10-Q 1 cp-20240930.htm 10-Q cp-20240930
CANADIAN PACIFIC KANSAS CITY 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24-01-012024-09-300000016875cp:KansasCitySouthernMembercp:DepreciationDepletionAndAmortizationMember2023-07-012023-09-300000016875cp:KansasCitySouthernMembercp:DepreciationDepletionAndAmortizationMember2023-01-012023-09-300000016875cp:KansasCitySouthernMembercp:InterestRevenueExpenseNetMember2023-07-012023-09-300000016875cp:KansasCitySouthernMembercp:InterestRevenueExpenseNetMember2023-01-012023-09-300000016875cp:KansasCitySouthernMember2023-01-012023-04-130000016875cp:KansasCitySouthernMember2023-01-012023-04-130000016875cp:A5.41SeniorSecuredNotesMemberus-gaap:SeniorNotesMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875cp:A5.41SeniorSecuredNotesMemberus-gaap:SeniorNotesMember2024-09-300000016875cp:FiveYearAmendedAndRestatedRevolvingCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:RevolvingCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:LineOfCreditMember2024-06-252024-06-250000016875cp:FiveYearAmendedAndRestatedRevolvingCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:RevolvingCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:LineOfCreditMember2024-06-250000016875cp:TwoYearAmendedAndRestatedRevolvingCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:RevolvingCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:LineOfCreditMember2024-06-252024-06-250000016875cp:TwoYearAmendedAndRestatedRevolvingCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:RevolvingCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:LineOfCreditMember2024-06-250000016875us-gaap:CommercialPaperMemberus-gaap:UnsecuredDebtMember2024-09-300000016875cp:SecondAmendedAndRestatedCreditAgreementMemberus-gaap:RevolvingCreditFacilityMember2024-09-300000016875us-gaap:CommercialPaperMemberus-gaap:UnsecuredDebtMember2023-12-310000016875us-gaap:NetInvestmentHedgingMember2024-07-012024-09-300000016875us-gaap:NetInvestmentHedgingMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875us-gaap:NetInvestmentHedgingMember2023-07-012023-09-300000016875us-gaap:NetInvestmentHedgingMember2023-01-012023-09-300000016875us-gaap:ForeignExchangeContractMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875us-gaap:ForeignExchangeContractMember2023-12-310000016875us-gaap:ForeignExchangeContractMember2024-01-122024-01-120000016875us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMember2024-07-012024-09-300000016875us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMember2023-07-012023-09-300000016875us-gaap:PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMember2023-01-012023-09-300000016875us-gaap:OtherPostretirementBenefitPlansDefinedBenefitMember2024-07-012024-09-300000016875us-gaap:OtherPostretirementBenefitPlansDefinedBenefitMember2023-07-012023-09-300000016875us-gaap:OtherPostretirementBenefitPlansDefinedBenefitMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875us-gaap:OtherPostretirementBenefitPlansDefinedBenefitMember2023-01-012023-09-300000016875us-gaap:EmployeeStockOptionMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875us-gaap:EmployeeStockOptionMembersrt:MinimumMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875us-gaap:EmployeeStockOptionMembersrt:MaximumMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875us-gaap:PerformanceSharesMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875cp:PerformanceDeferredShareUnitsMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875cp:PSUsandPDSUsMembersrt:MinimumMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875cp:PSUsandPDSUsMembersrt:MaximumMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875cp:PerformanceDeferredShareUnitsMember2024-09-300000016875cp:PerformancePeriodOneMemberus-gaap:PerformanceSharesMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875us-gaap:PerformanceSharesMember2021-01-012021-12-310000016875cp:PerformanceDeferredShareUnitsMember2021-01-012021-12-310000016875us-gaap:PerformanceSharesMemberus-gaap:ShareBasedCompensationAwardTrancheOneMember2024-01-012024-03-310000016875us-gaap:PerformanceSharesMember2024-01-012024-03-310000016875cp:PerformanceDeferredShareUnitsMember2023-01-012023-12-310000016875cp:PerformanceDeferredShareUnitsMember2023-12-310000016875cp:LacMeganticRailAccidentMembercp:ClaimedLossorDamagesDuetoDerailmentMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875cp:LacMeganticRailAccidentMembercp:QuebecMinisterofSustainableDevelopmentandEnvironmentMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875cp:LacMeganticRailAccidentMembercp:QuebecAttorneyGeneralMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875cp:SubrogatedInsuranceClaimMembercp:LacMeganticRailAccidentMembercp:InitialInsurerClaimantsMember2024-09-300000016875cp:SubrogatedInsuranceClaimMembercp:LacMeganticRailAccidentMembercp:InitialInsurerClaimantsMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875cp:SubrogatedInsuranceClaimMembercp:LacMeganticRailAccidentMembercp:AdditionalInsurerClaimantsMember2024-09-300000016875cp:SubrogatedInsuranceClaimMembercp:LacMeganticRailAccidentMembercp:AdditionalInsurerClaimantsMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875cp:AGQActionAndPromutuelActionMembercp:PlaintiffMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875cp:LacMeganticRailAccidentMembercp:PlaintiffMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875cp:DamagesforlossinbusinessvalueMembercp:LacMeganticRailAccidentMembercp:MMARMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875cp:LadingLossRecoveryMembercp:LacMeganticRailAccidentMembercp:TheWDTrusteeMember2024-01-012024-09-300000016875cp:ReimbursementforsettlementpaidbyconsignorMembercp:LacMeganticRailAccidentMembercp:TheWDTrusteeMember2024-01-012024-09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Washington, D.C. 20549
(Mark one)
For the quarterly period ended September 30, 2024
For the transition period from             to
Commission File Number 001-01342

Canadian Pacific Kansas City Limited
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
Canada 98-0355078
(State or Other Jurisdiction
of Incorporation or Organization)
 (IRS Employer
Identification No.)
7550 Ogden Dale Road S.E., Calgary, Alberta,
CanadaT2C 4X9
(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

(403) 319-7000
Registrant’s Telephone Number, Including Area Code:

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:
 Title of each class Trading Symbol(s)  Name of each exchange on which Registered 
Common Shares, without par value, of
Canadian Pacific Kansas City Limited
CP New York Stock Exchange
Common Shares, without par value, of
Canadian Pacific Kansas City Limited
CPToronto Stock Exchange
Perpetual 4% Consolidated Debenture Stock of Canadian Pacific Railway CompanyCP40New York Stock Exchange
Perpetual 4% Consolidated Debenture Stock of Canadian Pacific Railway CompanyBC87London Stock Exchange

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant: (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports); and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes  þ    No o

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files). Yes  þ    No o

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, a smaller reporting company, or an emerging growth company. See the definitions of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer,” “smaller reporting company,” and "emerging growth company" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.
Large Accelerated Filer
Accelerated Filer
Non-accelerated Filer
Smaller Reporting Company
Emerging Growth Company
If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act. o
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes No þ
As of the close of business on October 22, 2024, there were 933,344,882 of the registrant’s Common Shares issued and outstanding.



Item 1.Financial Statements:
Interim Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)
For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Interim Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Unaudited)
For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Interim Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)
As at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023
Interim Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)
For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Interim Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity (Unaudited)
For the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)
Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Executive Summary
Performance Indicators
Financial Highlights
Results of Operations
Liquidity and Capital Resources
Share Capital
Non-GAAP Measures
Critical Accounting Estimates
Forward-Looking Statements
Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk
Item 4.Controls and Procedures
Item 1.Legal Proceedings
Item 1A.Risk Factors
Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds
Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities
Item 4.Mine Safety Disclosures
Item 5. Other Information
Item 6.Exhibits



For the three months ended September 30For the nine months ended September 30
(in millions of Canadian dollars, except share and per share data)2024202320242023
Revenues (Note 3)
Freight$3,461 $3,266 $10,422 $8,584 
Non-freight88 73 250 195 
Total revenues3,549 3,339 10,672 8,779 
Operating expenses
Compensation and benefits (Note 8)
644 598 1,946 1,695 
Fuel419 430 1,343 1,153 
Materials (Note 8)
99 90 290 260 
Equipment rents89 91 253 201 
Depreciation and amortization (Note 8)
472 451 1,412 1,086 
Purchased services and other (Note 8)
623 506 1,809 1,438 
Total operating expenses2,346 2,166 7,053 5,833 
Operating income1,203 1,173 3,619 2,946 
Equity earnings of Kansas City Southern (Note 8, 9)
Other expense (income) (Note 8, 10)1 13 (41)36 
Other components of net periodic benefit recovery (Note 12)(89)(85)(265)(254)
Net interest expense (Note 8)
192 207 598 565 
Remeasurement loss of Kansas City Southern (Note 8)
Income (loss) before income tax expense (recovery)1,099 1,038 3,327 (4,346)
Current income tax expense (Note 4)
257 255 773 674 
Deferred income tax expense (recovery) (Note 4, 8)
5 3 40 (7,925)
Income tax expense (recovery) (Note 4)
262 258 813 (7,251)
Net income$837 $780 $2,514 $2,905 
Less: Net (loss) income attributable to non-controlling interest (Note 8)
Net income attributable to controlling shareholders$837 $780 $2,517 $2,904 
Earnings per share (Note 5)
Basic earnings per share$0.90 $0.84 $2.70 $3.12 
Diluted earnings per share$0.90 $0.84 $2.69 $3.11 
Weighted-average number of shares (millions) (Note 5)
Basic933.2 931.5 932.8931.1 
Diluted935.3 933.9 934.8933.7 
Dividends declared per share $0.19 $0.19 $0.57 $0.57 
See Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.

For the three months ended September 30For the nine months ended September 30
(in millions of Canadian dollars)2024202320242023
Net income$837 $780 $2,514 $2,905 
Net (loss) gain in foreign currency translation adjustments, net of hedging activities(423)605 577 (33)
Change in derivatives designated as cash flow hedges1 2 5 5 
Change in pension and post-retirement defined benefit plans12 8 35 13 
Other comprehensive (loss) income from equity investees(5) (7)7 
Other comprehensive (loss) income before income taxes(415)615 610 (8)
Income tax (expense) recovery(7)15 (1)(5)
Other comprehensive (loss) income (Note 6)(422)630 609 (13)
Comprehensive income$415 $1,410 $3,123 $2,892 
Comprehensive (loss) income attributable to non-controlling interest (Note 6)(15)20 16 13 
Comprehensive income attributable to controlling shareholders$430 $1,390 $3,107 $2,879 
See Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.

September 30December 31
(in millions of Canadian dollars)20242023
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents $463 $464 
Accounts receivable, net (Note 7)
1,941 1,887 
Materials and supplies407 400 
Other current assets261 251 
3,072 3,002 
Investments555 533 
Properties53,242 51,744 
Goodwill (Note 8)
18,160 17,729 
Intangible assets
2,972 2,974 
Pension asset3,604 3,338 
Other assets620 582 
Total assets$82,225 $79,902 
Liabilities and equity
Current liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities$2,594 $2,567 
Long-term debt maturing within one year (Note 10, 11)
3,204 3,143 
5,798 5,710 
Pension and other benefit liabilities 580 581 
Other long-term liabilities817 797 
Long-term debt (Note 10, 11)
18,710 19,351 
Deferred income taxes11,240 11,052 
Total liabilities37,145 37,491 
Shareholders’ equity
Share capital 25,672 25,602 
Additional paid-in capital94 88 
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (Note 6)(28)(618)
Retained earnings18,405 16,420 
44,143 41,492 
Non-controlling interest 937 919 
Total equity45,080 42,411 
Total liabilities and equity$82,225 $79,902 
See Contingencies (Note 14).
See Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.

For the three months ended September 30For the nine months ended September 30
(in millions of Canadian dollars)2024202320242023
Operating activities
Net income$837 $780 $2,514 $2,905 
Reconciliation of net income to cash provided by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization472 451 1,412 1,086 
Deferred income tax expense (recovery) (Note 4)5 3 40 (7,925)
Pension recovery and funding (Note 12)(79)(76)(230)(231)
Equity earnings of Kansas City Southern (Note 8, 9)
Remeasurement loss of Kansas City Southern (Note 8)
Dividend from Kansas City Southern (Note 9)
Settlement of Mexican taxes (Note 4)
Settlement of foreign currency forward contract (Note 11)  (65) 
Other operating activities, net59 11 (9)(8)
Changes in non-cash working capital balances related to operations(20)(67)(95)(196)
Net cash provided by operating activities1,272 1,027 3,565 2,801 
Investing activities
Additions to properties(748)(733)(2,083)(1,767)
Additions to Meridian Speedway properties(9)(19)(29)(27)
Proceeds from sale of properties and other assets9 12 19 28 
Cash acquired on control of Kansas City Southern (Note 8)
Investment in government securities
Other investing activities, net(12)(2)9 (26)
Net cash used in investing activities(760)(742)(2,084)(1,761)
Financing activities
Dividends paid(177)(177)(532)(530)
Issuance of Common Shares13 13 55 50 
Repayment of long-term debt, excluding commercial paper (Note 10)
Net (repayment) issuance of commercial paper (Note 10)
Acquisition-related financing fees
 (2) (17)
Other financing activities, net 1   
Net cash used in financing activities(596)(324)(1,491)(1,202)
Effect of foreign currency fluctuations on foreign-denominated cash and cash equivalents(10)8 9 5 
Cash position
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents(94)(31)(1)(157)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period557 325 464 451 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period$463 $294 $463 $294 
Supplemental cash flow information
Income taxes paid $173 $205 $724 $648 
Interest paid$157 $152 $563 $570 
See Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.

For the three months ended September 30
(in millions of Canadian dollars except per share data)Common shares (in millions)Share
income (loss)
Non-controlling interestTotal
Balance as at July 1, 2024
933.1 $25,655 $93 $379 $17,745 $43,872 $951 $44,823 
Net income     837 837  837 
Contribution from non-controlling interest      1 1 
Other comprehensive loss (Note 6)   (407) (407)(15)(422)
Dividends declared ($0.19 per share)
Effect of stock-based compensation expense  4   4  4 
Shares issued under stock option plan0.2 17 (3)  14  14 
Balance as at September 30, 2024
933.3 $25,672 $94 $(28)$18,405 $44,143 $937 $45,080 
Balance as at July 1, 2023
931.4 $25,563 $88 $(544)$14,972 $40,079 $925 $41,004 
Net income— — — — 780 780 — 780 
Other comprehensive income (Note 6)— — — 610 — 610 20 630 
Dividends declared ($0.19 per share)
— — — — (177)(177)— (177)
Effect of stock-based compensation expense— — 5 — — 5 — 5 
Shares issued under stock option plan0.3 16 (3)— — 13 — 13 
Balance as at September 30, 2023
931.7 $25,579 $90 $66 $15,575 $41,310 $945 $42,255 
For the nine months ended September 30
(in millions of Canadian dollars except per share data)Common shares (in millions)Share
Accumulated other comprehensive
income (loss)
Non-controlling interestTotal
Balance at January 1, 2024932.1 $25,602 $88 $(618)$16,420 $41,492 $919 $42,411 
Net income (loss)    2,517 2,517 (3)2,514 
Contribution from non-controlling interest      2 2 
Other comprehensive income (Note 6)   590  590 19 609 
Dividends declared ($0.57 per share)
   (532)(532) (532)
Effect of stock-based compensation expense  20   20  20 
Shares issued under stock option plan1.2 70 (14)  56  56 
Balance as at September 30, 2024933.3 $25,672 $94 $(28)$18,405 $44,143 $937 $45,080 
Balance as at January 1, 2023930.5 $25,516 $78 $91 $13,201 $38,886 $— $38,886 
Net income— — — — 2,904 2,904 1 2,905 
Other comprehensive (loss) income (Note 6)— — — (25)— (25)12 (13)
Dividends declared ($0.57 per share)
— — — — (530)(530)— (530)
Effect of stock-based compensation expense— — 24 — — 24 — 24 
Shares issued under stock option plan1.2 63 (12)— — 51 — 51 
Non-controlling interest in connection with business acquisition— — — — — — 932 932 
Balance as at September 30, 2023
931.7 $25,579 $90 $66 $15,575 $41,310 $945 $42,255 
See Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.

September 30, 2024

1    Description of business and basis of presentation

Canadian Pacific Kansas City Limited ("CPKC" or the "Company") owns and operates a transcontinental freight railway spanning Canada, the United States ("U.S."), and Mexico. CPKC provides rail and intermodal transportation services over a network of approximately 20,000 miles, serving principal business centres across Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. The Company transports bulk commodities, merchandise, and intermodal freight. CPKC's Common Shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange and New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "CP".

On April 14, 2023, Canadian Pacific Railway Limited ("CPRL") assumed control of Kansas City Southern ("KCS") and changed its name to Canadian Pacific Kansas City Limited. These unaudited interim consolidated financial statements as at and for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 ("Interim Consolidated Financial Statements") include KCS as a consolidated subsidiary from April 14, 2023. For the period beginning on January 1, 2023 and ending on April 13, 2023, the Company's 100% interest in KCS was accounted for and reported as an equity-method investment (see Notes 8 and 9).

These Interim Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. ("GAAP"). They do not include all of the information required for a complete set of annual financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP and should be read in conjunction with the Company's audited consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2023 ("last annual financial statements"). Selected explanatory notes are included to explain events and transactions that are significant to an understanding of the changes in the Company's financial position and results of operations since the last annual financial statements. These Interim Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared using the same significant accounting policies used in the last annual financial statements, except for the adoption of new standards, where applicable (see Note 2). Amounts are stated in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.

The Company's operations and income for interim periods can be affected by seasonal fluctuations such as changes in customer demand and weather conditions, and may not be indicative of annual results.

2    Accounting changes

Recently adopted accounting standards

The accounting standards that have become effective during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 did not have a material impact on the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.

Accounting standards not yet adopted

Recently issued accounting pronouncements are not expected to have a material impact on the Company's financial position or results of operations when they are adopted.


3    Revenues

The following table presents disaggregated information about the Company’s revenues from contracts with customers by major source:

For the three months ended September 30For the nine months ended September 30
(in millions of Canadian dollars)2024202320242023
Grain$668 $600 $2,063 $1,652 
Coal248 229 693 603 
Potash144 133 461 409 
Fertilizers and sulphur91 91 298 276 
Forest products198 199 603 489 
Energy, chemicals and plastics712 643 2,109 1,584 
Metals, minerals and consumer products443 455 1,347 1,128 
Automotive333 266 956 648 
Intermodal624 650 1,892 1,795 
Total freight revenues3,461 3,266 10,422 8,584 
Non-freight excluding leasing revenues42 39 148 105 
Revenues from contracts with customers3,503 3,305 10,570 8,689 
Leasing revenues46 34 102 90 
Total revenues$3,549 $3,339 $10,672 $8,779 

4    Income taxes

During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, legislation was enacted to decrease the Arkansas state corporate income tax rate. As a result of this change, the Company recorded a deferred income tax recovery of $3 million related to the revaluation of deferred income tax balances.

During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, legislation was enacted to decrease the Iowa and Arkansas state corporate income tax rates. As a result of these changes, the Company recorded a deferred income tax recovery of $14 million related to the revaluation of deferred income tax balances.

The effective tax rates including discrete items for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 were 23.88% and 24.44%, respectively, compared to 24.88% and 166.83%, respectively, for the same periods of 2023.

For the three months ended September 30, 2024, the effective tax rate was 24.24%, excluding the discrete items of amortization of business acquisition fair value adjustments of $90 million, acquisition-related costs incurred by CPKC of $36 million, and adjustments to provisions and settlements of Mexican taxes of $7 million recovery recognized in "Compensation and benefits".

For the three months ended September 30, 2023, the effective tax rate was 24.96%, excluding the discrete items of amortization of business acquisition fair value adjustments of $87 million, acquisition-related costs incurred by CPKC of $24 million, a tax settlement with the Servicio de Administración Tributaria ("SAT”) (Mexican tax authority) in relation to taxation years for which audits have closed and an estimated reserve for potential future audit settlements totaling $15 million, and a deferred income tax recovery of $14 million on state corporate income tax rate changes as mentioned above.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the effective tax rate was 24.75%, excluding the discrete items of amortization of business acquisition fair value adjustments of $264 million, acquisition-related costs incurred by CPKC of $90 million, adjustments to provisions and settlements of Mexican taxes of $3 million expense recognized in "Compensation and benefits", and a deferred income tax recovery of $3 million on the Arkansas state corporate income tax rate change.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2023, the effective tax rate was 24.91%, excluding the discrete items of the reversal of the deferred income tax liability on the outside basis difference of the investment in KCS of $7,832 million upon acquiring control of KCS, remeasurement loss of KCS of $7,175 million, the equity earnings of KCS of $230 million, amortization of business acquisition fair value adjustments of $162 million, acquisition-related costs incurred by CPKC of $158 million, revaluation of deferred income tax balances on unitary state apportionment changes of $51 million, an outside basis deferred income tax recovery of $23 million arising from the difference between the carrying amount of CPKC's investment in KCS for financial reporting and the underlying tax basis of this investment, a tax settlement with the SAT in relation to taxation years for

which audits have closed and an estimated settlement for potential future audit settlements totaling $15 million, and a deferred income tax recovery of $14 million on state corporate income tax rate changes as mentioned above.

See Note 8 for information regarding the KCS acquisition and Note 9 for information regarding the investment in KCS.

Mexican Tax Audits

There are certain Mexican subsidiaries with ongoing audits for the years 2016-2019 and 2021. As at September 30, 2024, the Company believes that it has recorded sufficient income tax reserves with respect to these income tax examinations.

Kansas City Southern de México, S.A. de C.V. (also known as Canadian Pacific Kansas City Mexico) ("CPKCM") closed audit examinations with the SAT for the tax years 2016-2020 in September 2023. The audit examinations were for corporate income tax and value added tax (“VAT”). The settlement of these audits resulted in a payment of $75 million.

2014 Tax Assessment

CPKCM's 2014 Tax Assessment is currently in litigation before the Federal Collegiate Circuit Courts. For further detail, please see Note 14.

5    Earnings per share

For the three months ended September 30For the nine months ended September 30
(in millions, except per share data)2024202320242023
Net income attributable to controlling shareholders$837 $780 $2,517 $2,904 
Weighted-average basic shares outstanding933.2 931.5 932.8 931.1 
Dilutive effect of stock options2.1 2.4 2.0 2.6 
Weighted-average diluted shares outstanding935.3 933.9 934.8 933.7 
Earnings per share - basic$0.90 $0.84 $2.70 $3.12 
Earnings per share - diluted$0.90 $0.84 $2.69 $3.11 

For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, there were 0.5 million and 0.5 million stock options, respectively, excluded from the computation of diluted earnings per share because their effects were not dilutive (three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 - 0.3 million and 0.3 million, respectively).

6    Changes in Accumulated other comprehensive loss ("AOCL") by component

Changes in AOCL attributable to controlling shareholders, net of tax, by component are as follows:

For the three months ended September 30
(in millions of Canadian dollars)Foreign currency net of hedging activitiesDerivativesPension and post-
retirement defined
benefit plans
Equity accounted investmentsTotal
Opening balance, July 1, 2024$1,816 $8 $(1,446)$1 $379 
Other comprehensive loss before reclassifications(412)  (5)(417)
Amounts reclassified from AOCL 1 9  10 
Net other comprehensive (loss) income(412)1 9 (5)(407)
Closing balance, September 30, 2024$1,404 $9 $(1,437)$(4)$(28)
Opening balance, July 1, 2023$857 $2 $(1,406)$3 $(544)
Other comprehensive income before reclassifications603    603 
Amounts reclassified from AOCI 1 6  7 
Net other comprehensive income603 1 6  610 
Closing balance, September 30, 2023$1,460 $3 $(1,400)$3 $66 

For the nine months ended September 30
(in millions of Canadian dollars)Foreign currency net of hedging activitiesDerivativesPension and post-
retirement defined
benefit plans
Equity accounted investmentsTotal
Opening balance, January 1, 2024$837 $5 $(1,463)$3 $(618)
Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications567   (7)560 
Amounts reclassified from AOCL 4 26  30 
Net other comprehensive income (loss)567 4 26 (7)590 
Closing balance, September 30, 2024$1,404 $9 $(1,437)$(4)$(28)
Opening balance, January 1, 2023$1,505 $ $(1,410)$(4)$91 
Other comprehensive (loss) income before reclassifications(45) (9)6 (48)
Amounts reclassified from AOCI 3 19 1 23 
Net other comprehensive (loss) income(45)3 10 7 (25)
Closing balance, September 30, 2023$1,460 $3 $(1,400)$3 $66 

7    Accounts receivable, net

(in millions of Canadian dollars)
As at September 30, 2024
As at December 31, 2023
Total accounts receivable$2,035 $1,976 
Allowance for credit losses(94)(89)
Total accounts receivable, net$1,941 $1,887 

8    Business acquisition

Kansas City Southern

On December 14, 2021, the Company purchased 100% of the issued and outstanding shares of KCS with the objective of creating the only single-line railroad linking the U.S., Mexico and Canada, and the Company placed the shares of KCS in a voting trust. On March 15, 2023, the U.S. Surface Transportation Board (the “STB”) approved the Company and KCS’s joint merger application, and the Company assumed control of KCS on April 14, 2023 (the "Control Date"). From December 14, 2021 to April 13, 2023, the Company recorded its investment in KCS using the equity method of accounting.

Accordingly, the Company commenced consolidation of KCS on the Control Date, accounting for the acquisition as a business combination achieved in stages. The results from operations and cash flows have been consolidated prospectively from the Control Date. The Company derecognized its previously held equity method investment in KCS of $44,402 million as of April 13, 2023 and remeasured the investment at its Control Date fair value of $37,227 million, which formed part of the purchase consideration, resulting in a remeasurement loss of $7,175 million recorded in the second quarter of 2023. In addition, and on the

same date, a deferred income tax recovery of $7,832 million was recognized upon the derecognition of the deferred income tax liability computed on the outside basis that the Company had recognized in relation to its investment in KCS while accounted for using the equity method. The fair value of the previously held equity interest in KCS was determined by a discounted cash flow approach, which incorporated the Company’s best estimates of long-term growth rates, tax rates, discount rates, and terminal multiples.

The identifiable assets acquired, and liabilities and non-controlling interest assumed were measured at their provisional fair values at the Control Date, with certain exceptions, including income taxes, certain contingent liabilities, and contract liabilities. The provisional fair values of the tangible assets were determined using valuation techniques including, but not limited to, the market approach and the cost approach. The significant assumptions used to determine the provisional fair value of the tangible assets included, but were not limited to, a selection of comparable assets and an appropriate inflation rate. Presented with the acquired Properties are concession and related assets held under the terms of a concession from the Mexican government (the "Concession"). The Concession expires in June 2047 and is renewable under certain conditions for additional periods, each of up to 50 years.

The provisional fair values of the intangible assets were determined using valuation techniques including, but not limited to, the multi-period excess earnings method, the replacement cost method, the relief from royalty method and the income approach. The significant assumptions used to determine the provisional fair values of the intangible assets included, but were not limited to, the renewal probability and term of the Mexican concession extension, discount rates, earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization ("EBITDA") margins and terminal growth rates.

The fair value of non-controlling interest was determined using a combination of the income and market approaches to determine the fair value of Meridian Speedway LLC in which Norfolk Southern Corporation ("NSC") owns a non-controlling interest, and this fair value was allocated proportionately between KCS and NSC.

The accounting for the acquisition of KCS was completed on April 13, 2024, with the end of the measurement period and the final validation of the fair values assigned to acquired assets and assumed liabilities. This validation was completed using additional information about facts and circumstances as of the Control Date, that was obtained during the measurement period.

The following table summarizes the final purchase price allocation with the amounts recognized in respect of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities and non-controlling interest assumed on the Control Date, as well as the fair value of the previously held equity interest in KCS and the measurement period adjustments recorded:

(in millions of Canadian dollars)Preliminary allocation - April 14, 2023Measurement period adjustmentsFinal allocation
Net assets acquired:
Cash and cash equivalents$298 $ $298 
Net working capital51 (161)(110)
Properties28,748 1 28,749 
Intangible assets3,022  3,022 
Other long-term assets496 (6)490 
Debt including debt maturing within one year(4,545) (4,545)
Deferred income taxes(6,984)62 (6,922)
Other long-term liabilities(406)(37)(443)
Total identifiable net assets$20,680 $(141)$20,539 
Goodwill17,491 141 17,632 
$38,171 $ $38,171 
Fair value of previously held equity method investment$37,227 $ $37,227 
Intercompany payable balance, net acquired12  12 
Fair value of non-controlling interest932  932 
Total$38,171 $ $38,171 

During the measurement period, adjustments were recorded as a result of new information that was obtained about facts and circumstances of certain KCS assets and liabilities as of the Control Date. New information obtained during 2023 was primarily in relation to CPKCM's value added tax assets and liabilities, as well as income and other tax positions. New information obtained during the first quarter of 2024 was primarily in relation to KCS's environmental liabilities, certain liabilities for other taxes in Mexico and legal and personal injury claims. Other adjustments recorded in relation to assets and liabilities were not significant in value. These adjustments to the Company's December 31, 2023 Consolidated Balance Sheet and March 31, 2024 Interim

Consolidated Balance Sheet had a negligible impact to the Company's net income in 2023 and in the nine months ended September 30, 2024.

The net working capital acquired included trade receivables of $697 million and accounts payable and accrued liabilities of $1,014 million.

Intangible assets of $3,022 million consisted of contracts and customer relationships with amortization periods of nine to 22 years as well as U.S. trackage rights and the KCS brand with indefinite estimated useful lives. Included in the acquired Properties are concession rights and related assets held under the terms of a concession from the Mexican government, which have fair values totalling $9,176 million. The Concession rights and related assets are amortized over the shorter of the underlying asset lives and the estimated concession term, including one renewal period of 74 years.

Net working capital and Other long-term liabilities included environmental liabilities of $15 million and $160 million, respectively, and legal and personal injury claims of $44 million and $40 million, respectively, which are contingent on the outcome of uncertain future events. The values are measured at estimated cost and evaluated for changes in facts at the end of the reporting period.

The excess of the total consideration, over the amounts allocated to acquired assets and assumed liabilities and non-controlling interest recognized, has been recognized as goodwill of $17,632 million. Goodwill represents future synergies and an acquired assembled workforce. All of the goodwill has been assigned to the Company's single, rail transportation operating segment. None of the goodwill is expected to be deductible for income tax purposes.

In relation to certain Mexican tax liabilities identified and recorded through Goodwill during the measurement period, in the first quarter of 2024 the Company also recorded further accruals for liabilities incurred since the Control Date of $10 million, recognized as an expense within "Compensation and benefits". In the third quarter of 2024, there were adjustments to provisions and settlements of Mexican taxes of $7 million recognized as a recovery within "Compensation and benefits".

On a pro forma basis, if the Company had consolidated KCS beginning on January 1, 2022, the revenue and net income attributable to controlling shareholders of the combined entity would be as follows for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023:

Three Months Ended
September 30, 2023
Nine Months Ended
September 30, 2023
(in millions of Canadian dollars)
KCS Historical(1)
Pro Forma CPKC
KCS Historical(1)
Pro Forma CPKC
Revenue$ $3,339 $1,351 $10,133 
Net income attributable to controlling shareholders 780 280 2,151 
(1) KCS's historical amounts were translated into Canadian dollars at the Bank of Canada daily exchange rate for the period from January 1 to April 13, 2023 with an effective exchange rate of $1.35.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2023, the supplemental pro forma Net income attributable to controlling shareholders for the combined entity were adjusted for:
the removal of the remeasurement loss of $7,175 million upon the derecognition of CPRL's previously held equity method investment in KCS, which included the reclassification of associated accumulated other comprehensive income to retained earnings;
depreciation and amortization of differences between the historic carrying value and the preliminary fair value of tangible and intangible assets and investments prior to the Control Date;
amortization of differences between the carrying amount and the fair value of debt through net interest expense prior to the Control Date;
the elimination of intercompany transactions prior to the Control Date between the Company and KCS;
miscellaneous amounts have been reclassified across revenue, operating expenses, and non-operating income or expense, consistent with CPKC's financial statement captions;
the removal of equity earnings from KCS, previously recognized as an equity method investment prior to the Control Date, of $230 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 (see Note 9); and
income tax adjustments including:
the derecognition of a deferred income tax recovery of $7,832 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 related to the elimination of the deferred income tax liability on the outside basis difference of the investment in KCS;
the derecognition of a deferred income tax recovery for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 on CPKC unitary state apportionment changes; and
a deferred income tax recovery prior to the Control Date on amortization of fair value adjustments to investments, properties, intangible assets, and debt.


During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company incurred $36 million and $90 million, in acquisition-related costs, respectively, of which:
$11 million and $17 million were recognized in "Compensation and benefits", respectively, primarily related to retention and synergy related incentive compensation costs;
$1 million and $5 million were recognized in "Materials", respectively; and
$24 million and $68 million were recognized in "Purchased services and other", respectively, primarily related to system migration, relocation expenses, legal and consulting fees.

During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, the Company incurred $24 million and $158 million, in acquisition-related costs, respectively, of which:
$1 million and $64 million were recognized in "Compensation and benefits", respectively, primarily related to severance costs, retention and synergy related incentive compensation costs;
$1 million and $1 million were recognized in "Materials", respectively;
$22 million and $87 million were recognized in "Purchased services and other", respectively, including third party purchased services, and payments made to certain communities across the combined network to address the environmental and social impacts of increased traffic as required by voluntary agreements with communities and conditions imposed by the STB pursuant to the STB's final decision approving the Company and KCS's joint merger application, including, but not limited to, payments related to new crossings, closure of existing crossings and other infrastructure projects; and
$nil and $6 million were recognized in "Other expense (income)", respectively.

Acquisition-related costs of $nil and $11 million incurred by KCS during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively, were included within "Equity earnings of Kansas City Southern".

During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company recognized $89 million ($65 million after deferred income tax recovery of $24 million) and $259 million ($188 million after deferred income tax recovery of $71 million), respectively, of KCS purchase accounting representing incremental depreciation and amortization in relation to fair value adjustments to depreciable property, plant and equipment, intangible assets with definite lives, KCS’s investments, the non-controlling interest, and long-term debt, and these fair value adjustments are amortized over the related assets' remaining useful lives and the remaining terms to maturity of the debt instruments in "Net income", as follows:
$85 million and $246 million recognized in "Depreciation and amortization", respectively;
$nil and $2 million recognized in "Purchased services and other", respectively;
$1 million and $2 million recognized in "Other expense (income)", respectively;
$4 million and $14 million recognized in "Net interest expense", respectively; and
a recovery of $1 million and $5 million recognized in "Net (loss) income attributable to non-controlling interest", respectively.

During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, the Company recognized $87 million ($63 million after deferred income tax recovery of $24 million) and $210 million ($166 million after deferred income tax recovery of $44 million), respectively, of KCS purchase accounting, as follows:
$81 million and $149 million recognized in "Depreciation and amortization", respectively;
$nil and $48 million recognized in "Equity earnings of Kansas City Southern", respectively;
$1 million and $2 million recognized in "Other expense (income)", respectively; and
$5 million and $11 million recognized in "Net interest expense", respectively.

9    Investment in KCS

On April 14, 2023, the Company assumed control of KCS and derecognized its equity method investment in KCS (see Note 8).

For the period January 1 to April 13, 2023, the Company recognized $230 million of equity earnings of KCS, and received dividends from KCS for the same period of $300 million. Included within the equity earnings of KCS recognized for the period was amortization (net of tax) of basis differences of $48 million, that related to depreciable property, plant and equipment, intangible assets with definite lives, and long-term debt, and were amortized over the related assets' remaining useful lives and the remaining terms to maturity of the debt instruments.


The following table presents summarized financial information for KCS, on its historical cost basis:

Consolidated Statement of Income

(in millions of Canadian dollars)(1)
For the period January 1 to April 13, 2023
Total revenues$1,351 
Total operating expenses888 
Operating income463 
Less: Other(2)
Income before income taxes380 
Net income$280 
(1) Amounts translated at the average foreign exchange ("FX") rate for the period January 1 to April 13, 2023 of $1.00 USD = $1.35 CAD.
(2) Includes Equity in net earnings of KCS's affiliates, Interest expense, FX loss, and Other income, net.

10    Debt

During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company repaid U.S. $48 million ($66 million) 5.41% Senior Secured Notes at maturity.

Debt repurchase

During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company repurchased, on the open market, certain Senior Notes with principal values of U.S. $66 million ($90 million) and U.S. $176 million ($241 million), respectively. These repurchases were accounted for as debt extinguishments, with gains of $6 million and $22 million, respectively, recorded in “Other expense (income)” on the Company's Interim Consolidated Statements of Income.

Credit facility

Effective June 25, 2024, the Company entered into a third amended and restated revolving credit facility (the "facility") agreement to extend the maturity dates of its five-year U.S. $1.1 billion facility and two-year U.S. $1.1 billion facility to June 25, 2029 and June 25, 2026, respectively.

Commercial paper program                

The Company has a commercial paper program, under which it may issue up to a maximum aggregate principal amount of U.S. $1.5 billion in the form of unsecured promissory notes. This commercial paper program is backed by a U.S. $2.2 billion revolving credit facility. As at September 30, 2024, the Company had total commercial paper borrowings outstanding of U.S. $280 million ($378 million) included in "Long-term debt maturing within one year" on the Company's Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet (December 31, 2023 - U.S. $800 million). The weighted-average interest rate on these borrowings as at September 30, 2024 was 5.15% (December 31, 2023 - 5.59%). The Company presents issuances and repayments of commercial paper, all of which have a maturity of less than 90 days, in the Company's Interim Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, on a net basis.

11    Financial instruments

A. Fair values of financial instruments

The Company categorizes its financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value into a three-level hierarchy that prioritizes those inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value based on the degree to which they are observable. The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are as follows: Level 1 inputs are quoted prices in active markets for identical assets and liabilities; Level 2 inputs, other than quoted prices included within Level 1, are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly; and Level 3 inputs are not observable in the market.

The Company’s short-term financial instruments include cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, and short-term borrowings, including commercial paper and term loans. The carrying value of short-term financial instruments approximate their fair value.

The carrying value of the Company’s debt does not approximate its fair value. The estimated fair value has been determined based on market information, where available, or by discounting future payments of principal and interest at estimated interest rates expected to be available to the Company at the balance sheet date. All measurements are classified as Level 2. The Company’s long-term debt, including current maturities, with a carrying value of $21,536 million as at September 30, 2024 (December 31, 2023 - $21,437 million), had a fair value of $20,647 million (December 31, 2023 - $20,550 million).


B. Financial risk management

FX management

Net investment hedge
The majority of the Company’s U.S. dollar-denominated long-term debt, finance lease obligations, and operating lease liabilities have been designated as a hedge of the Company's net investment in foreign subsidiaries. This designation has the effect of mitigating volatility on Net income by offsetting long-term FX gains and losses on U.S. dollar-denominated long-term debt and gains and losses on its net investment. The effect of the Company's net investment hedge included in "Other comprehensive (loss) income" for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 was an unrealized FX gain of $56 million and an unrealized FX loss of $88 million, respectively (three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 - unrealized FX loss of $163 million and $1 million, respectively).

Mexican Peso- U.S. dollar FX Forward contracts
The Company’s Mexican subsidiaries have net U.S. dollar-denominated monetary assets or liabilities which, for Mexican income tax purposes, are subject to periodic revaluation based on changes in the value of the Mexican peso ("Ps.") against the U.S dollar. This revaluation creates fluctuations in the Company’s Mexican income tax expense and the amount of income taxes paid in Mexican pesos. The Company also has net monetary assets or liabilities denominated in Mexican pesos that are subject to periodic re-measurement and settlement that create fluctuations within "Other expense (income)". The Company has hedged its net exposure to Mexican peso/U.S dollar fluctuations in earnings with foreign currency forward contracts. The foreign currency forward contracts involve the Company’s agreement to buy or sell pesos at an agreed-upon exchange rate on a future date.

The Company measures the foreign currency derivative contracts at fair value each period and recognizes any change in "Other expense (income)". The cash flows associated with these instruments are classified as "Operating activities" within the Interim Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows.

During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company recorded a loss of $4 million related to foreign exchange currency forwards prior to settlement. As at December 31, 2023, the fair value of outstanding foreign exchange contracts included in "Accounts payable and accrued liabilities" was $60 million. As of January 12, 2024, the Company settled all outstanding foreign currency forward contracts, resulting in a cash outflow of $65 million.

The Company’s foreign currency forward contracts were executed with counterparties in the U.S. and were governed by International Swaps and Derivatives Association agreements that included standard netting arrangements. Asset and liability positions from contracts with the same counterparty were net settled upon maturity/expiration and presented on a net basis in the Interim Consolidated Balance Sheets prior to settlement.

12    Pension and other benefits

During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company made contributions to its defined benefit pension plans of $5 million and $10 million, respectively (three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 - $4 million and $13 million, respectively).

Net periodic benefit (recovery) cost for defined benefit pension plans and other benefits included the following components:        

For the three months ended September 30
PensionsOther benefitsTotal
(in millions of Canadian dollars)202420232024202320242023
Current service cost $21 $18 $3 $2 $24 $20 
Other components of net periodic benefit (recovery) cost:
Interest cost on benefit obligation116 122 6 5 122 127 
Expected return on plan assets(223)(220)  (223)(220)
Recognized net actuarial loss10 8   10 8 
Amortization of prior service costs2    2  
Total other components of net periodic benefit (recovery) cost(95)(90)6 5 (89)(85)
Net periodic benefit (recovery) cost$(74)$(72)$9 $7 $(65)$(65)


For the nine months ended September 30
PensionsOther benefitsTotal
(in millions of Canadian dollars)202420232024202320242023
Current service cost $63 $53 $9 $7 $72 $60 
Other components of net periodic benefit (recovery) cost:
Interest cost on benefit obligation350 365 18 16 368 381 
Expected return on plan assets(668)(661)  (668)(661)
Recognized net actuarial loss30 24   30 24 
Amortization of prior service costs5 1  1 5 2 
Total other components of net periodic benefit (recovery) cost(283)(271)18 17 (265)(254)
Net periodic benefit (recovery) cost$(220)$(218)$27 $24 $(193)$(194)

13    Stock-based compensation

As at September 30, 2024, the Company had several stock-based compensation plans including a stock options plan, various cash-settled liability plans, and an employee share purchase plan. These plans resulted in an expense for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 of $52 million and $120 million, respectively (three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 - expense of $13 million and $84 million, respectively).

Stock options plan

In the nine months ended September 30, 2024, under the Company’s stock options plan, the Company issued 817,609 options at the weighted-average price of $113.77 per share, based on the closing price on the grant date. Pursuant to the employee plan, these options may be exercised upon vesting, which is between 12 months and 48 months after the grant date, and will expire seven years from the grant date.

Under the fair value method, the fair value of the stock options at grant date was approximately $27 million. The weighted-average fair value assumptions were approximately:

For the nine months ended September 30, 2024
Expected option life (years)(1)
Risk-free interest rate(2)
Expected share price volatility(3)
Expected annual dividends per share(4)
Expected forfeiture rate(5)
Weighted-average grant date fair value per option granted during the period$33.27
(1)Represents the period of time that awards are expected to be outstanding. Historical data on exercise behaviour or, when available, specific expectations regarding future exercise behaviour were used to estimate the expected life of the option.
(2)Based on the implied yield available on zero-coupon government issues with an equivalent term commensurate with the expected term of the option.
(3)Based on the historical volatility of the Company’s stock price over a period commensurate with the expected term of the option.
(4)Determined by the current annual dividend at the time of grant. The Company does not employ different dividend yields throughout the contractual term of the option.
(5)The Company estimates forfeitures based on past experience. This rate is monitored on a periodic basis.

Performance share unit plans

During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company issued 568,159 Performance Share Units ("PSUs") with a grant date fair value of $65 million and 25,589 Performance Deferred Share Units ("PDSUs") with a grant date fair value, including the fair value of expected future matching units, of $3 million. PSUs and PDSUs attract dividend equivalents in the form of additional units based on dividends paid on the Company’s Common Shares, and vest three to four years after the grant date, contingent on the Company’s performance ("performance factor"). Vested PSUs are settled in cash. Vested PDSUs are converted into DSUs pursuant to the DSU plan, are eligible for a 25% company match if the employee has not exceeded their share ownership requirements, and are settled in cash only when the holder ceases their employment with the Company.

The performance period for 568,159 PSUs and all PDSUs granted in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 is January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026 and the performance factors are Free Cash Flow ("FCF"), annualized earnings before interest, tax,

depreciation, and amortization ("EBITDA"), and Total Shareholder Return ("TSR") compared to the S&P/TSX 60 Index, TSR compared to the S&P 500 Industrials Index, and TSR compared to Class 1 Railroads.

The performance period for all of the 431,430 PSUs and 12,694 PDSUs granted in 2021 was January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2023, and the performance factors were Return on Invested Capital ("ROIC"), TSR compared to the S&P/TSX 60 Index, and TSR compared to Class I Railways. The resulting payout was 135% of the outstanding units multiplied by the Company's average common share price calculated based on the last 30 trading days preceding December 31, 2023. In the first quarter of 2024, payouts were $54 million on 399,372 PSUs, including dividends reinvested. The 11,372 PDSUs that vested on December 31, 2023, with a fair value of $2 million, including dividends reinvested and matching units, will be paid out in future reporting periods pursuant to the DSU plan (as described above).

14    Contingencies


In the normal course of its operations, the Company becomes involved in various legal actions, including claims relating to injuries and damage to property. The Company maintains provisions it considers to be adequate for such actions. While the final outcome with respect to actions outstanding or pending at September 30, 2024 cannot be predicted with certainty, it is the opinion of management that their resolution will not have a material adverse effect on the Company’s business, financial position, results of operations, or liquidity. However, an unexpected adverse resolution of one or more of these legal actions could have a material adverse effect on the Company's business, financial position, results of operations, or liquidity in a particular quarter or fiscal year.

Legal proceedings related to Lac-Mégantic rail accident

On July 6, 2013, a train carrying petroleum crude oil operated by Montréal Maine and Atlantic Railway (“MMAR”) or a subsidiary, Montréal Maine & Atlantic Canada Co. (“MMAC” and collectively the “MMA Group”), derailed in Lac-Mégantic, Québec. The derailment occurred on a section of railway owned and operated by the MMA Group and while the MMA Group exclusively controlled the train.

Following the derailment, MMAC sought court protection in Canada under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act and MMAR filed for bankruptcy in the U.S. Plans of arrangement were approved in both Canada and the U.S. (the “Plans”), providing for the distribution of approximately $440 million amongst those claiming derailment damages.

A number of legal proceedings, set out below, were commenced in Canada and the U.S. against the Company and others:

(1)Québec's Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment, Wildlife and Park