, and we may be unable to replace supplies currently under contract;


● market liquidity for physical natural gas and fuel oil or availability of natural gas services (e.g. storage) may be insufficient or available only at prices that are not acceptable to us;


● natural gas quality variation may adversely affect our electricity generator;


● our natural gas and operations capability may be compromised due to various events such as natural disaster, loss of key personnel or loss of critical infrastructure;


● fuel supplies diverted to residential heating for humanitarian reasons; and


● any other reasons.


Our electricity generators will be subject to impairments.


If we were to experience a significant reduction in our expected revenues and operating cash flows for our energy supply business for an extended period of time from a prolonged economic downturn or from advances or changes in technologies, we could experience future impairments of our electricity generators as a result. There can be no assurance that any such losses or impairments to the carrying value of our financial assets would not have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows.


State legislative and regulatory action could adversely affect our competitive position and business.


Certain states have taken or are considering taking anticompetitive actions by subsidizing or otherwise providing economic support to existing, uneconomic power plants in a manner that could have an adverse effect on the deregulated power markets. If these anticompetitive actions are ultimately upheld and implemented, they could adversely affect capacity and energy prices in the deregulated electricity markets or impede our ability to maintain or expand our retail operations which in turn could have a material adverse effect on our business prospects and financial results.


Existing and future anticipated environmental regulations could cause us to incur significant costs and adversely affect our operations generally or in a particular quarter when such costs are incurred.


Environmental laws and regulations have generally become more stringent over time, and this trend is likely to continue. We will continue to monitor and actively participate in initiatives where we anticipate a material effect on our business.


Environmental regulations could also affect the availability and price of natural gas to be used in our generation facilities.




Risk Factors Relating to Our Operations in China


Violation of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or China anti-corruption law could subject us to penalties and other adverse consequences.


We are subject to the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which generally prohibits United States public companies from bribing or making prohibited payments to foreign officials to obtain or retain business. PRC law also strictly prohibits bribery of government officials. While we take precautions to educate our employees about the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Chinese anti-corruption law, there can be no assurance that we or the employees or agents of our subsidiaries will not engage in such conduct, for which we may be held responsible. If that were to occur, we could suffer penalties that may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Our independent registered public accounting firm’s audit documentation related to their audit reports included in this prospectus may be located in the People’s Republic of China. The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board currently cannot inspect audit documentation located in China and, as such, you may be deprived of the benefits of such inspection.


Auditors of companies whose shares are registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and traded publicly in the United States, including our independent registered public accounting firm, must be registered with the U.S. PCAOB and are required by the laws of the United States to undergo regular inspections by the PCAOB to assess their compliance with the laws of the United States and professional standards applicable to auditors. Our financial statements contained in this prospectus and on our annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023 have been audited by ARK, an independent registered public accounting firm that is headquartered in Hong Kong. ARK were among those audit firms listed by the PCAOB Hong Kong Determination, a determination announced by the PCAOB on December 16, 2021, that it was unable to inspect or investigate completely registered public accounting firms headquartered in Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region and dependency of the PRC, because of a position taken by one or more authorities in Hong Kong. T he PCAOB made this determination pursuant to PCAOB Rule 6100, which provides a framework for how the PCAOB fulfills its responsibilities under the HFCA Act. On August 26, 2022, the CSRC, the MOF, and the PCAOB signed the Protocol, governing inspections and investigations of audit firms based in mainland China and Hong Kong, taking the first step toward opening access for the PCAOB to inspect and investigate registered public accounting firms headquartered in mainland China and Hong Kong. Pursuant to the fact sheet with respect to the Protocol disclosed by the SEC, the PCAOB shall have independent discretion to select any issuer audits for inspection or investigation and has the unfettered ability to transfer information to the SEC. On December 15, 2022, the PCAOB Board determined that the PCAOB was able to secure complete access to inspect and investigate registered public accounting firms headquartered in mainland China and Hong Kong and voted to vacate its previous determinations to the contrary. However, should PRC authorities obstruct or otherwise fail to facilitate the PCAOB’s access in the future, the PCAOB Board will consider the need to issue a new determination. On December 29, 2022, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, was signed into law by President Biden, which amended the HFCA Act by reducing the number of consecutive non-inspection years required for triggering the prohibitions under the HFCA Act from three years to two. In the event it is later determined that the PCAOB is unable to inspect or investigate completely our auditor, it would make it more difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of our auditor’s audit procedures or quality control procedures as compared to auditors outside of China and Hong Kong that are subject to PCAOB inspections. Investors may lose confidence in our reported financial information and procedures and the quality of our financial statements. In addition, our securities may be prohibited from trading under the HFCA Act, as amended, and ultimately result in a determination by the Nasdaq Capital Market to delist our securities.




Our shares may be delisted under the HFCA Act as the PCAOB is unable to inspect our auditor with presence in Hong Kong, and the delisting of our shares, or the threat of their being delisted, may materially and adversely affect the value of your investment.


The HFCA Act was enacted on December 18, 2020. The HFCA Act states if the SEC determines that we have filed audit reports issued by a registered public accounting firm that has not been subject to inspection by the PCAOB for three consecutive years beginning in 2021, the SEC shall prohibit our shares from being traded on a national securities exchange or in the over the counter trading market in the United States. Our financial statements contained in this prospectus and in our annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023 have been audited by ARK, an independent registered public accounting firm that is headquartered in Hong Kong. ARK were among those audit firms listed by the PCAOB Hong Kong Determination, a determination announced by the PCAOB on December 16, 2021, that it was unable to inspect or investigate completely registered public accounting firms headquartered in Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region and dependency of the PRC, because of a position taken by one or more authorities in Hong Kong. T he PCAOB made this determination pursuant to PCAOB Rule 6100, which provides a framework for how the PCAOB fulfills its responsibilities under the HFCA Act. On August 26, 2022, the CSRC, the MOF, and the PCAOB signed the Protocol, governing inspections and investigations of audit firms based in mainland China and Hong Kong, taking the first step toward opening access for the PCAOB to inspect and investigate registered public accounting firms headquartered in mainland China and Hong Kong. Pursuant to the fact sheet with respect to the Protocol disclosed by the SEC, the PCAOB shall have independent discretion to select any issuer audits for inspection or investigation and has the unfettered ability to transfer information to the SEC. On December 15, 2022, the PCAOB Board determined that the PCAOB was able to secure complete access to inspect and investigate registered public accounting firms headquartered in mainland China and Hong Kong and voted to vacate its previous determinations to the contrary. However, should PRC authorities obstruct or otherwise fail to facilitate the PCAOB’s access in the future, the PCAOB Board will consider the need to issue a new determination. On December 29, 2022, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, was signed into law by President Biden, which amended the HFCA Act by reducing the number of consecutive non-inspection years required for triggering the prohibitions under the HFCA Act from three years to two.


The Company understands that in the event that the PCAOB is unable to inspect or investigate completely the Company’s independent auditor for consecutive two years, the SEC could prohibit trading of our Class A ordinary shares on the NASDAQ Capital Market, any other U.S. securities exchange, and in the over-the-counter market. Such a trading prohibition would substantially impair, if not preclude your ability to sell or purchase our securities, and the risks and uncertainties associated with a potential trading prohibition could have a negative impact on the price of our Class A ordinary shares.


We are dependent on political, economic, regulatory and social conditions in the PRC.


Approximately 100%, 100% and 100% of our revenue in each of the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively, was derived from the PRC market and we anticipate that the PRC market will continue to be the major source of revenue for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, any significant slowdown in the PRC economy or decline in demand for our products from our customers in the PRC will have an adverse effect on our business and financial performance. Furthermore, as our operations and production facilities are located in the PRC, any unfavorable changes in the social and/or political conditions may also adversely affect our business and operations. While the current policy of the PRC government seems to be one of economic reform to encourage foreign investments and greater economic decentralization, there is no assurance that such a policy will continue to prevail in the future. There is no assurance that our operations will not be adversely affected should there be any policy changes.


In light of recent events indicating greater oversight by the Cyberspace Administration of China, or CAC, over data security, particularly for companies seeking to list or listed on a foreign exchange, we are subject to a variety of laws and other obligations regarding cybersecurity and data protection, and any failure to comply with applicable laws and obligations could have a material and adverse effect on our business, our listing on Nasdaq, financial condition, results of operations, and the offering.


We are subject to various risks and costs associated with to the collection, use, sharing, retention, security, and transfer of confidential and private information, such as personal information and other data. This data is wide ranging and relates to our investors, employees, contractors and other counterparties and third parties. Our compliance obligations include those relating to the relevant PRC laws in this regard. These PRC laws apply not only to third-party transactions, but also to transfers of information between us and our subsidiaries in China, and among us, our PRC subsidiaries, and other parties with which we have commercial relations. These laws continue to develop, and the PRC government may adopt other rules and restrictions in the future. Non-compliance could result in penalties or other significant legal liabilities.




Pursuant to the PRC Cybersecurity Law, promulgated by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on November 7, 2016 and took effect on June 1, 2017, personal information and important data collected and generated by a critical information infrastructure operator in the course of its operations in China must be stored in China, and if a critical information infrastructure operator purchases internet products and services that affects or may affect national security, it should be subject to cybersecurity review by the CAC. Due to the lack of further interpretations, the exact scope of “critical information infrastructure operator” remains unclear. On December 28, 2021, the CAC published the CAC Revised Measures which further restates and expands the applicable scope of the cybersecurity review. The CAC Revised Measures took effect on February 15, 2022. Pursuant to the CAC Revised Measures, if a network platform operator holding personal information of over one million users seeks for “foreign” listing, it must apply for the cybersecurity review. In addition, operators of critical information infrastructure purchasing network products and services are also obligated to apply for the cybersecurity review for such purchasing activities. Although the CAC Revised Measures provides no further explanation on the extent of “network platform operator” and “foreign” listing, as confirmed by our PRC counsel, Sichuan Jindouyun Law Firm, we are not subject to cybersecurity review with the CAC , because (i) we are not in possession of or otherwise holding personal information of over one million users and it is also very unlikely that it will reach such threshold in the near future; (ii) as of the date of this prospectus, our data processing activities (including the collection, storage, usage, transmission and publicity of data) do not damage national security; and (iii) as of the date of this prospectus, we have not received any notice or determination from applicable PRC governmental authorities identifying it as a critical information infrastructure operator. However, we cannot guarantee that we will not be subject to cybersecurity review in the future. During such review, we may be required to suspend our operation experience other disruptions to our operations. Cybersecurity review could also result in negative publicity with respect to our company and diversion of our managerial and financial resources.


Furthermore, if we were found to be in violation of applicable laws and regulations in China during such review, we could be subject to administrative penalties, such as warnings, fines, or service suspension. Therefore, cybersecurity review could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations.


In addition, the PRC Data Security Law, promulgated by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on June 10, 2021 and took effect on September 1, 2021, requires data collection to be conducted in a legitimate and proper manner, and stipulates that, for the purpose of data protection, data processing activities must be conducted based on data classification and hierarchical protection system for data security. As the Data Security Law was recently promulgated, we may be required to make further adjustments to our business practices to comply with this law. If our data processing activities were found to be not in compliance with this law, we could be ordered to make corrections, and under certain serious circumstances, such as severe data divulgence, we could be subject to penalties, including the revocation of our business licenses or other permits. Furthermore, the recently issued Opinions on Strictly Cracking Down Illegal Securities Activities in Accordance with the Law require (i) speeding up the revision of the provisions on strengthening the confidentiality and archives management relating to overseas issuance and listing of securities and (ii) improving the laws and regulations relating to data security, cross-border data flow, and management of confidential information. As there remain uncertainties regarding the further interpretation and implementation of those laws and regulations, we cannot assure you that we will be compliant such new regulations in all respects, and we may be ordered to rectify and terminate any actions that are deemed illegal by the regulatory authorities and become subject to fines and other sanctions. As a result, we may be required to suspend our relevant businesses, shut down our website, take down our operating applications, or face other penalties, which may materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations.


On August 20, 2021, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China promulgated the Personal Information Protection Law of the PRC, or the PIPL, which took effect in November 2021. As the first systematic and comprehensive law specifically for the protection of personal information in the PRC, the PIPL provides, among others, that (i) an individual’s consent shall be obtained to use sensitive personal information, such as biometric characteristics and individual location tracking, (ii) personal information operators using sensitive personal information shall notify individuals of the necessity of such use and impact on the individual’s rights, and (iii) where personal information operators reject an individual’s request to exercise his or her rights, the individual may file a lawsuit with a People’s Court. As uncertainties remain regarding the interpretation and implementation of the PIPL, we cannot assure you that we will comply with the PIPL in all respects, we may become subject to fines and/or other penalties which may have material adverse effect on our business, operations and financial condition.




While we take measures to comply with all applicable data privacy and protection laws and regulations, we cannot guarantee the effectiveness of the measures undertaken by us and our business partners. However, compliance with any additional laws could be expensive, and may place restrictions on our business operations and the manner in which we interact with our users. In addition, any failure to comply with applicable cybersecurity, privacy, and data protection laws and regulations could result in proceedings against us by government authorities or others, including notification for rectification, confiscation of illegal earnings, fines, or other penalties and legal liabilities against us, which could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and the value of our Ordinary Shares. In addition, any negative publicity on our website or platform’s safety or privacy protection mechanism and policy could harm our public image and reputation and materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations.


We are subject to risks related to the laws and regulations of the PRC and the interpretation and implementation thereof.


Our business and operations, as well as those of our customers and suppliers in the PRC, are subject to the laws and regulations promulgated by relevant PRC governmental authorities. The PRC government is still in the process of developing a comprehensive set of laws and regulations in the course of the PRC’s transformation from a centrally planned economy to a market-oriented economy. As the legal system in the PRC is still in flux, laws and regulations or their interpretation may be subject to change. Furthermore, any change in the political and economic policy of the PRC government may also result in similar changes in the laws and regulations or the interpretation thereof. Such changes may adversely affect our operations and business in the PRC. The PRC legal system is a codified legal system comprising written laws, regulations, circulars, administrative directives, and internal guidelines as well as judicial interpretations. Decided cases do not form part of the legal structure of the PRC and thus have no binding effect. As such, the administration of PRC laws and regulations may be subject to a certain degree of discretion by the authorities. This has resulted in the outcome of dispute resolutions not having the level of consistency or predictability as in other countries with more developed legal systems. Due to such inconsistency and unpredictability, if we should be involved in any legal dispute in the PRC, we may experience difficulties in obtaining legal redress or in enforcing our legal rights. From time to time, changes in law, registration requirements, and regulations or the implementation thereof may also require us to obtain additional approvals and licenses from the PRC authorities for carrying out our operations in the PRC which would require us to incur additional expenses in order to comply with such requirements and in turn affect our financial performance with the increase in our business costs. Furthermore, there can be no assurance that approvals, registrations, or licenses will be granted to us promptly or at all. If we experience delays in obtaining or are unable to obtain such required approvals, registrations, or licenses, our operations and business in the PRC, and hence our overall financial performance will be adversely affected.


Our business activities are subject to certain PRC laws and regulations.


As our production and operations are carried out in the PRC, we are subject to certain PRC laws and regulations. In addition, being wholly foreign-owned enterprises, we are required to comply with certain additional laws and regulations. Pursuant to PRC laws and regulations, the breach or non-compliance with such laws and regulations may result in the PRC authorities suspending, withdrawing or terminating our business license, causing us to cease production of all or certain of our products, and this would materially and adversely affect our business and financial performance. Our corporate affairs in the PRC are governed by our articles of association and the corporate and foreign investment laws and regulations of the PRC. The principles of the PRC laws relating to matters such as the fiduciary duties of directors and other corporate governance matters and foreign investment laws in the PRC are relatively new. Hence, the enforcement of investors or shareholders’ rights under the articles of association of a PRC company and the interpretation of the relevant laws relating to corporate governance matters remain largely untested in the PRC.




PRC foreign exchange control may limit our ability to utilize our profits effectively and affect our ability to receive dividends and other payments from our PRC subsidiaries.


Chengdu Future, Antelope Yangpu, Hainan Antelope, Antelope Chengdu are foreign investment enterprise, or “FIE,” and are subject to the rules and regulations in the PRC on currency conversion. In the PRC, State Administration of Foreign Exchange, or SAFE, regulates the conversion of the RMB into foreign currencies. Currently, FIEs are required to apply to SAFE for “Foreign Exchange Registration Certificates for Foreign Investment Enterprise”. With such registration certifications (which need to be renewed annually), FIEs are allowed to open foreign currency accounts including the “current account” and “capital account”. Currently, conversion of currency within the scope of the “current account” (e.g. remittance of foreign currencies for payment of dividends, etc.) can be effected without requiring the approval of SAFE. However, conversion of currency in the “capital account” (e.g. for capital items such as direct investments, loans, securities, etc.) still requires the approval of SAFE. On October 21, 2005, SAFE promulgated the “Notice on Issues concerning Foreign Exchange Management in Financing by PRC Residents by Overseas Special Purpose Vehicle and Return Investments” (the “No. 75 Notice”). The No. 75 Notice came into effect on November 1, 2005 and requires the following matters, among others, to be complied with: every PRC domestic resident who establishes or controls an overseas special purpose vehicle, or “SPV,” must apply to the local bureau of SAFE for an “overseas investment foreign exchange registration.” Every PRC domestic resident of an SPV who has completed the “overseas investment foreign exchange registration”, or “Registrant,” must make an application to the local bureau of SAFE to amend their registration particulars upon (i) the injection of any PRC domestic assets or the equity interests of any PRC domestic company owned by the PRC domestic resident into the SPV, and (ii) the implementation of any overseas equity fund-raising by the SPV following an injection of PRC domestic assets or the equity interests of a PRC domestic company; every Registrant must apply to the local bureau of SAFE for change of registration particulars or recordation within 30 days after the occurrence of any capital increase or reduction, changes in shareholdings or share swap, merger, long-term investment in equities or debentures, guarantee of foreign indebtedness and other major capital changes not involving “return investment”, undertaken by an SPV; and every Registrant must repatriate, within 180 days, dividends or profits which he receives from an SPV and/or income derived from changes in the shareholding of an SPV. On July 14, 2014, China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), the foreign exchange control authority, released the Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Relevant Issues Concerning Foreign Exchange Administration for Overseas Investment, Financing and Round Trip Investment Undertaken by Domestic Residents via Special Purpose Vehicles (Notice 37). The regulation took effect July 4, 2014. At that time, the old regulation, “Notice on Issues concerning Foreign Exchange Management in Financing by PRC Residents by Overseas Special Purpose Vehicle and Return Investments” (the “No. 75 Notice”), which was issued in 2005, was repealed. Compared with Circular 75, Circular 37 reflects the trend of SAFE’s policy to gradually loosen the restrictions and simplify the procedures for overseas financing and investment by Chinese residents, so as to fully utilize the financial resources in domestic and overseas markets. However, as Circular 37 has only recently been issued, the actual interpretation and enforcement of the above changes by SAFE in practice remain to be seen. There can be no assurance that SAFE will not continue to issue new rules and regulations and/or further interpretations of the No. 37 Notice that will strengthen the foreign exchange control. As our operating entities are located in the PRC and all of our sales are denominated in RMB, our ability to pay dividends or make other distributions may be restricted by PRC foreign exchange control restrictions. There can be no assurance that the relevant regulations will not be amended to our detriment and that our ability to distribute dividends will not be adversely affected.


Introduction of new laws or changes to existing laws by the PRC government may adversely affect our business.


With the regulations concerning data privacy and cybersecurity are developing in China, we may be subject to new laws and regulations when we operate our business.


On June 10, 2021, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress promulgated the Data Security Law of the PRC, which took effect on September 1, 2021. The Data Security Law clarifies the scope of data to cover a wide range of information records generated from all aspects of production, operation and management of government affairs and enterprises in the process of the gradual transformation of digitalization and requires that data collection shall be conducted in a legitimate and proper manner, and theft or illegal collection of data is not permitted. Data processors shall establish and improve the whole-process data security management rules, organize and implement data security trainings as well as take appropriate technical measures and other necessary measures to protect data security. In addition, data processing activities shall be conducted on the basis of the graded protection system for cybersecurity.


On July 30, 2021, the State Council promulgated the Regulations on Protection of Security of Critical Information Infrastructure, effective on September 1, 2021, under which, a “critical information infrastructure” refers to critical network facilities and information systems involved in important industries and sectors, such as public communication and information services, energy, transportation, water conservancy, finance, public services, governmental digital services, science and technology related to national defense industry, as well as those which may seriously endanger national security, national economy and citizen’s livelihood or public interests if damaged or malfunctioned, or if any leakage of data in relation thereto occurs. The competent governmental departments and supervision and management departments of the aforementioned important industries will be responsible for (i) organizing the identification of critical information infrastructures in their respective industries in accordance with relevant identification rules, and (ii) promptly notifying the identified operators and the public security department of the State Council of the identification results. In the event of occurrence of any major cybersecurity incident or discovery of any major cybersecurity threat for the critical information infrastructure, the operator shall report to the protection authorities and the public security authorities as required.




On July 7, 2022, the CAC promulgated the Measures on Security Assessment of Cross-border Data Transfer which has become effective on September 1, 2022. Such data export measures requires that any data processor which processes or exports personal information exceeding certain volume threshold under such measures shall apply for security assessment by the CAC before transferring any personal information abroad, including the following circumstances: (i) important data will be provided overseas by any data processor; (ii) personal information will be provided overseas by any operator of critical information infrastructure or any data processor who processes the personal information of more than 1,000,000 individuals; (iii) personal information will be provided overseas by any data processor who has provided the personal information of more than 100,000 individuals in aggregate or has provided the sensitive personal information of more than 10,000 individuals in aggregate since January 1 of last year; and (iv) other circumstances where the security assessment is required as prescribed by the CAC. A data processor shall, before applying for the security assessment of an outbound data transfer, conduct a self-assessment of the risks in the outbound data transfer. The security assessment of a cross-border data transfer shall focus on assessing risks that may be brought about by the cross-border data transfer to national security, public interests, or the lawful rights and interests of individuals or organizations.


On December 28, 2021, the CAC, the NDRC, the MIIT and several other PRC governmental authorities jointly issued the Cybersecurity Review Measures, which became effective on February 15, 2022 and replaced the Measures for Cybersecurity Review published on April 13, 2020. Pursuant to Cybersecurity Review Measures, critical information infrastructure operators that purchase network products and services and network platform operators engaging in data processing activities that affect or may affect national security are subject to cybersecurity review under the Cybersecurity Review Measures. According to the Cybersecurity Review Measures, before purchasing any network products or services, a critical information infrastructure operator shall assess potential national security risks that may arise from the launch or use of such products or services, and apply for a cybersecurity review with the cybersecurity review office of CAC if national security will or may be affected. In addition, network platform operators who possess personal information of more than one million users and intend to be listed at a foreign stock exchange shall go through the cybersecurity review. As advised by our PRC counsel, Sichuan Jindouyun Law Firm, we are not subject to cybersecurity review with the CAC in accordance with the CAC Revised Measures, because (i) we are not in possession of or otherwise holding personal information of over one million users and it is also very unlikely that it will reach such threshold in the near future; (ii) as of the date of this prospectus, our data processing activities (including the collection, storage, usage, transmission and publicity of data) do not damage national security; and (iii) as of the date of this prospectus, we have not received any notice or determination from applicable PRC governmental authorities identifying it as a critical information infrastructure operator. However, since these statements and regulatory actions are new, it is highly uncertain how soon legislative or administrative regulation making bodies will respond and what existing or new laws or regulations or detailed implementations and interpretations will be modified or promulgated, if any, and the potential impact such modified or new laws and regulations will have on our daily business operation, the ability to accept foreign investments and list on an U.S. exchange.


In addition, given the lack of oversight of many offshore issuers with China-based operating companies, CSRC promulgated a package of rules and regulations to enhance the regulations on such companies.


On February 17, 2023, the CSRC published the Interim Administrative Measures on Overseas Securities Offering and Listing by Domestic Enterprises (CSRC Announcement [2023] No. 43) (the “Overseas Listing Measures”), which took effect on March 31, 2023. Under the Overseas Listing Measures, a filing-based regulatory system applies to “indirect overseas offerings and listings” of companies in mainland China, which refers to securities offerings and listings in an overseas market made under the name of an offshore entity but based on the underlying equity, assets, earnings or other similar rights of a company in mainland China that operates its main business in mainland China. The Overseas Listing Measures states that, any post-listing follow-on offering by an issuer in an overseas market, including issuance of shares, convertible notes and other similar securities, shall be subject to filing requirement within three business days after the completion of the offering. In connection with the Overseas Listing Measures, on February 17, 2023 the CSRC also published the Notice on the Administrative Arrangements for the Filing of Overseas Securities Offering and Listing by Domestic Enterprises (the “Notice on Overseas Listing Measures”). According to the Notice on Overseas Listing Measures, issuers that have already been listed in an overseas market by March 31, 2023, the date the Overseas Listing Measures became effective, are not required to make any immediate filing and are only required to comply with the filing requirements under the Overseas Listing Measures when it subsequently seeks to conduct a follow-on offering.


On February 24, 2023, the CSRC and certain other PRC regulatory authorities jointly published the revised Provisions on Strengthening Confidentiality and Archives Administration in Respect of Overseas Issuance and Listing of Securities by Domestic Enterprises, or the Confidentiality and Archives Administration Provisions, which came into effect on March 31, 2023. The Confidentiality and Archives Administration Provisions, among other things, (i) require PRC enterprises to comply with confidentiality obligations under applicable PRC rules and regulations when providing documents and materials to securities companies and securities service institutions; (ii) mandate that working papers created within the PRC by securities companies and securities service institutions in connection with their services for overseas securities offerings and listing of PRC enterprises shall be retained within the territory of the PRC; and (iii) prohibit the cross-border transfer of the aforementioned working papers outside the PRC absent prior examination and approval from competent PRC regulatory authorities. The Confidentiality and Archives Administration Provisions, together with Overseas Listing Measures, also emphasize that the investigation and evidence collection in relation to the overseas securities offering and listing by the domestic companies conducted by overseas securities regulator and the relevant competent authorities shall go through the cross-border regulatory cooperation mechanism and the CSRC or the relevant authorities shall provide the requisite assistance pursuant to the bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanism.


The PRC legal system is based on the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and is made up of written laws, regulations, circulars and directives. With the PRC’s entry into the WTO, the PRC government is in the process of developing its legal system so as to encourage foreign investments and to meet the needs of investors. As the PRC economy is developing at a generally faster rate than its legal system, some degree of uncertainty exists in connection with whether and how existing laws and regulations will apply to certain events or circumstances. Some of the laws and regulations, and the interpretation, implementation and enforcement thereof, are still at the experimental stage and therefore subject to policy changes. There is no assurance that the introduction of new laws or regulations, changes to existing laws and regulations and the interpretation or application thereof or the delays in obtaining approvals from the relevant PRC authorities will not have an adverse impact on our business or prospects. In particular, on August 8, 2006, the Ministry of Commerce, the CSRC, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the State Administration of Taxation, the State Administration of Industry and Commerce and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange promulgated the “Rules on the Mergers and Acquisition of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors” which came into effect on September 8, 2006, or “the M&A Rules.” Foreign investors should comply with the rules when they purchase shareholding equities of a PRC domestic non-foreign-funded enterprise, or Domestic Company, or subscribe to the increased capital of a Domestic Company, and thus changing the nature of the Domestic Company into a foreign investment enterprise. The rules stipulate, inter alia, (i) that the acquisition of a Domestic Company by an affiliated foreign enterprise established or controlled by PRC entities or individuals must be approved by the Ministry of Commerce; (ii) that the incorporation of a special purpose vehicle, which is directly or indirectly controlled by PRC entities for the purpose of an overseas listing of the equity interest of a Domestic Company, must be subject to the approval of the Ministry of Commerce; (iii) that the acquisition of a Domestic Company by a special purpose vehicle shall be subject to approval of the Ministry of Commerce and (iv) the offshore listing of a special purpose vehicle shall be subject to the prior approval from China Securities Regulatory Commission. In summary, as advised by our PRC counsel, Sichuan Jindouyun Law Firm, other than the CSRC filing procedure we are required to make after the completion of this offering, we and our PRC subsidiaries are not required to obtain permission or approval from the PRC authorities including CSRC or CAC for our PRC subsidiaries, nor have we or our PRC subsidiaries, received any denial for our PRC subsidiaries’ operation or this offering. We are subject to the risks of uncertainty of any future actions of the PRC government in this regard including the risk that we inadvertently conclude that the permission or approvals discussed here are not required, that applicable laws, regulations or interpretations change such that we or any of our PRC subsidiaries are required to obtain approvals in the future, or that the PRC government could disallow our holding company structure, which would likely result in a material change in our operations, including our ability to continue our existing holding company structure, carry on our current business, accept foreign investments, and continue to offer securities to our investors. These adverse actions could cause the value of our Class A ordinary shares to significantly decline or become worthless. We may also be subject to penalties and sanctions imposed by the PRC regulatory agencies, including the CSRC, if we fail to comply with such rules and regulations, which would likely adversely affect the ability of our securities to be listed on the U.S. exchange, which would likely cause the value of our Class A ordinary shares to significantly decline or become worthless.


Environmental, health and safety laws have in the past and may in the future impose material liabilities on us and require us to incur material capital and operational costs.


We are subject to environmental, health and safety laws and regulations in the PRC that impose controls on our air, water and waste discharges, on our storage, handling, use, discharge and disposal of chemicals, and on exposure of our employees to hazardous substances. These laws and regulations could require us to incur costs to maintain compliance and could impose liability to remedy the effects of hazardous substance contamination. Although we do not believe that we have violated any of such laws and regulations and therefore have not incurred any significant liabilities under these laws and regulations in the past, the environmental laws and regulations are constantly evolving and becoming stricter in the PRC. The adoption of new laws or regulations or our failure to comply with these laws or regulations in the future could cause us to incur material liabilities and could require us to incur additional expenses, curtail operations and/or restrict our ability to expand.




Our business will suffer if we lose our land use rights.


There is no private ownership of land in China and all land ownership is held by the government of China, its agencies, and collectives. In the case of land used for business purposes, land use rights can be obtained from the government for a period up to 50 years, and are typically renewable. Land use rights can be granted upon approval by the land administrative authorities of China (State Land Administration Bureau) upon payment of the required land granting fee, the entry into a land use agreement with a competent governmental authority and certain other ministerial procedures. We have received land use certificates for certain parcels of land on which our operations reside, but we may not have followed all procedures required to obtain such certificates or paid all required fees. If the Chinese administrative authorities determine that we have not fully complied with all procedures and requirements needed to hold a land use certificate, we may be forced by the Chinese administrative authorities to retroactively comply with such procedures and requirements, which may be burdensome and require us to make payments, or such Chinese administrative authorities may invalidate or revoke our land use certificate entirely. If the land use right certificates needed for our operations are determined by the government of China to be invalid or if they are not renewed, we may lose production facilities or employee accommodations that would be difficult or even impossible to replace. Should we have to relocate, our workforce may be unable or unwilling to work in the new location and our business operations will be disrupted during the relocation. The relocation or loss of facilities could cause us to lose sales and/or increase our costs of production, which would negatively impact our financial results.


Our business will suffer if we fail to comply with environmental protection regulations


Companies which cause severe pollution to the environment are required to restore the environment or remedy the effects of the pollution within a prescribed time limit. If a company fails to report and/or register the environmental pollution it caused, it will receive a warning or be penalized. Companies that fail to restore the environment or remedy the effects of the pollution within the prescribed time will be penalized or have their business licenses terminated. Companies that have polluted and endangered the environment must bear the responsibility for remedying the danger and effects of the pollution, as well as to compensate any losses or damages suffered as a result of such environmental pollution.


It may be difficult for overseas shareholders and/or regulators to conduct investigation or collect evidence within China.


Shareholder claims or regulatory investigation that are common in the United States generally are difficult to pursue as a matter of law or practicality in China. For example, in China, there are significant legal and other obstacles to providing information needed for regulatory investigations or litigation initiated outside China. Although the authorities in China may establish a regulatory cooperation mechanism with the securities regulatory authorities of another country or region to implement cross-border supervision and administration, such cooperation with the securities regulatory authorities in the U.S. may not be efficient in the absence of mutual and practical cooperation mechanism. Furthermore, according to Article 177 of the PRC Securities Law, or Article 177, which became effective in March 2020, no overseas securities regulator is allowed to directly conduct investigation or evidence collection activities within the territory of the PRC. While detailed interpretation of or implementation rules under Article 177 have yet to be promulgated, the inability for an overseas securities regulator to directly conduct investigation or evidence collection activities within China may further increase difficulties faced by you in protecting your interests.


Our principal business operation is conducted in the PRC. If U.S. regulators carry out an investigation of us and there is a need to conduct investigation or collect evidence within the territory of the PRC, the U.S. regulators may not be able to carry out such investigation or evidence collection directly in the PRC under the PRC laws. The U.S. regulators may consider cross-border cooperation with securities regulatory authority of the PRC by way of judicial assistance, diplomatic channels or regulatory cooperation mechanism established with the securities regulatory authority of the PRC.


Fluctuations in exchange rates could adversely affect our business and the value of our shares.


The value of our shares will be indirectly affected by the foreign exchange rate between U.S. dollars and the Renminbi and between those currencies and other currencies in which our revenue may be denominated. Because all of our earnings and cash assets are denominated in Renminbi, fluctuations in the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Renminbi will affect the relative purchasing power of these proceeds, as well as our financial results reported in U.S. dollar terms without giving effect to any underlying change in our business, financial condition or results of operations. Fluctuations in the exchange rate will also affect the relative value of any dividend we issue that will be exchanged into U.S. dollars and earnings from, and the value of, any U.S. dollar-denominated investments we make in the future. Since July 2005, the Renminbi has not been pegged to the U.S. dollar. Although the People’s Bank of China regularly intervenes in the foreign exchange market to prevent significant short-term fluctuations in the exchange rate, the Renminbi may appreciate or depreciate significantly in value against the U.S. dollar in the medium to long term. Moreover, it is possible that in the future the Chinese authorities may lift restrictions on fluctuations in the Renminbi exchange rate and lessen intervention in the foreign exchange market. Therefore, the RMB exchange rate has become more flexible and the exchange rate regime more transparent and in line with changes in market supply and demand. However, significant fluctuations in the RMB’s value against the U.S. dollar could occur. Very limited hedging transactions are available in China to reduce our exposure to exchange rate fluctuations. To date, we have not entered into any hedging transactions in an effort to reduce our exposure to foreign currency exchange risk. While we may enter into hedging transactions in the future, the availability and effectiveness of these transactions may be limited, and we may not be able to successfully hedge our exposure at all. In addition, our foreign currency exchange losses may be magnified by Chinese exchange control regulations that restrict our ability to convert Renminbi into foreign currencies.




Under the EIT Law, Antelope Enterprises, Success Winner and/or Vast Elite and Antelope HK may be classified as a “resident enterprise” of the PRC. Such classification could result in PRC tax consequences to Antelope Enterprises, our non-PRC resident shareholders, Success Winner and/or Vast Elite and Antelope HK.


The EIT Law and its implementing rules provide that enterprises established outside of China whose “de facto management bodies” are located in China are considered “resident enterprises” under PRC tax laws. The implementing rules promulgated under the EIT Law define the term “de facto management bodies” as a management body which substantially manages, or has control over the business, personnel, finance and assets of an enterprise. In April 2009, the State Administration of Taxation, or SAT, issued a circular, known as Circular 82, which provides certain specific criteria for determining whether the “de facto management bodies” of a PRC-controlled enterprise that is incorporated offshore is located in China. However, there are no further detailed rules or precedents governing the procedures and specific criteria for determining “de facto management body.” If the PRC tax authorities determine that Antelope Enterprises, Success Winner and/or Vast Elite, Antelope HK are a “resident enterprise” for PRC enterprise income tax purposes, a number of PRC tax consequences could follow. First, Antelope Enterprises, Success Winner may be subject to the enterprise income tax at a rate of 25% on Antelope Enterprises’ and Success Winner’s worldwide taxable income, as well as PRC enterprise income tax reporting obligations. Second, under the EIT Law and its implementing rules, dividends paid between “qualified resident enterprises” are exempt from enterprise income tax. As a result, if Antelope Enterprises and Success Winner are each treated as “qualified resident enterprises,” all dividends from subsidiaries to Antelope Enterprises (through Success Winner) should be exempt from the PRC enterprise income tax. If Antelope HK and Vast Elite were treated as a PRC “non-resident enterprise” under the EIT Law, then dividends that, Vast Elite receives from Chengdu Future, Antelope HK receives from Antelope Yangpu, Hainan Antelope and Antelope Chengdu (assuming such dividends were considered sourced within the PRC) (i) may be subject to a 5% PRC withholding tax, Vast Elite owns more than 25% of the registered capital of Chengdu Future, continuously within 12 months immediately prior to obtaining such dividend from Chengdu Future, and Antelope HK owns more than 25% of the registered capital of Antelope Yangpu, Hainan Antelope and Antelope Chengdu, continuously within 12 months immediately prior to obtaining such dividend from Antelope Yangpu, Hainan Antelope and Antelope Chengdu and the Arrangement between the Mainland of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income, or the “PRC-Hong Kong Tax Treaty,” were otherwise applicable, or (ii) if such treaty does not apply, may be subject to a 10% PRC withholding tax. A similar situation may arise if Antelope Enterprises were treated as a “non-resident enterprise” under the EIT Law, and Success Winner were treated as a “resident enterprise” under the EIT Law. Any such taxes on dividends could materially reduce the amount of dividends, if any, we could pay to our shareholders. Finally, if Antelope Enterprises is determined to be a “resident enterprise” under the EIT Law, this could result in a situation in which a 10% PRC tax is imposed on dividends Antelope Enterprises pays to its shareholders that are not tax residents of the PRC, or “non-resident investors,” and that are enterprises but not individuals, and gains derived by them from transferring Antelope Enterprises’ shares, if such income is considered PRC-sourced income by the relevant PRC tax authorities. In such event, Antelope Enterprises may be required to withhold a 10% PRC tax on any dividends paid to such non-resident investors. Such non-resident investors also may be responsible for paying PRC tax at a rate of 10% on any gain derived by such investors from the sale or transfer of Antelope Enterprises’ shares in certain circumstances. Antelope Enterprises would not, however, have an obligation to withhold PRC tax with respect to such gain under the PRC tax laws. Also, if Antelope Enterprises is determined to be a “resident enterprise,” its nonresident investors who are individuals may also be subject to potential PRC individual income tax at a rate of 20% with respect to dividends received from Antelope Enterprises and/or gains derived by them from the sale or transfer of Antelope Enterprises’ shares. Moreover, the State Administration of Taxation, or “SAT,” released Circular Guoshuihan No. 698, or Circular 698, on December 10, 2009 that reinforces the taxation of certain equity transfers by non-resident investors through overseas holding vehicles. Circular 698 addresses indirect equity transfers as well as other issues. Circular 698 is retroactively effective from January 1, 2008. According to Circular 698, where a nonresident investor who indirectly holds an equity interest in a PRC resident enterprise through a non-PRC offshore holding company indirectly transfers an equity interest in the PRC resident enterprise by selling an equity interest in the offshore holding company, and the latter is located in a country or jurisdiction where the actual tax burden is less than 12.5% or where the offshore income of its residents is not taxable, the non-resident investor is required to provide the PRC tax authority in charge of that PRC resident enterprise with certain relevant information within 30 days of the execution of the equity transfer agreement. The tax authorities in charge will evaluate the offshore transaction for tax purposes. In the event that the tax authorities determine that such transfer is abusing forms of business organization and a reasonable commercial purpose for the offshore holding company other than the avoidance of PRC income tax liability is lacking, the PRC tax authorities will have the power to re-assess the nature of the equity transfer under the doctrine of substance over form. A reasonable commercial purpose may be established when the overall international (including U.S.) offshore structure is set up to comply with the requirements of supervising authorities of international (including U.S.) capital markets. If the SAT’s challenge of a transfer is successful, it may deny the existence of the offshore holding company that is used for tax planning purposes and subject the non-resident investor to PRC tax on the capital gain from such transfer. Since Circular 698 has a short history, there is uncertainty as to its application. We (or a nonresident investor) may become at risk of being taxed under Circular 698 and may be required to expend valuable resources to comply with Circular 698 or to establish that we (or such non-resident investor) should not be taxed under Circular 698, which could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations (or such non-resident investor’s investment in us). In additional, the PRC resident enterprise may be required to provide necessary assistance to support the enforcement of Circular 698. On February 3, 2015, the State Administration of Tax issued a Public Notice Regarding Certain Corporate Income Tax Matters on Indirect Transfer of Properties by Non-tax Resident Enterprise, or Public Notice 7. Public Notice 7 has introduced a new tax regime that is significantly different from that under Circular 698. Public Notice 7 extends its tax jurisdiction to not only indirect transfers set forth under Circular 698 but also transactions involving transfer of other taxable assets, through the offshore transfer of a foreign intermediate holding company. In addition, Public Notice 7 provides clearer criteria the Circular 698 on how to assess reasonable commercial purposes and has introduced safe harbors for internal group restructurings and the purchase and sale of equity through a public securities market. Public Notice 7 also brings challenges to both the foreign transferor and transferee (or other person who is obligated to pay for the transfer) of the taxable assets. Where a non-resident enterprise conducts an “indirect transfer” by transferring the taxable assets indirectly by disposing of the equity interests of an overseas holding company, the non-resident enterprise being the transferor, or the transferee, or the PRC entity which directly owned the taxable assets may report to the relevant tax authority such indirect transfer. Using a “substance over form” principle, the PRC tax authority may re-characterize such indirect transfer as a direct transfer of the equity interests in the PRC tax resident enterprise and other properties in China, As a result, gains derived from such indirect transfer may be subject on PRC enterprise income tax, and the transferee or other person who is obligated to pay for the transfer is obligated to withhold the applicable taxes, currently at a rate of up to 10% for the transfer of equity interests in a PRC resident enterprise. Both the transferor and the transferee may be subject to penalties under PRC tax laws if transferee fails to withhold the taxes and the transferor fails to pay the taxes.




We face uncertainties with respect to the reporting and consequences of private equity financing transactions, share exchange or other transactions involving the transfer of shares in our company by investors that are non-PRC resident enterprises, or sale or purchase of shares in other non-PRC resident companies or other taxable assets by us. Our company and other non-resident enterprises in our group may be subject to filing obligations or being taxed if our company and other non-resident enterprises in our group are transferors in such transactions, and may be subject to withholding obligations if our company and other non-resident enterprises in our group are transferees in such transactions, under Circular 698 and Public Notice 7. For the transfer to shares in our company by investors that are non-PRC resident enterprises, our PRC subsidiaries may be requested to assist in the filing under Circular 698 and Public Notice 7. As a result, we may be required to expend valuable resources to comply with Circular 698 and Public Notice 7 to request the relevant transferors from whom we purchase taxable assets to comply with these circulars, or to establish that our company and other non-resident enterprises in our group should not be taxed under these circulars, which may have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations. The PRC tax authorities have the discretion under Circular 698 and Public Notice 7 to make adjustments to the taxable capital gains based on the difference between the fair value of the taxable assets transferred and the cost of investment. If the PRC tax authorities make adjustments to the taxable income of the transactions under Circular 698 and Public Notice 7, our income tax costs associated with such potential acquisitions will be increased, which may have an adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations. If any PRC tax applies to a non-resident investor, the non-resident investor may be entitled to a reduced rate of PRC tax under an applicable income tax treaty and/or a deduction for such PRC tax against such investor’s domestic taxable income or a foreign tax credit in respect of such PRC tax against such investor’s domestic income tax liability (subject to applicable conditions and limitations). Shareholders should consult with their own tax advisors regarding the applicability of any such taxes, the effects of any applicable income tax treaties, and any available deductions or foreign tax credits. For a further discussion of these issues, see the section herein captioned “Taxation—PRC Taxation.”


Risks Factors Relating to Our Class A Ordinary Shares


The price of our shares could be volatile and could decline at a time when you want to sell your holdings.


The price of our shares has been and may continue to be volatile, and that volatility may continue for an extended period of time.


We are a “controlled company” within the meaning of the NASDAQ Stock Market Rules and, as a result, may rely on exemptions from certain corporate governance requirements that provide protection to shareholders of other companies.


We are a “controlled company” as defined under the NASDAQ Stock Market Rules because our CEO and chairman, Mr. Weilai (Will) Zhang, beneficially owns more than 50% of voting power for the election of directors. As of the date of this prospectus, Mr. Zhang holds all the issued and outstanding 2,005,497 Class B ordinary shares, each of which is entitled to twenty (20) votes. For so long as we are a controlled company under that definition, we are permitted to elect to rely, and may rely, on certain exemptions from corporate governance rules, including:


  an exemption from the rule that a majority of our board of directors must be independent directors;


  an exemption from the rule that the compensation of our chief executive officer must be determined or recommended solely by independent directors; and


  an exemption from the rule that our director nominees must be selected or recommended solely by independent directors.


As a result, if we elect to rely on the exemptions available for the controlled companies, you will not have the same protection afforded to shareholders of companies that are subject to these corporate governance requirements.




If we cease to qualify as a foreign private issuer, we would be required to comply fully with the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act applicable to U.S. domestic issuers, and we would incur significant additional legal, accounting and other expenses that we would not incur as a foreign private issuer.


As a foreign private issuer, we are exempt from the rules under the Exchange Act prescribing the furnishing and content of proxy statements, and our officers, directors and principal shareholders are exempt from the reporting and short-swing profit recovery provisions contained in Section 16 of the Exchange Act. In addition, we are not required under the Exchange Act to file periodic reports and financial statements with the SEC as frequently or as promptly as United States domestic issuers, and we are not required to disclose in our periodic reports all of the information that United States domestic issuers are required to disclose. While we currently expect to qualify as a foreign private issuer, we may cease to qualify as a foreign private issuer in the future.


There is a risk that Antelope Enterprises will be classified as a passive foreign investment company, or “PFIC,” which could result in adverse U.S. federal income tax consequences to U.S. holders of its securities.


In general, Antelope Enterprises will be treated as a PFIC for any taxable year in which either (1) at least 75% of its gross income (including its pro rata share of the gross income of its 25% or more-owned corporate subsidiaries) is passive income or (2) at least 50% of the average value of its assets (including its pro rata share of the assets of its 25% or more-owned corporate subsidiaries) produce, or are held for the production of, passive income. Passive income generally includes dividends, interest, rents, royalties, and gains from the disposition of passive assets. If Antelope Enterprises is determined to be a PFIC for any taxable year (or portion thereof) that is included in the holding period of a U.S. Holder (as defined in the section entitled “Taxation—United States Federal Income Taxation—General”) of its shares, the U.S. Holder may be subject to increased U.S. federal income tax liability upon a sale or other disposition of the shares of Antelope Enterprises or the receipt of certain excess distributions from Antelope Enterprises and may be subject to additional reporting requirements. Based on the composition (and estimated values) of the assets and the nature of the income of Antelope Enterprises and its subsidiaries during its 2022 taxable year, Antelope Enterprises does not believe that it would be treated as a PFIC for such year. However, because Antelope Enterprises has not performed a definitive analysis as to its PFIC status for its 2022 taxable year, there can be no assurance in respect to its PFIC status for such year. There also can be no assurance with respect to Antelope Enterprises’ status as a PFIC for its current (2023) taxable year or any future taxable year. U.S. Holders of the shares of Antelope Enterprises are urged to consult their own tax advisors regarding the possible application of the PFIC rules. See the discussion in the section entitled “Taxation—United States Federal Income Taxation—U.S. Holders—Passive Foreign Investment Company Rules.”




As the rights of shareholders under British Virgin Islands law differ from those under U.S. law, you may have fewer protections as a shareholder.


Our corporate affairs are governed by our memorandum and articles of association, the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 (as amended) (the “BVI Act”), and the common law of the British Virgin Islands. The rights of shareholders to take legal action against our directors, actions by minority shareholders and the fiduciary responsibilities of our directors under British Virgin Islands law are governed by the common law of the British Virgin Islands and by the BVI Act. The common law of the British Virgin Islands is derived in part from comparatively limited judicial precedent in the British Virgin Islands as well as from English common law, which is applied in the British Virgin Islands by virtue of the Common Law (Declaration of Application) Act. The rights of our shareholders and the fiduciary responsibilities of our directors under British Virgin Islands law are not as clearly established as they would be under statutes or judicial precedents in some jurisdictions in the United States. In particular, the British Virgin Islands has a less developed body of securities laws as compared to the United States, and some states (such as Delaware) have more fully developed and judicially interpreted bodies of corporate law. As a result of all of the above, holders of our shares may have more difficulty in protecting their interests through actions against our management, directors or major shareholders than they would as shareholders of a U.S. company.


British Virgin Islands companies may not be able to initiate shareholder derivative actions, thereby depriving shareholders of the ability to protect their interests.


British Virgin Islands companies may not have standing to initiate a shareholder derivative action in a federal court of the United States. The circumstances in which any such action may be brought, and the procedures and defenses that may be available in respect to any such action, may result in the rights of shareholders of a British Virgin Islands company being more limited than those of shareholders of a company organized in the United States. Accordingly, shareholders may have fewer alternatives available to them if they believe that corporate wrongdoing has occurred. The British Virgin Islands courts are also unlikely to recognize or enforce against us judgments of courts in the United States based on certain liability provisions of U.S. securities law; and to impose liabilities against us, in original actions brought in the British Virgin Islands, based on certain liability provisions of U.S. securities laws that are penal in nature. There is no statutory recognition in the British Virgin Islands of judgments obtained in the United States, although the courts of the British Virgin Islands will generally recognize and enforce the non-penal judgment of a foreign court of competent jurisdiction without retrial on the merits. This means that even if shareholders were to sue us successfully, they may not be able to recover anything to make up for the losses suffered.


The laws of the British Virgin Islands may provide comparatively limited protection for minority shareholders, so minority shareholders will have limited recourse if the shareholders are dissatisfied with the conduct of our affairs.


Under the laws of the British Virgin Islands, there is limited statutory law for the protection of minority shareholders in the form of the provisions of the BVI Act dealing with shareholder remedies. The principal protection under statutory law is that shareholders may bring an action to enforce the constitutional documents of the company, i.e. the memorandum and articles of association as shareholders are entitled to have the affairs of the company conducted in accordance with the BVI Act and the memorandum and articles of association of the company. A shareholder may also bring an action under statute if he feels that the affairs of the company have been or will be carried out in a manner that is unfairly prejudicial or discriminating or oppressive to him. There are also common law rights for the protection of shareholders that may be invoked, largely dependent on English common law, since the common law of the British Virgin Islands for business companies is limited.


The market price for our shares has been and may continue to be volatile.


The market price for our shares has been and is likely to continue to be highly volatile and subject to wide fluctuations in response to factors including the following:


  actual or anticipated fluctuations in our quarterly operating results and changes or revisions of our expected results;
  changes in financial estimates by securities research analysts;
  changes in the economic performance or market valuations of companies specializing in the ceramics business in China;
  announcements by us and our affiliates or our competitors of new products, acquisitions, strategic relationships, joint ventures or capital commitments;
  addition or departure of our senior management and key personnel; and
  fluctuations of exchange rates between the RMB and the U.S. dollar.




Volatility in the price of our shares may result in shareholder litigation that could in turn result in substantial costs and a diversion of our management’s attention and resources.


The financial markets in the United States and other countries have experienced significant price and volume fluctuations, and market prices have been and continue to be extremely volatile. Volatility in the price of our shares may be caused by factors outside of our control and may be unrelated or disproportionate to our results of operations. In the past, following periods of volatility in the market price of a public company’s securities, shareholders have frequently instituted securities class action litigation against that company. Litigation of this kind could result in substantial costs and a diversion of our management’s attention and resources.


Although we paid semi-annual dividends in July 2013, January 2014, July 2014 and January 2015, we did not pay a dividend after January 2015 and do not currently plan to pay a dividend in the near future. Therefore, shareholders will benefit from an investment in our shares only if those shares appreciate in value.


We paid dividends in July 2013, January 2014, July 2014 and January 2015. The declaration and payment of cash dividends is at the discretion of our board of directors and will depend on factors our board of directors deems relevant, including among others, our results of operations, financial condition and cash requirements, business prospects, and the terms of our credit facilities, if any, and any other financing arrangements. We currently do not plan to pay a dividend in the near future. Therefore, the realization of a gain on shareholders’ investments will depend on the appreciation of the price of our shares, and there is no guarantee that our shares will appreciate in value.


We may not be able to pay any dividends on our shares in the future due to British Virgin Islands law.


Under British Virgin Islands law, we may only pay dividends to our shareholders if the value of our assets exceeds our liabilities and we are able to pay our debts as they become due. We cannot give any assurance that we will declare dividends of any amounts, at any rate or at all in the future. Future dividends, if any, will be at the discretion of our board of directors, and will depend upon our results of operations, cash flows, financial condition, payment to us of cash dividends by our subsidiaries, capital needs, future prospects and other factors that our directors may deem appropriate.


We may need additional capital, and the sale of additional shares or equity or debt securities could result in additional dilution to our shareholders.


We believe that our current cash and cash equivalents and anticipated cash flow from operations will be sufficient to meet our anticipated cash needs for the foreseeable future. We may, however, require additional cash resources due to changed business conditions or other future developments, including any investments or acquisitions we may decide to pursue. If these resources are insufficient to satisfy our cash requirements, we may seek to sell additional equity or debt securities or obtain one or more additional credit facilities. The sale of additional equity securities could result in additional dilution to our shareholders. The incurrence of indebtedness would result in increased debt service obligations and could result in operating and financing covenants that would restrict our operations. It is uncertain whether financing will be available in amounts or on terms acceptable to us, if at all.






This prospectus contains forward-looking statements that reflect our current expectations and views of future events, all of which are subject to risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements give our current expectations or forecasts of future events. You can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. You can find many (but not all) of these statements by the use of words such as “approximates,” “believes,” “hopes,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “estimates,” “projects,” “intends,” “plans,” “will,” “would,” “should,” “could,” “may” or other similar expressions in this prospectus. These statements are likely to address our growth strategy, financial results and product and development programs. You must carefully consider any such statements and should understand that many factors could cause actual results to differ from our forward-looking statements. These factors may include inaccurate assumptions and a broad variety of other risks and uncertainties, including some that are known and some that are not. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual future results may vary materially. Factors that could cause actual results to differ from those discussed in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to:


Assumption about our future financial and operating results, including revenues, income, expenditures, cash balances and other financial items;


our ability to execute our growth, and expansion, including our ability to meet our goals;


current and future economic and political conditions;


our capital requirements and our ability to raise any additional financing which we may require;


impact of COVID-19 pandemic on our business, results of operations, financial condition and cash flows;


our ability to hire and retain qualified management personnel and key employees in order to enable us to develop our business; and


other assumptions described in this prospectus underlying or relating to any forward-looking statements.


We describe certain material risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could affect our business, including our financial condition and results of operations, under “Risk Factors.” We base our forward-looking statements on our management’s beliefs and assumptions based on information available to our management at the time the statements are made. We caution you that actual outcomes and results may, and are likely to, differ materially from what is expressed, implied or forecast by our forward-looking statements. Accordingly, you should be careful about relying on any forward-looking statements. Except as required under the federal securities laws, we do not have any intention or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements after the distribution of this prospectus, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, or otherwise.




This prospectus relates to our Class A Ordinary Shares that may be offered and sold from time to time by the Selling Shareholders. All of the Class A Ordinary Shares offered by the Selling Shareholders pursuant to this prospectus will be sold by the Selling Shareholder for its own account. We will not receive any of the proceeds from these sales.


We may receive up to an aggregate of approximately $35.03 million consisting of (i) $1.43 million from the cash exercise of the Warrants, assuming the exercise price is $1.10 per share, and (ii) $33.6 million from the sales of the Class A Ordinary Shares that we elect to make to the Investors pursuant to the Subscription Agreements, if any, from time to time in our sole discretion, assuming the per share purchase price is $1.12. To date, the Warrant Holders have not exercised any Warrants and we have not sold any Class A Ordinary Shares, pursuant to the Subscription Agreements. However, we are unable to estimate the actual amount of proceeds that we may receive, as it will depend on the number of shares that we choose to sell, our ability to meet the conditions to purchases set forth in Subscription Agreements, market conditions and the price of our Class A Ordinary Shares, among other factors.


We expect to use any proceeds that we received for the repayment of three promissory notes of the Company with an aggregate outstanding balance of approximately $6.75 million, the expansion of the Company’s business in the U.S., for the recruitment of personnel in the U.S. and for general corporate purpose. We cannot provide any assurance that we will be able to carry out any potential investments we may identify. As of the date of this prospectus, we cannot specify with certainty all of the particular uses, and the respective amounts we may allocate to those uses, for any net proceeds we receive.






We paid a cash dividend of US$0.10 (equivalent to RMB0.61) per share each on August 13, 2013 and January 14, 2014, respectively, to our shareholders which totaled in aggregate US$4.1 million (equivalent to RMB24.9 million). Also, we paid a cash dividend of US$0.0125 (equivalent to RMB0.08) per share each on August 14, 2014 and January 14, 2015, respectively, to its shareholders which totaled in aggregate US$0.5 million (equivalent to RMB3.2 million).


We do not currently have any plans to pay any cash dividends in the foreseeable future on our shares being sold in this offering. We currently intend to retain most, if not all, of our available funds and any future earnings to operate and expand our business. The payment of dividends by entities organized in China is subject to limitations. Regulations in the PRC currently permit payment of dividends only out of accumulated profits as determined in accordance with PRC accounting standards and regulations. Each of our Chinese subsidiaries is also required to set aside at least 10% of its after-tax profit based on China’s accounting standards each year to its general reserves until the cumulative amount of such reserves reach 50% of its registered capital. These reserves are not distributable as cash dividends. The board of directors of our PRC subsidiaries, each of which is a wholly foreign owned enterprise, has the discretion to allocate a portion of its after-tax profits to its staff welfare and bonus funds, which is likewise not distributable to its equity owners except in the event of a liquidation of the foreign-invested enterprise. If we decide to pay dividends in the future, these restrictions may impede our ability to pay dividends. In addition, if any of these Chinese entities incurs debt on its own behalf in the future, the instruments governing the debt may restrict its ability to pay dividends or make other distributions to us. Our Board of Directors has discretion on whether to pay dividends. Even if our board of directors decides to pay dividends, the form, frequency and amount will depend upon our future operations and earnings, capital requirements and surplus, general financial condition, contractual restrictions and other factors that our board of directors may deem relevant.






The following table sets forth our capitalization as of December 31, 2023:


  on an actual basis;
  on an as adjusted basis to give effect of issuance of 8,907,973(1) Class A ordinary shares from January 1, 2024 to the date of this prospectus; and
  on a proforma basis to give effect to the full issuance of the 38,907,973 shares upon exercise of the Warrants and sales of 30,000,000 Class A and Class B Ordinary Shares under the Subscription Agreements.


You should read the following table in conjunction with our financial statements, which are incorporated by reference into this prospectus:


   As of December 31, 2023 
       As Adjusted   Pro forma as Adjusted 
   Actual   (unaudited)   (unaudited) 
   RMB   RMB   RMB 
Shareholders’ Equity               
Ordinary shares, no par value each, 300,000,000 shares authorized, 3,251,917 shares issued and outstanding, actual, and 38,907,973 shares issued and outstanding, pro forma as adjusted.   3,251,917    8,907,973    38,907,973 
Par Value Amount               
Additional paid-in capital   619,241,764    708,418,587    946,975,227 
Statutory reserves   135,343,158    135,343,158    135,343,158 
Accumulated deficit   (655,075,308)   (681,624,121)   (681,624,121)
Accumulated other comprehensive income   (2,563,917)   (2,563,917)   (2,563,917)
Total shareholders’ equity   96,942,697    159,573,707    398,130,347 
Noncontrolling interest   5,299,130    5,299,130    5,299,130 
Total Equity  $102,241,827    164,872,837    403,429,477 


(1)The 8,907,973 Class A Ordinary Shares includes the following issuances:


Issuance of 100,000 Class A Ordinary Shares for net proceeds of $194,000 to Yvonne Zhang on January 8, 2024.
Issuance of 47,269 Class A Ordinary Shares for net proceeds of $76,104 to our employees on January 31, 2024.
Issuance of 193,994 Class A Ordinary Shares for net proceeds of $304,571 to GLOBAL PACIFIC SECURITIES US INC on February 2, 2024.
Issuance of 4,200 Class A Ordinary Shares for net proceeds of $6,552 to TJCM ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC on February 26, 2024.
Issuance of 75,000 Class A Ordinary Shares for net proceeds of $114,000 to KHOO KIEN HOE on February 27, 2024.
Issuance of 42,635 Class A Ordinary Shares for net proceeds of $65,656 to our employees on February 29, 2024.
Issuance of 42,400 Class A Ordinary Shares for net proceeds of $65,720 to our employees on March 31, 2024.
Issuance of 30,026 Class A Ordinary Shares for net proceeds of $55,556 to INTRACOASTAL CAPITAL LLC on April 2, 2024.
Issuance of 51,471 Class A Ordinary Shares for net proceeds of $95,221 to Qunying Pan on April 12, 2024.
Issuance of 25,036 Class A Ordinary Shares, for net proceeds of $39,807, pursuant to the warrant exchange agreement dated on April 15, 2024.
Issuance of 68,913 Class A Ordinary Shares, for net proceeds of $100,000, pursuant to the promissory convertible note agreement dated on May 13, 2024.
Issuance of 46,153 Class A Ordinary Shares, for net proceeds of $71,076, to our employees on April 30, 2024.
Issuance of 1,300,000 Class A Ordinary Shares, for net proceeds of $1,250,000, in a private placement that closed on February 23, 2024.
Issuance of 1,727,941 Class A Ordinary Shares, for net proceeds of $2,350,000, in a private placement that closed on March 21, 2024.
Issuance of 300,000 Class B Ordinary Shares for net proceeds of $480,000 to CEO of the Company on January 29, 2024
Issuance of 1,500,000 Class B Ordinary Shares for net proceeds of $2,460,000 to CEO of the Company on April 1, 2024







The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with our financial statements and related notes thereto.




This report contains certain statements that may be deemed “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of United States of America securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, that address activities, events or developments that we intend, expect, project, believe or anticipate and similar expressions or future conditional verbs such as will, should, would, could or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. Such statements are based upon certain assumptions and assessments made by our management in light of their experience and their perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors they believe to be appropriate.


These statements include, without limitation, statements about our anticipated expenditures, including those related to general and administrative expenses; the potential size of the market for our services, future development and/or expansion of our services in our markets, our ability to generate revenues, our ability to obtain regulatory clearance and expectations as to our future financial performance. Our actual results will likely differ, perhaps materially, from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including: our need and ability to raise additional cash. The forward-looking statements included in this report are subject to a number of additional material risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to the risks described in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


The following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations should be read together with our financial statements and the related notes to those statements included in this filing. In addition to historical financial information, this discussion may contain forward-looking statements reflecting our current plans, estimates, beliefs and expectations that involve risks and uncertainties. As a result of many important factors, our actual results and the timing of events may differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements.




We are a British Virgin Islands limited liability company with no material operations. Our operations were conducted in China by our subsidiaries. We provide livestreaming ecommerce services, business management and information systems consulting services. In April 2023, we disposed of our legacy ceramic tile manufacturing business.


Livestreaming Ecommerce Business


Our livestreaming ecommerce business is operated in China through our 51% owned subsidiary, Hainan Kylin and its subsidiaries, Hangzhou Kylin and Anhui Kylin. We aim to provide a one-stop solution for our customers to enable them to utilize the growing sales channel of livestreaming ecommerce. We believe that livestreaming ecommerce is an important growth engine for consumer good brands as it leverages the content of livestreaming to boost customer engagement and sales as it combines instant purchasing of a featured product and audience participation through a chat function or reaction buttons. Our customers usually include consumer brand goods, merchants, and small-scale ecommerce platforms. Our product management office assesses and selects the products from our customers. We then connect with different suppliers, usually staffing agencies that have a growing and diverse pool of hosts and influencers. We work with our suppliers to retain, grow and train the pool of hosts and influencers to provide engaging content in livestream. The hosts and influencers promote our customers’ products on various platform through livestreaming after they register and claim the tasks for livestreaming for our customers’ products via Hainan Kylin’s SaaS platform. We track the sales of products of each host on the SaaS platform and report the sales results to our customers. We charge our commissions based on the final sales results.




In addition, services and promotion fees paid to social media and e-commerce platforms are a material part of the costs of livestreaming ecommerce business in China. By leveraging our network and resources in the e-commerce industry, we provide cost-efficient promotion and placement services to our customers by offering a discounted price of DUO+, which is an advertising option available to users of Douyin, China’s most downloaded video-sharing platform (the mainland Chinese counterpart of TikTok). DOU+ is a content promotion and targeting tool developed by Douyin and available for purchase by users to boost the reach and engagement for any videos or livestreaming on its platform. We also customize the timing and target audience of the promotion placed through DOU+ for our customers to realize the optimal engagement and retention based on our industry experience. We bring even more traffic to customers which purchased DOU+ through us by engaging our own community of viewers to further boost the exposure.


Hainan Kylin’s SaaS platform also includes a job-listing page designed especially for our enterprise customers to retain and engage freelancers and independent contractors at a cost-efficient way. We expect to further develop this function of the SaaS platform to provide value-added services to our livestreaming ecommerce customers.


Hainan Kylin started its business in September 2021. For the year ended December 31, 2023, Hainan Kylin comprised most of our ongoing business operations and accounted for 98.1% of our total revenue.


Ceramic Tile Business


We historically operated a ceramic tile business which are used for exterior siding and for interior flooring and design in residential and commercial buildings. We are manufacturer of ceramic tiles used for exterior siding and for interior flooring and design in residential and commercial buildings in China. The ceramic tiles, sold under the “HD” or “Hengda,” brands are available in over two thousand styles, colors and size combinations. Currently, we have five principal product categories: (i) porcelain tiles, (ii) glazed tiles, (iii) glazed porcelain tiles, (iv) rustic tiles, and (v) polished glazed tiles.


For the year ended December 31, 2023, we did not produce any ceramic tiles and only had sales from our existing inventory, as compared with the year ended December 31, 2022, when we utilized production facilities capable of producing 1.4 million square meters and generated sales from newly manufactured products.


Over the last two years, the Company enacted a strategic transition to pivot towards high growth technology areas which included the acquisition of a livestreaming ecommerce business. In December 2022, the Company’s Board of Directors unanimously agreed to divest its ceramic tile building materials business. A special meeting of the Company’s shareholders was held on February 21, 2023, and the shareholders approved the sale of this business. On April 28, 2023, this transaction closed, and the Company transferred its ownership of the ceramic tile manufacturing business to New Stonehenge Limited, which, as a result, assumed all of its assets and liabilities.


Business Management and Consulting Business


We also provide business management and consulting services which consists of computer consulting services and software development through our subsidiaries in China, including Hubei Kylin, Wenzhou Kylin, Chengdu Future and Antelope Chengdu. We diagnose difficulties in infrastructure and enterprise systems and addresses business challenges that enterprises confront by developing strategies to surmount such hurdles to ensure the healthy growth and development of our customers’ businesses. Our consulting teams have advanced technological knowledge and capabilities to implement workflow solutions via proprietary software products and services to provide our customers with customized solutions to help them solve complex business problems.




Basis of Presentation


The following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations is based on the selected financial information as of and for the year ended December 31, 2023 and has been prepared based on the consolidated financial statements of Antelope Enterprise Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries. The consolidated financial statements of Antelope Enterprise Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board, or “IASB.” The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis, except for derivative financial instruments that have been measured at fair value.


Operating Results


The following table sets forth our financial results for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively:


RMB’000  2023   2022   2021 
Net sales   510,546    286,347    71,527 
Cost of goods sold   457,493    258,431    65,493 
Gross profit   53,053    27,916    6,034 
Other income   3,728    2,966    32 
Fair value unrealized gain of unlisted financial assets   -    130    - 
Selling and distribution expenses   (52,392)   (16,380)   (24)
Administrative expenses   (89,047)   (22,757)   (15,975)
Bad debt reversal (expense)   -    2,751    (10,148)
Finance costs   (975)   (25)   (51)
Other expenses   (1,204)   (42)   (34)
Loss before taxation   (86,837)   (5,441)   (20,166)
Income tax expense   83    209    217 
Net loss for the year from continuing operations   (86,920)   (5,650)   (20,383)
Discontinued operations               
Income (loss) for the year from discontinued operations   72,461    (47,994)   (69,675)
Net loss for the year   (14,459)   (53,644)   (90,058)
Net income (loss) attributable to:               
Equity holders of the Company   (14,340)   (57,918)   (88,752)
Non-controlling interest   (119)   4,274    (1,306)
Net loss for the year   (14,459)   (53,644)   (90,058)
Net income (loss) attributable to the equity holders of the Company arise from:               
Continuing operations   (86,801)   (9,924)   (19,077)
Discontinued operations   72,461    (47,994)   (69,675)




The following table shows the Company’s operations by business lines for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively:


   For the year Ended December 31, 
   2023   2022   2021 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Discontinued operations               
Sales of tile products   2,701    37,696    144,743 
Continuing operations               
Consulting income / software   7,142    12,662    13,026 
Livestreaming ecommerce   503,404    273,685    58,501 
Total revenues   513,247    324,043    216,270 
Cost of revenues               
Discontinued operations               
Sales of tile products   7,557    41,245    83,436 
Continuing operations               
Consulting income / software   13,860    12,819    10,002 
Livestreaming ecommerce   443,633    245,612    55,491 
Total cost of revenues   465,050    299,676    148,929 
Operating costs and expenses               
Discontinued operations               
Sales of tile products   3,245    25,324    20,292 
Continuing operations               
Consulting income / software   7,330    4,613    9,760 
Livestreaming ecommerce   60,285    25,167    195 
Other   74,799    9,380    10,677 
Total operating costs and expenses   145,659    64,484    40,924 
Bad debt expense (reversal)               
Discontinued operations               
Sales of tile products   (1,000)   33,365    115,407 
Continuing operations               
Consulting income / software   -    1,000    4,854 
Livestreaming ecommerce   -    (3,751)   5,293 
Total bad debt expense (reversal)   (1,000)   (30,614)   125,554 
Other expenses               
Discontinued operations               
Sales of tile products   -    -    90 
Continuing operations               
Consulting income / software   -    36    34 
Livestreaming ecommerce   -    6    - 
Other   1,204    -    - 
Total other expenses   1,204    42    124 
Other income               
Discontinued operations               
Sales of tile products   5,716    14,244    9,389 
Continuing operations               
Consulting income / software   87    115    29 
Livestreaming ecommerce   354    2,148    - 
Other   3,287    703    2 
Total other income   9,444    17,210    9,420 
Loss from operations               
Discontinued operations               
Sales of tile products   (1,385)   (47,994)   (65,093)
Continuing operations               
Consulting income / software   (13,961)   (5,691)   (11,595)
Livestreaming ecommerce   (160)   8,929    (2,478)
Other   (72,716)   (8,677)   (10,675)
Loss from operations   (88,222)   (53,433)   (89,841)


Description of Selected Income Statement Items




Revenue from sales of livestreaming ecommerce business. Beginning in September 2021, we started to generate revenue from our livestreaming ecommerce business which is operated by Hainan Kylin and its subsidiaries. For the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively, we generated RMB 503.4 million (US$ 71.1 million) and RMB 273.7 million (US$ 40.7 million) in revenue from this business.


Revenue from sales of ceramic tile products. We historically generated revenue from the sales of ceramic tiles, including porcelain tiles, glazed porcelain tiles, glazed tiles, rustic tiles and polished glazed tiles, net of rebates and discounts. For the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively, we generated RMB 2.7 million (US$ 0.4 million) and RMB 37.7 million (US$ 5.6 million) in revenue from this business.




Revenue from business management and information system consulting services. We also generated revenue from business management consulting, information system technology consulting services, including the sales of software use rights for digital data deposit platforms and asset management systems. For the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, we generated RMB 7.1 million (US$ 1.0 million) and RMB 12.7 million (US$ 1.9 million).


Cost of revenues


Cost of revenues for livestreaming ecommerce. Cost of sales for the livestreaming ecommerce was RMB 443.6 million (US$ 62.7 million) and RMB 245.6 million (US$ 36.5 million) for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, mainly consisting of professional costs for outsourcing technology services.


Cost of revenues for tile products. Cost of revenues for tile products consists of costs directly attributable to production, including the cost of clay, color materials, glaze materials, coal, salaries for staff engaged in production activity, electricity, depreciation, packing materials and related expenses. For the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, we had cost of revenues related to tile products of RMB 7.6 million (US$ 1.1 million) and RMB 41.2 million (US$ 6.1 million), respectively.


Cost of revenues for business management and information system consulting services. For the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, we had cost of revenues related to business management and consulting income of RMB 13.9 million (US$ 2.0 million) and RMB 12.8 million (US$ 1.9 million), which mainly consisted of professional costs for outsourcing technology services.


Other income and other expenses. Other income consists of interest income, foreign exchange gain/loss, gain on disposal of equipment and rental income by leasing out one of its production lines. Other expenses primarily consist of the loss on disposal of equipment and the depreciation by leasing out one of our production lines.


Selling and distribution expenses. Selling and distribution expenses consist of payroll, travel expenses, transportation and advertising expenses incurred by our selling and distribution team.


Administrative expenses. Administrative expenses consist primarily of R&D expense, employee remuneration, payroll taxes and benefits, general office expenses and depreciation. We expect administrative expenses to remain constant as compared to the prior year.


Income taxes. Our subsidiaries in the PRC are subject to the PRC Enterprise Income Tax Law, from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, small and low-profit enterprises with annual taxable income not exceeding RMB 1 million, the actual income to be taxed was further lowered to 12.5% of annual taxable income, and the tax rate will be 20%; From January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024, small and low-profit enterprises with annual taxable income exceeding RMB 1 million but not more than RMB 3 million, the actual income to be taxed will be further lowered at 25% of annual taxable income, and the corporate income tax is paid at the rate of 20%.


Results of Operations


Year Ended December 31, 2023 Compared to the Year Ended December 31, 2022


Revenue from livestreaming ecommerce.


For the year ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, revenue from the livestreaming ecommerce was RMB 503.4 million (US$ 71.1 million) and RMB 273.7 million (US$ 40.7 million), representing an increase of RMB 229.7 million, or 84%. The significant increase was because the rapid growth of livestreaming industry ecommerce in China, and increase of our clientele base. In the year of 2023, the Company had business engagements with more than 70 clients, which represented an increase of nearly 13 clients compared to the same period in 2022. Among these clients, the top five major clients generated revenue of RMB 389 million in the year of 2023. Additionally, the sales of customized DOU+ services to the Company’s customers contributed revenue of over RMB 38.2 million (US$ 5.4 million).


Revenue from sales of tile products.


Revenue from sales of tile products was RMB 2.7 million (US$ 0.4 million) for the year ended December 31, 2023, compared to RMB 37.7 million (US$ 5.6 million) for the year ended December 31, 2022, representing a decrease of RMB 35.0 million, or 92.8%. The decrease in revenue was primarily due to the continued slow real estate and construction industry in China, as a result, we discontinued operation of this segment in April 2023.




Revenue from business management and information system consulting services.


Revenue from business management and information system consulting services was RMB 7.1 million (US$ 1.0 million) for the year ended December 31, 2023, compare to RMB 12.7 million (US$ 1.9 million) for the year ended December 31, 2022, representing a decrease of RMB 5.5 million or 44%. The decrease in revenue was mainly from Chengdu Future. Due to intense market competition and lack of efficient marketing and promotional efforts, Chengdu Future was unable to attract and obtain new customers for the year ended December 31, 2023, and this segment only generated revenue from the service contracts that were previously entered into; we recorded consulting revenue over the service term, however, there were a few service agreements that were early terminated. In addition, management focused more attention and allocated more resources to the livestreaming ecommerce segment.


Cost of revenues for livestreaming ecommerce.


Cost of sales for the livestreaming ecommerce was RMB 443.6 million (US$ 62.7 million) and RMB 245.6 million (US$ 36.5 million) for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022. For the year ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, our cost of sales mainly consisted of professional costs for outsourcing technology services. The increase in the cost of revenues for our livestreaming ecommerce resulted from the rapid growth of this business. In addition, the cost for the sales of customized DOU+ was RMB 37.9 million (US$ 5.3 million).


Cost of revenues for sales of tile products.


Cost of revenues for sales of tile products was RMB 7.6 million (US$ 1.1 million) for the year ended December 31, 2023 compared to RMB 41.3 million (US$ 6.1 million) for the year ended December 31, 2022, representing a decrease of RMB 33.7 million, or 82%. The decrease in cost of sales was primarily due to discontinued operations of this segment.


Cost of revenues for business management and information system consulting services.


Cost of revenues for business management and consulting services was RMB 13.9 million (US$ 2.0 million) and RMB 12.8 million (US$ 1.9 million) for the year ended December 31, 2023 and 2022. We amortized prepaid consulting expenses to our service provider over the service term.


Gross profit for livestreaming ecommerce. Gross profit for the livestreaming ecommerce was RMB 59.8 million (US$ 8.4 million) and RMB 28.1 million (US$ 4.2 million) for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022.


Gross loss for sales of tile products. Gross loss for the tile products was RMB 4.9 million (US$ 0.7 million) and RMB 3.5 million (US$ 0.5 million) for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022.


Gross loss for business management and consulting. Gross loss for the business management and consulting services was RMB 6.7 million (US$ 0.9 million) and RMB 0.2 million (US$ 23,331) for the year ended December 31, 2023 and 2022.


Other income. Other income for the year ended December 31, 2023 was RMB 3.7 million (US$ 0.5 million), as compared to RMB 3.0 million (US$ 0.4 million) for the same period of 2022. For the year ended December 31, 2023, other income mainly consisted of a government grant of RMB 303,000, interest income of RMB 2.1 million, loan forgiveness of RMB 1.2 million and other income RMB 127,000. For the year ended December 31, 2022, other income mainly consisted of a government grant of RMB 0.8 million and waiver of payment for VAT receivable of 1.4 million from Hainan Kylin, interest income of RMB 0.7 million and exchange gain of RMB 73,203.


For both 2023 and 2022, we had other income from the discontinued operation of RMB 5.7 million (US$ 0.8 million) and RMB 14.2 million (US$2.1 million), which were mainly attributable to the income from leasing out one of the production lines from our Hengdali facility pursuant to an eight-year lease contract.


Selling and distribution expenses. Selling and distribution expenses were RMB 52.4 million (US$ 7.4 million) for the year ended December 31, 2023, compared to RMB 16.4 million (US$ 2.4 million) for the year ended December 31, 2022, representing an increase of RMB 36.0 million, or 220%. The increase in selling and distribution expenses was primarily due to an increased advertising and promotion expense of RMB 38.0 million, an increased payroll expense of RMB 0.2 million, and an increased travel expense of RMB 0.2 million, due to the significant growth of our livestreaming ecommerce business which was partly offset by decreased commission expense of RMB 2.6 million. For the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, we had selling and distribution expenses RMB 1.5 million (US$ 0.2 million) and RMB 5.9 million (US$ 0.9 million) from our discontin